Chapter 19

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-3 months later-

Yeah a time skip, because I'm not writing 3 months worth of fighting between Han and Lixie and homophobia so stfu.

"Hyunjinnie- mgf." Felix hung onto the wall as more pain struck his stomach, and Hyunjin picked up the scent of fear, making his ears go up. "Baby, what's wrong?" Hyunjin asked, quickly running over to Felix from his bed, abandoning his phone. "I-it's nothing, b-but-" Felix winced and closed his eyes. "T-there's just a little bit of pain in my tummy, s-so I came in here for cuddles." He told him, trying to rub away the pain.

"You said it hurt yesterday, maybe it's just your body trying to adjust. I can assure you nothing is wrong with our baby. Come on, let's cuddle." Hyunjin helped Felix over to his bed, and sat down. Felix climbed into his lap, and rested his head on his shoulder.

He was concerned that there wasn't a bump yet, but then again he didn't know when it would form. "Hyunjinnie we said we wouldn't call each other names like that." Felix breathed out, and Hyunjin started rubbing his belly as well. "Sorry, I just got really worried." Hyunjin apologized.

Yes Felix was pregnant with Hyunjin's pup, but the two decided it would be better if they weren't together in a romantic relationship. They didn't like each other like that, but they promised they would do whatever it took to make their pup happy and healthy- even if it meant kissing each other in front of it.

Felix whined as a sharper pain struck his abdomen, and started nibbling on Hyunjin's shoulder.

Hyunjin rubbed Felix's back trying to comfort him, but it wasn't working.

"Aah~ H-yunjin it really hurts." Felix told him through whimpers, now squirming around on the elders lap. "We-" "OW!" Felix yelped in pain as his whole body tensed, and Hyunjin's heart started beating faster.

"Hyunjinnie I think something's wrong!" Felix started crying in pain when his stomach didn't stop hurting, and bit down on Hyunjin's shoulder. "Do you want to go to the hospital?" Hyunjin asked, worried Felix could be right.

His stomach hasn't gotten any bigger, he hasn't gained 1 pound of weight, and he's been doing choreography perfectly well without any problems.

"Yes-agh..." Felix told him, nodding his head and gently clawing at his stomach.

"Okay." Hyunjin stood up, holding Felix securely as he went into the living room for the other members.

"Felix's stomach really hurts, he wants to go to the hospital." He told Bangchan, who was in the kitchen accompanying Seungmin. "Oh?" Bangchan looked at Hyunjin, then to Felix. Hyunjin slipped on a pair of slides and grabbed his keys, when Felix told him to wait.

"C-Chan I want you to come with."

Hyunjin looked over to Bangchan, and Felix tried to steady his breath.

"W-will you please come with me?" Felix asked, trying not to make any noises of pain. "Sure." Bangchan nodded, volenteering to drive the two. "If the others ask where we are, tell them, okay?" He told Seungmin, grabbing his shoes and putting them on. Seungmin gave a simple 'okay', and the 3 Stray Kids members left the dorm.

Felix was crying the entire way there, and Hyunjin now knew something was wrong. His omega was scared, and it was making him upset. He wanted to kiss Felix all over to assure him it would be okay, but Felix didn't want to kiss Hyunjin if he didn't have to.

"We're almost there." Bangchan told the two, mainly speaking to Felix. Felix held onto Hyunjin's hand, resting his head on his shoulder as he cried.

"We're here."

Hyunjin helped Felix out of the car, and picked him up once they were out. Bangchan reminded them to put their masks on, and helped Felix with his.

The sight of Felix crying made Bangchan very sad.

Bangchan made sure him and his members were covered up enough, and locked the car as Hyunjin went straight for the ER.

"Hi- my omega- Lee Felix, is having a lot of pain in his stomach and it won't go away." Hyunjin told the receptionist. Bangchan signed the two in, and a few nurses came over to them.

"He's also 3 months pregnant."

The nurses nodded and took Felix back, a doctor alpha picking up the scent of fear as well. Hyunjin followed the nurses into a room they placed Felix in, and held onto his omega's hand.

"It's gonna be okay, Lixie."

"You're okay."

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