Chapter 7

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Felix was carried over to the others, where Bangchan and Hyunjin's pupils were huge. It was clear they were on the edge of something, like anger and they were about to break.

But everyone knew it wasn't anger.

"Felix just threw up, he needs to go home." The fashion designer told the members and their manager, helping Felix stand up. "Lixie, are you okay?" Jeongin asked. "N-o, hot-"

He should not have said that.

Hyunjin's scent immediately filled the room, and a deep growl erupted from his throat. "Hyunjin-" "Go." Their manager carefully placed a hand on the younger's back, and slowly led him away from the scene, not wanting to make him mad and push him deeper into his rut he was now in.

Felix started to cry at the smell of an alphas espically strong scent, and Han picked him up off his feet.

He felt something wet between the younger's legs.

"I-I can take him back." Han announced, very uncomfortable with how strong Felix's scent was.

Too sweet to be rut, but not as heavy to be heat.

"Han-" Felix buried his face into Han's neck, taking a big breath of his scent. The smell of an omega's slick got stronger, and Bangchan was about to snap. Felix didn't realize he was drooling until Han moved his shoulder up, distracting Felix from his daydreams.

Han smelled so good...

Han quickly carried Felix outside, and the younger knew he was suffering. "I'm s-sorry-" "Felix why the hell are your pants wet?" Han asked, clearly annoyed.

"F-from the water we splashed onto the c-crowd earlier." Felix lied successfully, and the cute squirrel believed him. He set his dongsaeng into the passenger seat of one of the vans, and was confused on why he could still smell the omega scent.

He quickly drove the two back to their dorms, and Felix had his legs curled up into a tight ball against his chest. He was still sweating with all of his makeup on, and Han was extremely bothered by the scent.

And Felix saw his hyung was hard.


If he goes into rut, there's gonna be a big problem.....

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