Chapter 23*

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Bangchan tore off Felix's clothes without any hesitation, and Felix shivered at the cold. "B-Bangchan~" Felix whispered out at the sight of a naked Bangchan, and more heat overcame him. "Quick, safe word." Bangchan commanded, climbing back onto Felix once both of them were completely naked.

"U-um-" Felix didn't have one.


Bangchan stopped and looked up at Felix.



"It's what I say when I'm overwhelmed." Felix told him. Bangchan smirked, and shook his head before grinding down on Felix's thigh, wet with slick. Felix moaned in Bangchan's ear, but panicking when he felt how big Bangchan actually was.

"God I can't wait to f*ck the sh*t out of you."

Felix whimpered, and Bangchan pinned his arms above his head. "You don't need prep, you?" Bangchan asked, knowing Hyunjin and him had already started. "N-no." Felix mumbled, squirming around more and spreading his legs.


Bangchan positioned himself at Felix's entrance, and pushed in his entire length in one thrust. "Aah!" Felix yelped at the stretch, and gripped the pillow his head was laying on. "F*ck." Bangchan cursed at the euphoric feeling, the smell of heat and rut filling the room.

And probably the dorm.

Felix heard the front door shut, and assumed the other members left at the scent of mating.

Bangchan tightened his grip on Felix's wrists, and moved back just to push back in. Felix whimpered in pain, but the pain didn't last for long. "Agh, Chan~" Felix whined out, moaning softly. Bangchan leaned down to leave deep marks down Felix's body, and sucked harshly on his skin. Felix clenched around Bangchan as more slick left his hole, and begged for the elder to go faster. Bangchan complied, snapping his hips forward into Felix.

The full feeling was making Felix already see stars.

Bangchan started going faster, unable to control his actions as his rut took over everything. "Chan-" Felix arched his back and moaned, knowing for a fact Hyunjin would never be able to make him feel so good.

Felix's moans got louder and more frequent, which only motivated Bangchan to go faster and harder into the omega. It's not like he was a virgin or anything.

That was long gone.

"Ah! Chan-aah!" Felix moaned, closing his eyes tighter in pleasure, Bangchan grunting as he added more force into his thrusts. He made his way down to Felix's chest and sucked on his nipples, making the other scream in pleasure.

He wasn't expecting milk to come out.

Oh yeah- his body thought he was pregnant when he wasn't.

"Chan, stop- wait no don't stop..." Felix whispered as his eyes rolled back, feeling Bangchan suck the sweet milk out of his chest. Bangchan smirked, now sucking like a pup on the younger's nipples while pounding him between his legs. Felix's walls were squeezing his cock so nicely, it was making him feel high.

"CHANNIE~! T-THERE-AH! BANGCHAN RIGHT THERE OH SH*T!" Felix screamed as Bangchan hit his prostate, pushing his back up and squeezing tightly on the pillow behind him. Bangchan let Felix's arms go and grabbed his waist, pulling on Felix forward and going deeper into him- if that was even possible.

Tears of pleasure escaped Felix's eyes as Bangchan hit his spot every single thrust, making his body jerk forward and twitch all over.

"B-BANGCHAN! M-'M GONNA CUM!" Felix choked out, and Bangchan used his adrenaline to go faster. Felix's chest still leaked of milk that was dripping down his sides and over his first rib, when Bangchan suddenly let go of his waist. He wrapped his hand around Felix's neck and choked him with his veins popping through his arm.

Felix died for a minute, but his soul quickly returned to his body so he was able to cum. He was too overstimulated to say anything, only moan louder as his breathing was cut off. The suffocating feeling was sending him to heaven and back, dreaming to be choked by Bangchan since they debuted.

(I know you guys wanna be choked by Bangchan with those ArMs too, so here: Bangchan choked y/n until they couldn't breathe and died)

"F*ck, Felix."

Bangchan's grip on his neck tightened so much Felix almost passed out when he came inside of him, but Felix was quickly returned to reality when he felt Bangchan push his knot into him. The painful feeling of being knotted 'while pregnant' almost made him kick Bangchan, but that thought was quickly dismissed and thrown out when he realized how good it felt. Bangchan loosened his grip and placed his hands next to Felix's neck, supporting himself as he tried to catch his breath.

Felix whined at the loss of pressure on his neck, and let go of the pillow he was gripping tightly. "C-Channie...f-feels so good..." Felix mumbled, keeping his eyes closed as his body slowly relaxed. Bangchan leaned closer to Felix and kissed him on his lips.

Felix couldn't help but moan into the kiss. Bangchan's lips tasted like pure heaven mixed with chocolate covered ice cream. Felix threw his arms over Bangchan's neck, deepening the kiss and felt Bangchan's tongue force its way into his mouth. He moaned softly as he opened his mouth more, his heart burning in his chest from the loss of oxygen. Bangchan held the kiss for over 15 seconds until he pulled away, and the both of them sighed at the same time, finally able to breathe.

"You were so good, Felix." Bangchan told him, still supporting his weight on his arms. "I know..."

"I will punish you, shut the f*ck up." Bangchan laughed breathlessly, and Felix smirked. He finally opened his eyes, and the sight of Bangchan almost got him hard again.

Sweat around the top of his forehead, pupils blown, face blushed red with his mouth hanging open for oxygen. So incredibly beautiful.

"Alpha..." Felix played with Bangchan's hair once they both caught their breath. "Hm..." Bangchan hummed, looking down at Felix.

"I-I love you." Felix told him, looking back in Bangchan's eyes.

Bangchan was a little shocked, but he didn't hesitate to answer with:

"I love you too."

Felix blushed even more, and broke eye-contact. Bangchan kissed Felix on his lips again, more passionate and soft this time. Felix returned the kiss, distracted with it as Bangchan carefully pulled out. Bangchan broke the kiss and got up, going to Felix's bathroom for a wet rag to clean the two up.

Felix sighed against his bed, his head still spinning wildly. A few seconds past, and Bangchan returned. Felix tried to sit up, but Bangchan pushed him back down. "Just relax, Lixie."

Felix blushed at the cute nickname, and laid back down on his back. Bangchan carefully cleaned Felix off, smiling as the other aussie completely turned to mush. After doing said activity, the eldest helped change the omega into a comfortable pair of pajamas- but forcing Felix to wear a onesie because 'he was his alpha now and he said so'.

Bangchan stole one of Felix's hoodies and shorts, grateful he didn't have to gather more energy to go to his own room. He helped Felix under the covers and snuggled in next to him, wrapping his arms around his waist.

"I do love you, Felix." Bangchan told him, kissing over the hickey's on Felix's neck. "I love you too, Channie." Felix smiled, cuddling against Bangchan's chest.

Bangchan pulled the covers over the two, and both fell asleep within 10 minutes, bodies exhausted from the eiphoric feeling of their intense orgasms.

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