Chapter 15

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With the loud music in the background, the Stray Kids members lost count of their shots very quickly.

It was supposed to be for a celebration, yeah. But now it was just partying.

Hyunjin was jumping around with Seungmin to the beat, and Lee Know was telling jokes to every single person in the building- so no one knew where he was.

"Chan I'm bored~" Felix groaned, sitting down on Bangchan's lap drunkily. "Then go find something to do, I'm busy enjoying the music." Bangchan grumbled, moving Felix off of his lap. "Maybe we should go." Han told them as he appeared from nowhere.

"What the f*ck?" Felix cursed. "I can't find Lee Know." Han smiled awkwardly. "Oh for f*cks sake!" Bangchan got up angrily and stormed through the bar, looking for his dongsaeng.

"You look hot." Han laughed at Felix.

"I know I am, stupid." Felix huffed.

"No, you're sweating." Han corrected himself.

"So?" Felix asked.

"So take something off so you don't overheat-"

"You're just trying to get into my pants." Felix snapped.

"Felix, no I'm not. Your shirt is drenched with sweat- look."

"So now I'm all wet now that I realized it- thanks."

"Why are you sweating so much though? It's not that hot here." Han asked, sitting down next to Felix with a face of visual concern. "Cause I'm horny, what the hell you want?" Felix questioned, turning to face him.

"Well..." Han sighed.

"Now let's go!" Bangchan huffed with the rest of the members behind him. "Channie will you carry me? I'm all wet down there and it hurts to walk." Felix whined with puppy dog eyes. "No. Walk yourself." Bangchan told him, looking around the bar for no reason. "No I want carried-" "I will carry you, Jesus." Hyunjin picked up Felix, but almost fell back from the weight he wasn't expecting. "Thanks Hyunjinnie~" Felix giggled.

Felix burried his face into Hyunjin's scent gland and took a deep breath as they left the bar, and Jeongin was rambbling on and on about how dolphins could be humans in the future.

Once they called an uber and got back to their hotel, Felix was 100% clinged to Hyunjin. His pants were again soaked in slick, and it was bothering everyone except for Banchan.

He was the only one who knew Felix was horny when he got drunk, so he was prepared.

"You're so strong, Hyunjinnie~" Felix giggled, drawing random shapes on Hyunjin's chest. "See how strong I am when I-" "Alright- Hyunjin you take Felix to another room I simply can not deal with his scent any longer." Seungmin snapped at him, the others quickly agreeing in a drunken, delerious state. "Fine. That just means more cuddles with Lixie for me." Hyynjin stuck his tongue out at his members, and stormed off with Felix still in his arms.

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