Chapter 16

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The first thing Felix felt when he woke up was pain.


He whined and turned around, just to be met with a shirtless Hyunjin.

'Oh god.'

His migraine was making the whole room spin, so he sat up to grab some water. The second he started getting up he felt something being pulled out of him. He winced and looked down, just to see Hyunjin's softened dick burried inside him.

'Oh my f*cking god.'


"What?" Hyunjin jumped up at the loud noise, but instantly regretted it once he felt his headache make itself known.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Felix screamed.

"SHUT THE F*CK UP! STOP SCREAMING!" Hyunjin scolded him, not knowing he had pulled out of Felix when he sat up. Felix winced at the angle Hyunjin had pulled out in, and immediately closed his legs.

Then he felt it.

A warm liquid trickeling down his thighs.

Hyunjin's cum.

Once he saw the white, he felt his stomach do weird things. His insides felt as if they had been re-arranged, and there was a very small bump in his abdomen.

"Hyunjin, would you care to explain why my stomach is bloated?" Felix asked, not able to turn around from the pain. "I don't know." Hyunjin groaned.

"Because you f*cking knotted me."

Hyunjin snapped his head over to Felix so quick, and his eyes went big.

"No I didn't-" "We're both naked, your dick was inside me when I woke up, and I can feel it in my stomach Hyunjin." Felix told him, covering up his lap with the blanket. "And your cum is leaking from my a*s as we speak." He added, not knowing what to do about the situation.

"No- we didn't-" "Yeah we did."

The two looked into eah other's eyes with shock and concern, when Felix got up and went into the bathroom.

His neck was littered with dark bruises, and his thighs had red marks that he had to assume were from the force of Hyunjin's hips.

The real question was...

Was it rape, or did Felix ask?

Or did Hyunjin ask?

"Hyunjin..." Felix sighed, every mark and hickey on his body making his heart go faster. Hyunjin now stood in the doorway.

"F*ck." Hyunjin cursed when he saw Felix's body.

"What are we gonna do?" Felix asked him with a scared voice. "Um..." Hyunjin's mind was spinning, which wasn't helping with his headache. "Do you want a friend or professional answer?" Hyunjin managed to get out.


"Get an abortion. We don't have time or the space for a pup."


"Keep it. You shouldn't have to worry about a thing, because you have a lot of people who can help you out."

"Oh my god, Hyunjin." Felix whined, resting his head in his arms and placing his elbows on the counter. "Neither one of us is even ready for this- if I didn't tell you guys in the first place you wouldn't have known, and this would've never happened." He felt tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry-" "Do we even tell the others?" Felix asked, looking over at Hyunjin. "I don't know...if you decide to keep it your stomach will get bigger, so they'll figure it out eventually..." Hyunjin brought up.


"Oh god, Bangchan'll be furious." Felix whined loudly, hiding his face in his hands. "Hey- we can acess the situation step by step." Hyunjin told him, going over and placing an arm around Felix's back.

"First decision we have to make, is whether or not we do this together or not." Hyunjin told him.

"What do you mean, 'or not'?" Felix asked.

"Well, you might be mad at me for doing this to you, so you might not want my help with anything." Hyunjin stated awkwardly.

"I-I don't want to do this by myself..."

"Then I'll be by your side the whole way."

Felix almost wanted to kiss Hyunjin.


"I think I have to keep it...I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't." Felix announced, taking a deep breath. "Okay."

"Next decesion: Do we want to tell the others about it?" Hyunjin helped Felix stand up. "You're right, they'll figure it out eventually...we should tell them now..." Felix decided, taking another sharp breath. "Okay. But first, let's shower and get changed, alright?" Hyunjin suggested, and Felix quickly nodded his head.

Hyunjin started the shower, and went into the closet to get 2 robes since they weren't in their original room. Felix groaned and fiddled with his hands nervously, thinking about what STAY would do if they found out...

Or their manager.

Oh god...

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