♥Chapter 32*❤

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"Chan- oh! B-Bangchan-THERE! AAH!"

Bangchan held Felix in an unstable but do-able position against the wall as he abused his prostate, thrusting so hard Felix's head was gently hitting the wall. Bangchan bit his lip as Felix came onto his stomach, and the elder supported the omega as he continued thrusting. Felix panted with every thrust, moaning as Bangchan's cock hit his special bundle of nerves.


"What?!" Bangchan threw a blanket over Felix and himself, looking up to Lee Know, who was immediately affected by the strong smell of Felix's heat.

"W-we-we lost Hak-Hakkun."

"YOU WHAT?!" Bangchan shouted, Felix trying to grind down on his alpha's cock still in him. "W-we were-" "Get out- I'll be there in a minute!" Bangchan panted, and Lee Know quickly left before his rut took over.

"P-please keep going, n-need you, a-alpha." Felix sighed, moving his hips back to bring Bangchan back to reality. Bangchan tore the blanket off of Felix and continued thrusting at an animalistic pace, Felix screaming out in pleasure as his stomach felt queasy from shaking through his third orgasm.

"C-chan-!" "Take it, Felix." Bangchan growled as he pushed his knot into Felix, keeping himself still with his hands digging into his waist. Felix whimpered in sudden pain as he was knotted, his face red with pleasure. "F*ck." Bangchan cursed as he pulled out, watching his multiple loads of cum flow down Felix's tanned thighs.

After Bangchan cleaned them up and laid Felix down for sleep, he changed and left Felix's studio to see what Lee Know was talking about.

"Now, what were you saying?" Bangchan asked Lee Know, who was in his studio across the hall. "Hyunjin was with Hakkun so he wouldn't be affected by Felix, and Hyunjin just told me he lost him." Lee Know explained. "He lost my son in an entertainment industry?!" Bangchan shouted, his rut still wearing off.

"Yeah." Lee Know mumbled nervously. "Oh my god." Bangchan went down the hall to see Hyunjin, but only finding his studio empty and dark.

Bangchan called his dongsaeng, looking around in every small spot of Hyunjin's studio.

"Hyunjin!" Bangchan sighed when Hyunjin answered. "Bangchan hyung I'm so sorry- I'm looking everwhere for him!" Hyunjin immediately told him. "You better find Hakkun, or you're dead." Bangchan threatened, leaving his studio and walking around JYP.

He was about to raise all hell in the middle of the building, when he felt someone hug him tightly from behind. Bangchan turned around and saw Hakkun.


Bangchan crouched down and hugged Hakkun tightly, relief forming tears in his eyes. "Hakkun, you can't run away like that! You can get lost!" Bangchan told him, pulling away and wiping Hakkun's tears. "I was really worried." Bangchan looked in his big brown eyes, and Hakkun sniffled.

"You found him!"

Hyunjin ran up to Bangchan and Hakkun, hugging the mute child tightly. "You are never babysitting ever again." Bangchan laughed, and Hakkun had stopped crying in a few minutes.

Hakkun looked around nervously, and Bangchan realized he didn't have his white board.

"Did you lose your board, Hakkun?" Bangchan asked, and Hakkun nodded, slightly embarrassed. "Hey- don't worry. We'll get someone to find it." Bangchan assured him, and Hakkun nodded again. Bangchan called a few of his designers and had them look for Hakkun's white board, while he took Haneul around the building to show him around.

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