Chapter 12

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Felix peeked inside Bangchan's room, and found Lee Know sleeping next to him.

He creeped over to his leader, and climbed in bed next to him. He was small enough.

"Felix?" Bangchan groaned, moving back a bit so Felix wouldn't fall off the bed. "I couldn't sleep." Felix pouted, looking up into Bangchan's eyes. "Fine." Bangchan sighed, and Felix squeaked happily as he cuddled closer to the elder. "Thank you, Channie." Felix smiled, cuddling his favorite stuffed animal and taking in the warm body heat of Bangchan. "Whatever." Bangchan grumbled with a deep voice, pulling the blanket over the other aussie. Felix chirped at the extra warmth, and closed his eyes to try and go back to sleep.

And to sleep he went.

"Good morning!" Jeongin chirped as Felix and Bangchan emerged from his room. "Good morning." Felix yawned, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "I made breakfast!" The youngest smiled, pointing to the beautiful breakfast on the table. "Aw- thank you!" Felix smiled, quickly running over to the table to eat.

"How come he was in your room last night, hyung?" Jeongin asked Bangchan quietly. "He couldn't sleep. He slips in my room all the time, whether he can sleep or not." Bangchan chuckled near the end of his statement, and looked forward to see Seungmin sit down next to Felix. The two started a random conversation that Bangchan couldn't hear, which made him smile.

"Good morning, hyung." Hyunjin smiled awkwardly at Bangchan. "Good morning." Bangchan nodded to him. He noticed in Hyunjin's eyes that he wanted to start 'that contest', but the warm smile Bangchan gave him forced that away.

"Everyone ready for the second week of our tour?" Han asked with a bright smile as usual, giggling and bending over Seungmin to look him in the eyes. Seungmin laughed and patted his cheek as a symbol to get away from his face, and Han crossed his arms in a pout as he stepped back.

"Seungmin's being mean." Han huffed, causing Felix to laugh. "Just wait for him to wake up more." Changbin suggested, making Han sigh out an 'aah, okay'. Seungmin laughed as he nodded his head, and went into the kitchen to start making coffee.

"So, we have to be there in what, 13 hours?" Jeongin asked Bangchan, sitting down at the dining table. "Yeah. The flight there is 10 hours, about, so when we get to the set we'll have only 3, maybe, hours to set up and practice the routine." Bangchan nodded to his members. "Only 3 hours?" Hyunjin asked with a frown. "Yep. It's called being flexible." Bangchan laughed.

"I'll go get changed!" Felix chirped as he skipped off to his room, Lee Know doing the same. "Everything we need for the concert will be there, right? Like our outfits and such?" Changbin asked. "Yeah, everything's there and ready to go. They might need help setting up and stuff, but when we get there they'll be ready." Bangchan clarified, going into the kitchen to see why the coffee was taking so long.

The smell of pure heat filled Bangchan's senses, and his eyes instantly dilated. "Felix!" He yelled loudly, and almost instantly everyone else smelled heat.

Felix poked his head out of his room, a face of confusion and pure 'what'. He blinked twice as he saw everyone's gaze fixed on him, and saw Bangchan's eyes filled with anger.

"You can't just not take your f*cking pills, Lee Felix! It's f*cking dangerous for you- and us! If you're in heat then you should've had the courage and audacity to tell one of us and leave the f*cking dorm so none of us do anything to you!" Bangchan instantly yelled, making Felix's eyes go wide in shock and confusion.

"Wha-" "This isn't a f*cking game, Felix! Grow up! It's not like you can just pretend we can't pick up your scent, because we can!" Bangchan cut off Felix, not letting him even comprehend what he was talking about.

"What the heck are you talking about, Bangchan?! I'm not in heat anymore, it was last week! And I am the complete opposite of horny right now, I'm stressed because I don't know what to freaking wear!" Felix yelled back at Bangchan, noticing how his other members were agreeing to everything he was saying.

"Don't even try to lie, you can't cover up the smell of heat completely, Felix-" "I'm not in f*cking heat you pervert!" Felix pouted, hoping Bangchan didn't take it as a Woojin insult.

"I am not a-!" "Why do you even think I'm in heat, I would be sweating and whimpering like a b*tch- and I'm not doing either, so why would you think I'm in heat?! Are you just constantly thinking about f*cking me because you know I'm an omega now?!" Felix snapped at Banchan.

Seungmin knew the two would start fighting, and despite the heat he was smelling, he silently made his way behind Bangchan to collect his coffee.

"I'm not thinking of you like that because I know you're an omega, I'm thinking about it because I smell heat!" Bangchan shouted. "Me too, Felix." Lee Know agreed as he exited his room, immediately looking at Felix.

"I'm not in heat!" Felix yelled. "Do you need to see my a*s to make sure there's no slick, or do you believe me?!" He shouted, stepping out of his room even if he had no shirt on- revealing his heavy indented abs.

What he was doing was very risky, but now he was pissed off.

"Felix-!" "Guys stop shouting!" Seungmin scolded the two.

"It's not Felix you're smelling!"

Everyone's eyes flicked to Seungmin faster than Changbin could rap in Korean.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat, thinking maybe, just maybe, Seungmin was like Felix. A fake alpha.


"It's the coffee maker, hyung! It gets hot when it's making hot water!"

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