Chapter 13

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"Oh..." Bangchan turned around to Seungmin, and looked down at the coffee maker awkwardly.

"Don't f*cking assume, Bangchan." Felix cursed at him, and went back into his room, slamming the door shut loudly.

The entire room was nothing but Awkward Silence.

Bangchan had to leave the room after a few minutes, he was too embarrassed. He went into his room just in time to hear Felix come out of his.

Perfect timing.

He took a few minutes to calm down, and went back into the living room. Han handed him a cup of coffee, and he sat down at the table next to Lee Know- far away from Felix.

"So when are we leaving for the airport?" Jeongin asked. "Within the hour." Hyunjin told him. The maknae nodded.

After everyone was changed and ready to go, the members were off to the airport.

-time skip to after the show-

(Yeah I know it's a big time skip, but that's the only thing I can do with the amount of writers block anyway)

The 8 members barely made it behind stage before they practically collapsed.

The staff members had forgotten to clean out the filters in the AC units, so the stadium was much more hot than normal. Jeongin was drifting in and out of conscousness from the lack of water, and Han could barely walk from falling too much on stage.

The stage was way too slippery, and everyone could agree.

Felix collapsed against his chair, almost hitting his head on the desk behind him. A crew of people surrounded each member, including makeup and video.

Lee Know tilted his head back to hopefully get more air, but the video crew was behing him, prevending him from doing so.

Bangchan massaged away the pain in his calf from straining it on stage, and looked around at his members. Jeongin didn't look too good, so he made his way over to him, even with a strained muscle in his leg.

"Are you okay?" He asked, and Jeongin barely opened his eyes to see.

Sometimes, when you're just so tired, opening your eyes seems to take away every ounce of energy in your body.

"Yeah." Jeongin's chest heaved up and down as he tried to catch his breath, and one of his makeup artists tried handing him water. Bangchan held it up to the maknae. Jeongin took a few gulps before he pulled away and groaned in pain. "What's wrong-" "I hurt my arm during Back Door, and it hurts a bit." Jeongin cut off Bangchan, holding more of his shoulder.

"How bad on a scale of 1-10?" Bangchan asked worriedly. "6." Jeongin whimpered, sighing to try and relieve the pain. Bangchan called over his artist, and asked him to massage Jeongin's shoulder. His artist gladly complied, and Jeongin breathed out a breath of relief. "Don't hurt yourself too much, Jeongin, okay? If it hurts too much, stop and take a break." Banchan told him seriously.

The maknae nodded in understanding.

After a few hours, the members were headed back to their hotel room for a long nights rest. Lee Know unlocked the door to the room he shared with Bangchan, Changbin, and Hyunjin, while Han unlocked the door to the room he shared with Seungmin, Felix, and Jeongin.

The two groups went into their rooms, and every member instantly collapsed onto a bed- Jeongin and Felix on one, and Han and Seungmin on the other.

Bangchan made sure Lee Know, Changbin, and Hyunjin were comfortable before knocking on the maknae line's door, wanting to know if they were comfortable as well. He opened the door with the extra key Han gave him, and by the time the door was opened enough for him to see inside, the youngest members were already deep in dreamland.

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