Chapter 25

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Why was there more pain?

-2 months later-

"Hyung!" Jeongin giggled as he ran into Felix's studio, scaring his elder on purpose. "What?" Felix asked, wondering why his back was hurting so much. "What are you up to?" The maknae asked, walking over to Felix. "Just about to start a VLive, want to join?" Felix asked. "Sure!" Jeongin chirped, grabbing an extra chair and sitting next to Felix at his desk.

"Yay." Felix laughed, setting up the camera in front of the two. His lower stomach started hurting, and managed to cover up his whimper with clearing his throat.


Jeongin smiled as the camera started recording, and Felix saw all of STAY beginning to start watching.

"Hello, STAY!" Felix smiled like the sun, Australian accent coming through clearly. "Your Australian accent sounds amazing, Felix hyung." Jeongin gasped. "My voice is just amazing in general." Felix laughed, making the maknae laugh as well.

Bangchan's POV:

Someone's with Felix. I just know it.

He might be across the hall, but I can smell an alpha's scent. It better not be Hyunjin, or I'll chop his dick off.

No- maybe it's just me being over-protective. Maybe I'm just hallucinating. I'm going insane.

The alpha scent is faint, so maybe it's just Han next door...

Ugh I know someone's with Felix.

We just mated last night, maybe someone else is trying to do the same. Okay, now I'm angry.

I need to know who's being close to what's mine.

And what they want.


"So, yeah- but don't worry STAY, I'm doing just fine." Felix assured them after telling them what happened between Hyunjin and him. Their manager refused to say anything, so he was going to do it himself.

"Bangchan hyung and Felix hyung are together-" "Jeongin!" Felix scolded him, not wanting to announce that just yet. "Oh come on, I'm pretty sure our neighbor's know as well."

Awkward Silence.

(The second time I've put in that reference and nobody's gotten it😭)

Felix and Jeongin awkwardly looked at each other, then to the camera.


'👀 wut'

'😏😏 aww yeah.'

'Step on me Felix plz'


"Uhh, anyway-"

"Felix who's with you?"


"Jeongin." Felix smiled at the end. "Oh..." Bangchan was heard off in the distance, and STAY's were screaming in the comments. "I was just wondering..." Bangchan told him. "Why? Are you stalking me?" Felix asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I just smelled an alpha's scent in your studio and decided to see who was with what's mine." Bangchan announced, and Felix blushed.

"We're live, hyung..." Jeongin laughed awkwardly, and STAY was laughing. "Wanna join?" Felix asked brightly. "No, I'm good...have fun." Banchan smiled as he left, leaving the room.

"That was random." Felix laughed, reading the comments.

'Oop it's daddy chan'

'Daddy has entered the chat bangCHAN'

'Felix's daddy is hereeee!!!!'


'Look at chan being all protective and such uwu'

"We should do something-" "Yeah." Jeongin agreed, looking around Felix's studio. "Twister?" The maknae suggested. "We should play with the others-" "Twister it is!" Jeongin giggled, running out of the frame. Felix grabbed the camera and aimed it at the adorable maknae, laughing.

"I guess we're playig Twister..."

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