Chapter 14

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Jeongin smiled widely as they entered the MTV EMA's, and the amount of artists there were incredible.

Han noticed BTS off in the distance. He's not even surprised. He'd be very concerned if they weren't at an award show.

But he wasn't here for them, he was here for an award.

The eight members smiled happily at all the fans and flashing camera's, and sat down at their reserved seats.

In an hour or two the award show began, and the chaos toned down a lot.

Most of the members understood some things that were being said, but only Felix and Bangchan were able to laugh at the puns the announcer made.

After a while, the awards were starting to be handed out, which made the Stray Kids members sit up and pay more close attention.

"Best Korean Act..."


"Stray Kids!"

The members were in disbelief when the crowd began to clap, even if they knew they would win something. Seungmin was the first to snap out of his little shock, and smiled as wide as the Earth was in miles.

He stood up, which caused the other members to almost immediately follow and drift out of their dazes.

The band made their way up to the stage, and Lee Know was about to just die and cry at the same time.

After they, mostly Banchan, announced their speech and claimed their reward, they made their way back to their seats- with Changbin holding the award like it was glass.

It was to him, okay?

By the time the award show was over, it was pretty late. The night sky was pure black with bright white stars surrounding them like a blanket.

As they got into their van, an idea popped in Hyunjin's mind.

"We should go out to celebrate!"

"Where are you thinking of going at this hour?"

"A bar." Lee Know finished for him, making everyone laugh.

"I mean, I was gonna say that but okay." Hyunjin smirked. "Ooh, can we? Please~" Han looked to Bangchan.

The other members caught on with his plan, and in less than 5 seconds, Bangchan had 7 pairs of puppy eyes staring at him.

"No more than 8 shots, okay?"


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