Chapter 21

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-8 days later-

"Bangchan? C-can we talk?"

Bangchan looked up to see Felix standing in his doorway. " okay?" Bangchan asked him. "Kinda." Felix told him. He walked over to the eldest, and sat down on his bed.

"I don't know why, but I feel more safe around you than I do Hyunjin. And he's technically my mate, even if we're not together." He looked over to Bangchan, and the two made eye-contact.

"So, I want you to be my alpha."

Bangchan almost choked.

"What?" He asked, trying not to show how surprised he was. "You've always protected me, whether that be from rumors or other members. When Hyunjin and I told you about what happened between us, you still kind of defended me when Han was being like that. And when you came to your senses, you were desperate to apologize. I know you care about me- and I do too. So, I want you to be my alpha." Felix explained. "Hyunjin hyung and I aren't in a relationship, and I'm not even pregnant. I can't be. You wouldn't be breaking anything if you said yes..."


"Felix, I can't." Bangchan told him. "Why not?" Felix asked. "Because Hyunjin marked you. And the fact you have his knot." Bangchan felt a little heat rise to his cheeks at the situation. "So? You can still be my alpha-" "I can't mark over Hyunjin, Felix." Bangchan sighed.

He wanted to be his alpha. So bad. But he couldn't.

"Yes you can. You're strong and insanely hot-"

Felix blushed when he realized what he had said. This was his bandmate, not his middle school friend.

"That was my inner omega, not me." Felix came up with a believable excuse, and was happy Bangchan didn't question anything.

"Anyway- please just be my alpha. I want you, not Hyunjin. I mean- Hyunjin is amazing and all, and he's my best friend, but I feel like I need you." He said, trying to figure out Bangchan's expression.

Bangchan suddenly stood up, and walked over to Felix. He picked him up and got behind him, pulling the top of his shirt down a bit.

"Don't complain."

Felix sighed as he shivered when he felt Bangchan bite the back of his neck, and the heavy pain started kicking in. Bangchan dug his teeth further into Felix's skin, making the other wince. He wrapped his hand around the front of Felix's neck and pushed back, making sure his teeth marks would be seen from a mile away.

He was unaware he was choking Felix until he moaned.

But he gave no mind to it and continued to mark Felix, and stopped when he tasted blood.

"C-Channie..." Felix breathed out when Banchan let go of his neck, and licked up the small amount of red liquid on the back of his neck. He definately marked over Hyunjin's.

Couldn't even tell.

"I'll be your alpha, Felix." Bangchan told him, turning the omega around. Felix's eyes were big, and Bangchan immediately identified lust. "But I will not mate you, even if you can't get pregnant." He added, looking into Felix's eyes.

"Why?" Felix asked. "Because Hyunjin already did. You don't belong to me-" "But I want to! I want to be yours! That's why I asked for you to mark me..." Felix cut him off. "Felix, be grateful I did that. Take it and go."

"So you'll mark me and be my alpha, but when my heat comes you won't help?" Felix snapped.

Bangchan stopped himself from saying anything, not exactly sure what to say anyway. "I-" "I guess I'll have to go to Hyunjin when my heat comes or whenever I feel needy." Felix turned and walked towards the door, ready to leave.

But Banchan didn't want him to.

He pulled Felix back by his waist and shoved him against the wall, crashing their lips together in a hungry kiss.

Felix's heart skipped a beat, but nonetheless closed his eyes and returned the kiss. Bangchan bit Felix's bottom lip and sucked on it, earning a soft moan in return. He dug his nails into his waist, making sure he would leave marks. Felix whimpered, but it did nothing. The eldest reached up and pulled Felix's hair, the top of his head coming in contact with the wall.

Bangchan sucked spots on his neck, making sure they would last a long time. Some were blue and some were simply just red. But a few were also purple, and already bruising into brown. By the time Bangchan was done, he smelled slick.

He pulled away, and saw Felix squirming around under his touch. "Horny just from that? Looks like I'll have to f*ck you every time I mark you." Bangchan told him, letting go of Felix's hair. The omega let his head hang low, staring at the floor with an alpha's eyes digging into his soul.

"Guess I just won't mark you."

Felix looked up with begging eyes, but Bangchan had to control himself. Hyunjin had no idea what was happening, and he didn't want to break their 'relationship' in a bad way. "B-Bangchan-" "Don't. Go ask Hyunjin. See if he sees my mark. And when you're done, tell him you're mine." Bangchan pushed Felix out of his room, and winked at him before shutting his door.

"I like what I'm smelling." Hyunjin smirked, snaking his arms around Felix's waist and kissing his neck, too blind with hormones already to see the marks.

Even if they covered Felix's skin.

"Can I help you?" Hyunjin asked, traveling south and grabbing Felix. "U-um- yes. Yes, please help Hyunjinnie." Felix sighed, and Hyunjin picked him up.

"You're always so easily worked up..."

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