Chapter 30*

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Seungmin and Han laughed when Hakkun face-palmed and giggled.

'You just said fish leaf'

Han wheezed, and Seungmin laughed even harder. They were trying to learn sign langauge, but it wasn't goint well- in a good way. Felix and Bangchan were...out, and the others were watching the two learning from an eight-year-old.

Hakkun continued teaching, and the others slowly began joining the lesson. Until Felix and Bangchan returned, that is. The 'teacher' got up and ran to them, crashing against Bangchan's firm figure. "Hey, Hakkun." Banchan smiled down, and looked over to Felix, who looked like he would collapse at any second from exhaustion and heat.

Hakkun looked to Felix, and saw his facial expression displaying pain. He ran back to his white board and grabbed it quickly, wiping the explainations and scribbling something down.

'Are you okay?' He showed it to Felix, tugging lightly on his shirt. "I'm okay." Felix lied, reaching over and pulling on Bangchan's jacket. "We'll be back in a few minutes, okay?" Bangchan told Hakkun, and looking at the other members with a look.

Hakkun huffed as Bangchan took Felix into their room, and cutely stomped back to the other members.

"We literally just-" "I know, b-but it hurts, Channie." Felix whimpered, looking down and moving around on the others lap. "Bangchan, please- please help me, please~" Felix buried his face in Bangchan's neck, moving hid nose against his scent gland and taking a deep breath.

Bangchan slid off Felix's shirt, kissing over the marks on his neck he had made less than ten minutes ago.

He flipped Felix onto his back, hovering over him and swiftly pulling his pants down. Felix grinded his hips up desperately, and Bangchan already smelled the slick.

Bangchan took his own jeans off, and got between Felix's legs. He rubbed a finger over his hole, making Felix arch his back and moan loudly. "Be quiet, baby!" Bangchan laughed, placing his hand over Felix's mouth to quiet him. Still being stretched from before, Bangchan slid into him swiftfully, and Felix rolled his eyes back in pleasure.

Bangchan leaned over to make marks down Felix's torso, while drawing his hips back and thrusting forward. Felix moved his hips up and whined when Bangchan reached his left nipple, sucking and biting on the sensative skin. Bangchan smirked, removing his hand to toy with his other brown nub.

"Chan~" Felix was panting from the heat rather than the pleasure, so Bangchan decided to...spice things up. He suddenly picked up Felix and got off of their bed, throwing Felix into the wall and thrusting up into him. Felix dropped his jaw as he moaned out loudly, and Bangchan grabbed his a*s to keep him steadily against the wall as he continued snapping his hips up into Felix- hitting his prostate every time due to the angle.

"Channie 'm gonna cum!" Felix moaned, scratching down Bangchan's back in pleasure. Bangchan growled at the pain, and sucked on Felix's neck as he went harder. Felix came untouched without warning, sobbing Bangchan's name as he dug his nails into his shoulder blades.

With a few more thrusts Bangchan followed, biting on Felix's scent gland accidentally, making the younger yelp in pain and push Bangchan's chest subconsciously.

"F*ck baby I'm sorry." Banchan apologized when he realized what he did, and Felix reached up to rub his neck in pain. "I-it's okay." Felix panted, his semen reaching his chest and slowly dripping back down. "F*ck I love you so god damn much." Bangchan kissed Felix harshly, the younger's head gently hitting the wall.

Banchan suddenly felt a pinch on his side, and cursed as he looked.

Hakkun stood there, holding his white board and staring into Bangchan's dialated eyes.

'What are you guys doing?'

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