Chapter 18

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"I-I'm sorry, you're what?"

"I'm an omega, a-and Hyunjin knotted me, s-so I'm pregnant."

"That's...that's really funny, Felix. But, don't joke-" "He's not joking, sir."

Felix made nail marks in Hyunjin's hand from squeezing it so hard, and their manager was not getting the message.

"I don't have time for this, I have things to do."

Hyunjin was shocked when their manager stood up and left his office, leaving him and his omega alone.

"Hyunjin I'm so sorry-" Felix burst into heavy tears, retracting his hand from Hyunjin's. "Lixie, don't be sorry. I should be sorry, I should've thought before I did-" "W-we were b-oth drunk, w-we couldn't think." Felix sobbed, not up for a pep-talk at the moment.

"Maybe we should just go." Hyunjim suggested. Felix moved onto Hyunjin's lap, omega part of him forcing his face into his neck. Hyunjin picked up Felix, and took him out of JYP without any hesitation, both just ready for a nap.

Felix ignored his phone as it went off from messages from Bangchan, and moaned into the kiss he was sharing with Hyunjin. He grinded up against Hyunjin's bulge, more slick gushing from his hole and staining the room with the scent.

"Jinnie...want you now." Felix sighed, heat waves crashing over his body. "Don't gotta tell me twice." Hyunjin growled, pulling Felix's pants off.

Felix's phone warned him of an incoming call from Bangchan, but the omega still decided to ignore it. His hormones were going everywhere, and Hyunjin could easily pick it up.

"Hyunjin-" Felix was cut off with a lustful kiss, and couldn't help but moan into it.

Hyunjin pulled Felix's shirt up and kissed his stomach, causing the younger to smile.

But his smile faded once Hyunjin slipped between his legs, and pushed his face into his hole. Felix arched his back as Hyunjin's tongue traveled all around inisde him, but more heat made him more needy.

"God- answer the f*cking thing, Felix." Hyunjin growled, pulling away from Felix. He threw his phone at the omega when Bangchan called him again. "No, I-I need you-" "You're gonna answer the call, and moan my name. Make Bangchan jealous."

Felix smirked at Hyunjin's evil plan.

Felix answered the call, and Hyunjin slipped in a finger, using his slick as a lubricant. "HYUNJIIIIN!" He moaned out loudly, almost coming already.

"Felix- I'm so sorry for saying all those mean things-" "If you- AAH! C-came to a-pologize- ah~ j-just text me..." Felix panted into the phone, feeling Hyunjin thrust his finger.

"I'm sorry, but you need to hear me- I'm so freaking sorry I said those things, I fully support you and Hyunjin, I don't want you to leave, you're my best friend-"

Hyunjin took the phone from Felix when he heard Bangchan, and held the phone up to Felix's hole. He pushed in another finger and thrusted harshly, squishing and clenching noises from his slick going into Bangchan's ears. Felix's needy moans were heard in the background, and Bangchan's voice stopped.

"We're busy."

Hyunjin hang up the phone and threw it across the room, working in a third finger when he felt Felix loosen a bit as a signal he had adjusted.

"Aah~ Hyunjinnie- need you...n-agh~!"

"I'm sure Felix and Hyunjin will call you back, hyung." Seungmin told Bangchan, watching him pace around his room. "But what if they don't? What if they leave?! What if-!" "Felix is an apologetic person, he will eventually call you back." Seungmin cut him off. Bangchan sighed, hoping Seungmin was right.

He felt extremely bad for the things he said, and he desperately needed to apologize. The others felt the same, except for Han. He was still disgusted by the Hyunlix couple, and the thought of Felix having pups made him sick. He refused to accept it.

"Why don't we all watch a movie to relax?" Seungmin suggested, motioning towards Bangchan's door. "We could be practicing-" "But we're going to watch a movie. Come on, hyung." Seungmin smiled, and Banchan couldn't resist.

He sighed as he went over to Seugmin, and the two sat down on the living room couch. The other members were on their phones, posting and posing for cute pictures on their social media.

"Jeongin~!" Seungmin smiled, and the maknae came running from Han's room. "Would you like to watch a movie with us?" He asked. "Sure." Jeongin plopped down on the couch next to Lee Know, giggling when he ruined his selfie.

"Sorry, hyungie." Jeongin laughed, and Changbin got up to pick the movie.

Felix opened the bands dorm, and every member except Han was asleep in the living room. "I wonder where Han is." Felix whispered back to Hyunjin, the two creeping inside carefully, knowing everyone was a light sleeper.

"Me too." Hyunjin agreed, closing the door behind them. Felix held Hyunjin's hand as he went towards his room, when someone woke up from behind them.



"Sorry it's so late, Chan hyung." Hyunjin whispered, hoping Bangchan felt bad for what he said to the two. "It's fine. Hey- um...I really wanted to apologize for what I said to you two earlier, that was not very kind of me." Bangchan told them quietly. "I shouldn't have reacted like that, I completely support you two. If you want to leave that's up to you, but I definately don't want you to, and I never did. Both of you are like my brothers, I wouldn't want to lose either of you." He sighed, specifically looking at Felix.

"It's okay, we know you were just upset." Felix smiled softly, and looked at Hyunjin, wanting to go to sleep. "No, it wasn't okay. I wanted to apologize and say that I do fully support the both of you, and every decesion you make. I hope you'll keep the pup, Lixie. I know you both would be great parents." Bangchan smiled, and Felix blushed a little.

"Thank you, Chan." Felix smiled, still speaking quietly. Hyunjin took Felix into his room to sleep, and Bangchan relaxed back on the couch to do the same.

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