Chapter 28

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"Did he approve?" Lee Know asked happily when Bangchan and Felix returned from asking their manager if they could adopt and stay in the music industry.

Felix didn't look happy...

"He said we couldn't have both." Felix told him, and the other members, who were waiting anxiously in the living room as well, were immediately sad. Felix stomped off to his room he shared with Bangchan, and slammed the door shut behind him.

They had agreed to share rooms not just because they were mated, but because they thought they could use Felix's room as a room for their pup they were going to adopt.

"He said we had to choose between continuing our career, or starting a family. He said we couldn't have both in the same life." Bangchan sighed, looking over at Han. "Did you ask why?" Seungmin asked cautiously.

"Because you guys might not appreciate sharing a dorm with a pup."

"We would love to!" Changbin scoffed. "Well...he doesn't know that." Bangchan told him with a pained smile, soon excusing himself from the room to talk to Felix.

"Fe-" The door was locked.

Bangchan sighed, relaxing against the wall next to their door.

"Lixie, can you please unlock the door?" He asked in his gentle tone, his Australian accent mixing well with his tone.


"Why not?" Bangchan asked. "I don' wan' to." Felix's voice was faint, like he was sitting as far away from the door as possible. "Why?"

"Because it's not fair..."

Bangchan's heart broke.

"What...what's not fair?" He asked. "That I can't have just one thing I want!" Felix shouted.

"I deserve just one thing! One thing!" He yelled. Bangchan could hear him start to cry. "Please open the door, Lixie." He sighed.


He heard footsteps approaching the door, and perched up. He heard the click of the lock, and Felix hesitently opened the door.

"Baby..." Bangchan sighed, wrapping his arms around Felix's back and hugging him lovingly. "I just want a pup...and to write songs." Felix sighed, a few more tears left his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Bangchan sighed. " sucks...because...there's nothing I can do about it." Felix whimpered. "Don't worry, we will figure this out together."

-2 Days Later-

"Where are the others?" Felix asked as he entered the dorm with Bangchan, looking around the empty room. The two decided to drive home together, seperate from their other members.

"I'm not sure..." Bangchan looked around in confusion. He didn't like the silence. "Maybe they're not home yet-" "Yeah." Bangchan agreed, getting out his phone to text his members.

"Hyunjin said they were home waiting for us."


Jeongin and Han jumped out from behind Felix and Bangchan, and Felix's fight-or-flight response was fight.



"Why would you scare us like that?!" Felix scolded Jeongin who he had accidentally slapped. "Because we have a big surprise for you!" Han smiled, practically jumping up and down.

"Let me calm my heart down first." Bangchan laughed, placing his hand over his chest. "Oh no- you don't want to wait any longer. Come on!" Jeongin grapped Felix's wrist, and Han grabbed Bangchans'.

Han and Jeongin pulled the Chanlix couple into their room, where the rest of the members were. And their manager.

"What's going on?" Bangchan asked, Hyunjin whispering something to Seungmin and the two giggling. Everyone seemed happily anxious.

"After a lot of assurance and persuasion from the members, I have something to say." Their manager said, looking at Bangchan and Felix.

"What did you guys do?"

Their manager cracked a smile as Lee Know's laugh filled the room.

"I've decided to let you two adopt...under very strict circumstances."

You guys will figure out next chapter why I'm bolding random words😉 -Author

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