Chapter 31

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I'm sorry you guys are so deprived and have these short a*s chapters😭

Felix closed his eyes, bringing Banchan closer to him to cover himself up.

"N-nothing important- go back to the others, please." Bangchan told him, his heart still pounding quickly in his chest. Hakkun looked Felix up and down, wondering what the white stuff was.

He slowly backed away with his white board, holding it against his chest. He turned around and left, and Felix groaned.

"I knew it would happen." Felix sighed, resting his head on Bangchan's shoulder. "Why, because you're loud?" Bangchan snickered. "No! Because he-"


"Aw hell naw-" "Channie don't leave me like this!" Felix clung to Bangchan, not letting the elder walk away without him. "Changbin's probably going to give our kid the talk if I don't go out there." Bangchan sighed. "" Felix looked in Bangchan's eyes, his soft omega ones pleading for him to stay.

"Okay." Bangchan nodded, carrying Felix into their bathroom. Felix giggled in success, kissing Bangchan's neck as a thank you.

Bangchan started a bath and set Felix on the counter, kissing him on the lips and quickly leaving to get them clothes.

Bangchan texted their group chat, asking them to not say anything and distract Hakkun while he took care of Felix. He explained he was in heat, and Changbin replied with:


Bangchan turned off the water and picked up Felix, slowly lowering him into the warm water. Felix sat on his alpha's lap once he got in, and snuggled against him. "You always do so good helping me, Bangchan. Thank you for loving me." Felix smiled, and Bangchan kissed his cheek.

"How could I not?"

Felix giggled as Bangchan kissed him all over, squirming around and squeaking out cute 'stop it's.

Bangchan carefully bathed the two, telling Felix how much he loved him with every passionate wipe of a warm cloth.

"Do you love STAY's or me more?" Felix asked randomly. "You can't pull that card!" Bangchan told him. "Yes I can. STAY, or me?" Felix smirked. "I don't have favorites." Bangchan answered, and kissed Felix before he could say anything else.

"Now, I think we're done." Bangchan smiled, looking Felix up and down. "My heat isn't." Felix told him, wrapping his arms around Bangchan's neck. "Are you hinting something?" Bangchan asked. "Yes, sir." Felix giggled, moving around on Bangchan's lap.

"Let's get out of the tub first." Bangchan decided, and Felix agreed with a pout. Banchan pulled the plug from the tub, and got up with Felix.

He smelled slick again, stronger and heavier than normal. "Chan I can't wait." Felix sighed as he was set on the counter.

"You can never wait..."

Bangchan walked into the living room after laying Felix down, and saw Hakkun teaching sign language.

I am Seungmin.

Hakkun nodded, giving Seungmin a high-five. "I'm fluent in sign lanuage now!" Seugmin announced with a laugh. "Good for you." Bangchan laughed, sitting down next to Lee Know. "We all learned how to introduce ourselves in sign language. You should learn too." Lee Know smiled, and Bangchan shook his head. "I'm tired." Bangchan told him. "I'm not surprised." Lee Know snickered, and Bangchan lightly hit him.

"The adoption center didn't tell us whether Hakkun was an alpha or not, so I don't know how he'll react to Felix's heat." Banghchan whispered to him, not wanting Hakkun to hear. "I don't think he's quite old enough for rut or heat yet, I don't think we have to worry about anything." Lee Know assured him. "But still, we need to know. So, maybe this week, I was thinking you guys could take Hakkun with you to the studio's so he's not with Felix and I a lot this week." Bangchan suggested.

"Hakkun might not like that. He was adopted, and he knows that. He might think you're ignoring him, or fell out of love with him." Lee Know brought up, and Bangchan realized he could be right. "Well, maybe try it for Monday and Tuesday, and if he doesn't like it he can stay with me for a bit. I don't want him in the same room with us when Felix actually goes into heat." Banchan compromised. "Yeah. Maybe he'll like making music." Lee Know joked. "I see him as a MC." Bangchan smiled, looking down at Hakkun.

"If so, he has the best foster parents to teach him and look up to." Lee Know smiled, and Bangchan smiled back.

"Hakkun, can you teach me some sign language?" Bangchan asked in a normal voice, moving off the couch and onto the floor.

The eight-year-old nodded, and wiped his small white board clear of the explanations. They sat across from each other, and Hakkun smiled brightly.

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