Dirty Harry Styles

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Harry was my first everything: my first love, my first time, my first heartbreak.

I met Harry by accident. I ran into him at one of my friend’s parties and we clicked. I was the girl who never really partied and somehow the first party I go, I managed to meet the Harry Styles. From then on we were always together.

I didn’t give in to him right away and he loved the chase. I think he craved my attention and I made sure to give him a limited amount. Our friends felt the sexual tension, but I didn’t want them to know. I knew our friends were going to freak out and I didn’t need that. I’m pretty sure they figured out anyway.

I looked forward to the smirks with hidden messages and the winks no one else saw. He wanted me. All of me and he made sure I knew just who I belonged to. The stolen moments left me with marks and slight bruises from where he held me to hard. I left him with scratches down his back and my name on his lips. The few hookups came more often and I looked forward to them. I was falling to quick for my liking, but I was too deep to give a damn.

We were not a match made in heaven. The nights apart meant that he was too busy with another girl or he just needed time away from me. Usually, even on tour he would call me every night, but I felt like he was trying to untie this knot that held us together. He couldn’t fall in love, I got that, but neither could I. So, I constantly reminded him that I didn’t belong to him, only to make him angry which resulted in hot, rough sex.

We always made up the next day, admitting our love for each other. I felt myself lose control. This love we had made me feel so messed up and I couldn’t deal with it. When he started to come over every time smelling like cheap perfume, I knew it had to stop. We weren’t together, yet somehow I managed to stay faithful while he screwed every girl he wanted only to come to me when he was done. I had to do something, even if it meant hurting Harry the way he hurt me.

Everything led to now. I was going to the club with a few friends to find a guy to make me forget Harry. It sounded impossible, but it was worth a shot. I fixed my makeup and pulled down my black strapless dress, showing more cleavage than I felt comfortable. I sighed looking into the mirror. I looked good, but somehow I felt like my insides were trying to suffocate me. There was no turning back.

I arrived at the club feeling tense and I knew I needed to change that. I drank and drank until my insecurities washed away. I felt my phone vibrate and when I looked at the caller, it was Harry. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I opened them, I found an attractive man looking at me with desire. The alcohol in my blood made me feel more confident, so I smirked at him. He licked his lips walking over to me. He was rather tall with curly brown hair like Harry’s except shorter, but his dull eyes looked nothing like Harry’s shiny emerald green ones. However, I didn’t let that ruin my mood.

We danced until he asked to take me home and I said yes. We went to my apartment and started to take each other’s clothes off while sloppily making out. I was so preoccupied that I didn’t hear my front door open.

 Harry came running in with his usually calm face all red with rage. It took me a moment to process what was going on and before I knew it the guy I brought home was laying on my floor with a bloody nose. I stared shocked at Harry. I wanted to run to him, but first I needed to help the man bleeding on my floor.

I ran to the kitchen to get a wet rag and a bunch of tissues. When I came back, Harry was holding the guy against the wall by his throat. I pushed Harry off and gently cleaned the man’s face. Harry seemed even madder at the fact that I was helping him, especially in my underwear, and punched the wall. I flinched but continued helping the stranger. When the bleeding stopped, the man took his clothes and ran off, leaving me alone with Harry.

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