Chapter 9

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The younger aussie was out of breath from just grabbing his phone, sweat glistening off of his face.

Luckily the members didn't wake him up, or his secret would've been revealed. His heat was terrible by now, he had woken up multiple times throughout the night sweating profusely. His stomach hurt from how hard he was, and his slick was quickly over-ridding every single smell in the dorm. His band mates would be back in approximately 40 minutes, and there wasn't anything Felix could do. Everyone knew heat took away a lot of strength, and Felix couldn't bare to move one muscle.

And even worse, he ran out of heat pills during his heat.

"B-Bangchan-" "Look who's awake." The other aussie laughed from the other side of the phone. "Bangchan I need heat- ah!" Felix jolted up as another heat wave crashed against him. "Felix? Are you okay?" Bangchan asked. "N-no- Chan I need- mgf~ h-heat pills-" Felix gasped at the word, and more slick gushed from his hole. "What?" Bangchan asked in surprise, not sure why Felix was acting like this. "Bangchan I need you to get me heat pills somewhere and bring them to me as quick as possible." Felix ranted quickly, not in the right mindset to think about what would happen later. "What?! No- Felix, what's going on with you?" His leader asked, and Felix clearly whimpered at his voice.

"If you won't get them then just come back to the dorm now!" Felix yelled through the phone, taking the eldest by surprise. "Are you okay-" "Chan it hurts just come back!" Felix interrupted him. "Alright." Bangchan sighed, quickly hanging up.

Felix whined and whimpered heavily at the pain, and did his best to cross his legs over each other.

Bangchan could pick up an omega scent when he pulled into the driveway, and instantly groaned. Felix probably had his omega over, and it was going to put him in rut.

He had absolutely no control over his rut when it came, so he always made sure to take his pills. He doesn't care who he's touching or going after- he almost knotted his sister when he was younger. The doctors told him that his rut canceled out the logical thinking part of his brain, but he didn't tell anyone that.

He didn't want to lash out on Felix when he got in there.

He calmed down, and quickly went into the band's dorm, the other members waiting in the car.

"Oh, god." Bangchan growled at the strong scent, and his pants quickly grew too tight for his liking. There was heavy whimpering from Felix's room, but Bangchan didn't know if he could go in there. He knew an omega was here, and he didn't know if he'd be able to control himself if he saw them.

Felix yelped, and a heavy sob filled Bangchan's ears.

He went into Felix's room anyway, even if he knew he wouldn't be able to control himself.

"Chan!" Felix cried harder at the sight and smell of an alpha, and tightly gripped between his legs.  "Ah- Chan please~!" He begged, motioning for Bangchan to come over to him. Bangchan could only stand still, absorbing every scent he could pick up.

His own scent, Felix's heavy scent, the heat of an omega, the scent of slick, and the scent of need.

"Felix~" Bangchan couldn't help but growl, and that seemed to make Felix whine in more pain. "Chan please help me it really hurts!" Felix cried out, too weak to even rub himself. "Help with...what?" The longer Bangchan was there, the closer he got to going into rut. "M-my heat!"

Tears streamed down Felix's face, not worried about getting fired anymore. He needed this pain gone right now.

"Your what-" "I-'m sorry, Channie-ah! I-I'm an omega, I lied, it hurts!" Felix cut him off, squirming around on his bed. "Chan please!" Felix cried, straddling the pillow between his legs and his hands. Bangchan turned around to leave, feeling his rut already taking over. He couldn't be in there any longer. He left the house, telling himself to explain to Felix later.

"Woah, hyung- is Lixie okay?" Han asked him, waiting outside the car. "Don't go in the dorm." Bangchan told hin, walking around in circles to 'de-stress his hormones'. "What? Why?" Jeongin asked, worrying about his hyung like the cute maknae he is.

"Felix is an omega, and he's in heat, we have to go somewhere else."

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