Chapter 8

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Felix watched the concert live on his phone, laying in his bed, 'sick'. Hyunjin appeared to be fine, along with the other members. Their dancing was much better and more synchronized than when he was there with them.

He prayed they didn't find out it was him.

His body hurt so much from his heat, and he desperately needed a shower. It was calming down after he took his designers heat pills, but it was still very strong. He stood up, and went into the kitchen for a plastic bag.

He dropped his phone into the sandwich bag, and made it air-tight before going back into his room, and running into his bathroom. Heavy whimpers of pain erupted in his throat, but he knew he would feel better after a shower.

After everything was off, he knew he needed new pants. The ones he was wearing were completely ruined. Slick was running all down his thighs, and his boxers and jeans were completely soaked. He managed to get a pair of pajamas out, and laid them on the counter in the sink. He turned on the shower, and turned the handle to get cold water. He put his phone in the plastic bag so he would be able to watch the concert in the shower, without it getting wet or broken.

Hyunjin's POV:

It's Felix. I know it.

He's an omega, and that b*tch is in heat.

Didn't he f*cking take his pills?! Oh well. It doesn't matter now. Because the second I get in that dorm and smell that weak omega, his a*s is mine. There will be marks all over him for days, showing everyone how much of a liar he is. He's going to get fired, and be in so much trouble. I'm gonna knot him, make him have my pups. I don't care, he's a f*cking whore.

Bangchan's POV:

Hyunjin's in rut, and it's clearly obvious. I just hope the STAYS can't pick it up.

Of course Felix is sick, he's always sick. Can't even put on a show because of a f*cking smell. Like, just f*cking get over it! I really don't understand- Jeongin is doing just fine, and he's the maknae for god's sake!

More like Gods Menu but shut up.

The shows almost over, and Hyunjin keeps looking at me like he's mad at Felix or something. I am too- but he did throw up, so it's not like we can force him up here anyway.

My rut is really bad, I'm glad the scent isn't as strong anymore. I don't know why it faded when Felix left, but it's so much better now.

Maybe a fan got too intoxicated with Felix's moves, haha.

Jeongin's POV:

Bangchan's really mad.

I can see it.

I mean, if I was the leader of this group, I'd be pretty upset too. Just imagine all the stress leaders have. Gotta make sure everything's perfect and stuff... I admire Bangchan and all he does. It's really amazing.

The slick smell isn't bothering me as much as the others thought, and I believe that's called assuming. They assume that because I'm the youngest I'm gonna go crazy off the hormones because 'I haven't been exposed to it a lot', but nope! It was actually Hyunjinnie who snapped first, so there's a win for meeee!


Lee Know's POV:

It's cool.

I'm fine.


Poor Felix got that low tolerance, ha.

But, the scent did fade out when Felix left. Maybe it's his shampoo or whatever again. Maybe he forgot to change it out- whatever it is, it got lighter when Felix left.

And it's really strange.


The members arrived back to their dorm, completely exhausted and overwhelmed with sleep. Jeongin was half asleep on Seungmin, and Hyunjin was still a little delirious from his rut. Bangchan sighed at the relaxation of their dorm, and went into Felix's room to see how he was doing.

"Felix?" Bangchan asked tiredly, opening the door and seeing the younger curled up with five hundred blankets. He looked adorable. Bangchan closed the door, and saw Hyunjin right behind him.

"Let's go to sleep-" "I wanna see how Felix is doing." Hyunjin told him.

Bangchan nodded, allowing Hyunjin to enter Felix's room.

"Bin, get up." He groaned, patting Changbin's back, awakening him from sleep. "Good night." Changbin yawned, ignoring Han when he wished him a good night. "Good night, hyung." Jeongin yawned loudly, causing Lee Know to slump off to his room.

Bangchan made sure everyone was in their rooms and comfortable before going back into Felix's room to see what was taking so long.

"G-get off!" Felix yelled, yelping when Hyunjin's nails dug into his waist. Bangchan knew Hyunjin had gone deeper into his rut, and raced over to Felix to help him. "Hyunjin, stop!" He yelled at him, flexing his muscles as he picked his dongsaeng up from on top of Felix.

Hyunjin slapped Bangchan clear across his face, making the elder step back out of shock. "Get- aah~" Felix moaned as Hyunjin grinded down onto him, and his mind started to go into a sexual mindset. Bangchan yanked Hyunjin off of Felix, successfully separating the two. "Hyunjin, you have to calm down!" The eldest yelled, dragging Hyunjin towards Felix's door.

"He's an omega, our pups would look amazing." Hyunjin growled, glaring at Felix's lower half. "No, Hyunjin." Bangchan bit his lip as Hyunjin clawed at his wrists, and pulled the younger out of his room.

Felix was shaking from fear at this point, pinned against his headboard with his shirt half-off.

He was almost exposed.

A few seconds later, Bangchan returned to Felix's room, asking if he was okay. Felix nodded, and made sure to keep his blanket over his knees so Bangchan didn't know he wasn't wearing any pants. "I'm fine, I know he can't control it, I'm okay, Chan." Felix assured him, whining internally from how close an alpha was to him. "Okay...good night, Felix." Bangchan smiled, Australian accent coming straight through. Felix nodded, and snuggled back under his blankets.

He knew Hyunjin was onto him, pun unintended. He just hoped he didn't tell anyone else.

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