Chapter 24

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I'm so sorry, all of my drafts got deleted because Wattpad wasn't working at all yesterday, and so I had to re-type all of my chapters. I'm sorry for the very late update!

-6 months later-

"It's okay Felix-" "IT'S YOUR FAULT I'M LIKE THIS ANYWAY, I F*CKING HATE YOU!" Felix yelled at Hyunjin, sobbing harshly at the pain of his contractions.

"I'm sorry." Hyunjin apologized, trying to stay calm with the major pain of Felix squeezing his hand.

"I'M NEVER HAVING SEX AGAIN, THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Felix yelled at him, feeling a bit of liquid running down between his legs.

"You're doing just fine, Mr. Lee." The peadatrition told him, monitoring his heart beat and blood pressure. Felix yelled in pain, having the feeling to get something out when nothing was in him to push out.

This was painful.


And he didn't even have a pup to push out.

"You're doing good." The nurse told him, rubbing his shoulder. "How long is this gonna last?!" Felix asked desperately.

"At least a few hours."


"Don't worry, it'll be over before you know it." Hyunjin told him, massaging his hand. "You have no say in this, it's your fault I'm in pain like this anyway!" Felix yelled at him, sweat rolling down his forehead like he was performing.

"I'm sorry?" Hyunjin apologized. Felix only groaned, squeezing Hyunjin's hand tighter with every contraction.

-7 hours later, 3:37 A.M.-

"Okay Mr. Lee, you haven't had any contractions in an hour, I believe you are out of labor." The doctor said with a smile, as if they should be celebrating. " it over?" Felix asked weakly, his voice low and small. "Yes it is..." The nurse told him, turning off the ultrasound. Felix started to cry tears of relief, letting go of Hyunjin's hand. "You were so good, Lixie." Hyunjin praised, and the nurse got up to get Felix a change of clothes since there was a lot of blood between his legs.

"You did such a good job." Hyunjin told him sweet things, trying to comfort him. The nurse helped Felix up, and clean up while Felix changed. After he was changed the nurse took him to a special hospital room for these specific occasions, and set him on the bed.

Hyunjin got up in the bed and cuddled him, kissing the top of his head gently. The nurse hooked him up to machines and the heart monitor, before leaving the two alone.

Felix cried softly against Hyunjin, glad everything with his 'pregnancy' was now over.

No more pain, no more cramps, no more blood between his legs...

No more...

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