Chapter 6

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-tour night-

It's only like 3 days but still. I'm too lazy to write all this stuff so here you go. The plot has to start out sooner rather than later, or this book will be like 203 chapters long 😂

"Hyung, are you alright?" Seungmin asked Felix, confused on why he was sweating so much already when the show hasn't even started. Fans were already screaming from the other side of the curtain, but nothing's started yet. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks. Are you ready?" Felix asked his dongsaeng.

He knew he forgot his pills. He knew. Everything was too chaotic to remember.

It was always the first thing he did in the morning, but Han had woken him up, saying they had to leave in 20 minutes or they'd miss their flight. Including makeup and propper attire, there wasn't time to remember. He told himself to not forget, but he forgot anyway.

Usually the members would all take their pills at the same time so no one would forget, but Felix wanted to keep his pills private, so his were kept in his room. He got his pills, and took them with the others, never allowing them to see the pill bottle.

"Ready?" Bangchan asked his members, clearly under a lot of stress. The members nodded to their leader, and the eight got into formation before the curtain was pulled up, and a wave of screaming fans were revealed.


Han's POV:

Something smelled bad. Something smelled like slick, and it was really messing with me. It was clearly messing with Felix, because he was constantly closing his eyes when he wasn't supposed to. We all took our rut pills this morning, but still. It can still happen.

I think an omega fan in the front row might be in heat. It's really strong. The others were distracted, and Bangchan wasn't very happy with the distraction(s).

After Get Cool, Bangchan motioned for us to have a quick chat. Usually he does it when we're messing up or somethings wrong with stage lighting or something. It rarely happens, but it happens.

"You guys are SO distracted-" "It's the scent, hyung. It's really strong." Lee Know sighed, and we all pulled out mics down a bit so our STAYS couldn't hear us. "I don't care, you can focus-" "Chan you're distracted as well. I think we should take, a quick break." Changbin suggested. Yes, a break, that sounds good.

"No way. Focus on the dance, and you won't pay any attention to the scent, okay?!"

Chan's eyes were dilated. A lot. It was clear he was being affected by it, and it wouldn't be good if any of us went into rut. We need a break. 5 minutes.

"Channie, we need 5 minutes. We can't risk anything."

Felix's POV:

Oh god it hurts.

So bad.

I want to pass out. It's too hot.

Everyone was mad and frustrated because of me. If only I remembered to take the hecking pills, maybe I wouldn't be like this! God Felix, why are you so dumb?!

Another heat wave washed over me, and I swear I could see the entire stage go black. I'm way too hot. My heat mixed with the heat from the stage was too much for my body, and I knew it.

What if I just pretended to pass out?

Maybe that would work.

My clothes are drenched in slick and sweat, and it was the worst feeling in the world. Everything hurts, and Seungmin kept looking down at my legs.

I think they were shaking.

"W-we need a b-break, Chan." I told him, really trying not to make it obvious. It hurt more than getting stabbed.

Because my body knew I was surrounded by alphas, and it was just so bad.


"Well I know I do!" And I stormed away from the members, walking firmly backstage.

"Woah woah what happened?" My manager asked.

"T-there's a strong scent of s-slick on stage, a-and no one can focus." I told him, quickly scurrying off to my makeup artist. Only the artists and fashion designers were able to be omegas. But everyone else in the industry had to be alphas so the artists wouldn't go into heat on stage.


"Oh Felix-" "It hurts~" I sat down in my chair in my changing room, and my fashion designer knew what was going on since she was an omega too. "You're-" "Don't say anything, please- ah!" I put my hands between my legs, and I could feel the thick leather pants get soaked with my slick. These pants are really thick, and now they're ruined.

Because of me.

"Felix, here-" I think I just overdosed on her heat pills. Sh*t.

I snatched the bottle of pills from her, and swallowed at least six. I'm desperate, okay?!

"You can't perform like this, Felix. You have to go back to the dorm-" "I can't, t-they can't- mgf- knoe." Hey, my Australian accent is back again.


"They won't know if you say you're sick. Felix, this is bad."

Why does she always have to be so right?

"I know I can't perform like this because it hurts so f*cking much, but I don't want to leave but I'm surrounded by alphas." Crap, I cursed.

Whatever. I have a good f*cking excuse right now.

"Another reason for you to go home. The others will know it's you the longer you stay here. You have to go." She told me.

She's right.

"I-I can't stand, i-it hurts too much." More slick gushed from my hole at the thought of Bangchan carrying me home because I can't walk.

His muscles kill me and he knows it.

My designer picked me up, and I know she can feel how soaked my pants are. It's so f*cking embarrassing.

Male omegas aren't as popular as female omegas,

And lucky me, I'm one of those male omegas...

Heh, lucky Lixie!

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