Chapter 11

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-a few days later-

"Bangchan I'm really sorry-" "You can't just lie about things like this, Felix!" Bangchan sighed through the phone, massaging his temples to calm himself down.

"I'm so so sorry, I thought I-" "Yeah well you obviously thought wrong!" The leader cut Felix off, extremely upset that he might have to remove Felix from the group.

"I thought I had more pills, Bangchan! If you want to take me out the group then do it! It's my fault for lying, okay?! I should've just told you the truth a year ago!" Felix yelled at Bangchan, catching the elder by surprise. "I'm sorry for lying, I really am! But I really wanted to be with you guys, and I didn't think my body mattered enough for you to kick me out!" Bangchan thought Felix was crying.

"Felix, it's not you- you're a physical distraction, it has nothing to do with-" "It is me! Just tell me Bangchan: Are you kicking me out, or no? Because I need to know right now." Felix continued cutting him off. "Felix, I can't make decisions up front like that, you know this-" "So much for a leader."

Bleep bleep bleep...

Bangchan looked down at his phone, just to see Felix hang up on him. Fantastic.

"Hyung?" Changbin entered the room Bangchan was in cautiously, and made his way over to the elder. "Is everything okay?" He asked, looking down at Felix's contact that was displayed on Bangchan's phone.

"Did you even call him yet?"

"He wants me to kick him out of the band because he lied, but I can't. I know I should, but it really won't be the same- and he's my best friend." Bangchan sighed, and Changbin pulled him into a warm hug. "I know...maybe if he keeps taking his pills, maybe he can stay-" "He's an omega, Changbin. We know now. None of us are going to hang around with Felix the same ever again." Bangchan sighed again, resting his head on his dongsaeng's shoulder. Changbin huffed, trying to look on the bright side.

"I'm sorry." Changbin started to play with Bangchan's hair, which made the elder laugh and sit up.

"Don't touch my hair."

"Alright, alright."

Felix's POV

Oh god someone's here.

It's been a week since I've seen my members.

I hope it's not Hyunjin.

"Hey-" "I'm not kicking you out of the band just because you're an omega."

Bang freaking chan.

"I-where are the others?" I ask, and he pushed past me to get inside. Rude.

"They're on their way. In order for you to stay in the band, you have to keep up with your pills."

Wow, really?

"Obviously-" "Felix don't be smart with me. I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here. Do you not realize what this changes?" Bangchan looked upset. "Yes I realize everything you do, Chan. I really don't care if you kick me out-" "I'm not kicking you out, Felix." He told me. "Why? Why not? I could flip into a needy state anytime-" "Because you're my best friend, and I don't want to lose you."

Oh. That's a pretty good reason. But why he gotta hurt my heart like that?

"But-" "Felix, you are staying, no matter what. You can't make me change my mind."

Well alright then...

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