Chapter 3

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"Oy, Felix!"


"Come here, bro!"

"Whatcha got there?"


"You got some Ramen, bro?"


Felix snickered as he ran off with his bowl of Ramen, giggling as his other bandmates laughed at him. The field was huge for their set, but it was going to be cool, so who cared anyway.

Their new comeback had everyone on edge, and Felix and Hyunjin were trying to make it easier.

And were succeeding, of course.

Jeongin was fooling around with Seungmin, kicking the soccer ball to his hyung. Felix scurried off into the distance, with a camera man behind him, of course.

"Do you want some Ramen?" Felix whispered to the cameraman quite loudly underneath of a tree in the shade. "No." The cameraman whispered back. "Are you sure?" Felix asked, taking a bit of the ramen into his mouth. "I'm sure." The man laughed at Felix's expressions.



Felix dropped his bowl of Ramen when Lee Know jumped on his shoulders, making the two pout.


The leader looked about a mile away from where he was standing, knowing Felix's voice by heart the first week they met.

"WHAT?" He shouted across the field.



"Alright that's it-"

Felix tackled Lee Know to the ground, but quickly gave up when he was hit with the elders strong scent.

He took his pills, right?

"You messed up my jeans!" Lee Know pouted, seeing grass stains already on his white jeans. "I-I'm sorry, hyungie." Felix quickly got off of Lee Know before his body started to react, and walked away quickly back to his leader.

"U-um- Channie?" He tugged on the elders jacket, making Chan look at his other aussie. "What is it?" Bangchan asked, seeing Felix's unsure expression.

"I-I don't think Lee Know took his pills this morning-"

Bangchan instantly looked over to his dongsaeng at the word 'didn't' and 'pills'. "How do you-" "H-his scent is really s-strong and-"

Felix felt wet between his legs.

"I-I gotta go." Felix left Bangchan in the middle of the field, and ran off by the trees to the left. He hid behind one, and his boxers began to get soaked. Quickly.

"O-oh god."

'I know I took my pills this morning, I know I did!' He panicked in his head, knowing it was slick. 'It must've been Minho's scent. F*ck I have to go home- there's no way my perfume will cover this smell up.'

He turned around, and found Lee Know walking towards him.

F*ck, f*ck- oh no.

Felix crossed his legs together, and quickly panicked. What to do, what to do, what to do, what to do-

"What are you doing back here?" Lee Know questioned Felix. "U-um-"

'Holy hell his scent is strong- he definitely didn't take his pills.'

"R-relaxing." Felix swallowed, fear of being discovered suffocating him. "Well, you could sit in the grass- it's really comfortable." The elder told him, grabbing his arm.

He was hit with the smell of slick.

Felix whimpered at the touch, but quickly freed his arm, and ran out into the field. He saw Lee Know's eyes shift, he had to go home. Now.

"Han-" "Do you want to play soccer with us?" Han smiled very brightly like the sun, and held the soccer ball under his foot, making the maknae and Seungmin whine. Felix shook his head no, and ran to the next closest person.

"Binnie-" "Woah your perfume smells like something else, Lixie." Changbin laughed as Felix approached him. "I just realized that- I need to go home, I don't f-feel well." The younger studdered, knowing his slick was clearly detectable now. "Yeah, you desperately need a new perfume." Changbin chuckled, grabbing Felix's hand and walking over to their leader to explain they were leaving for a bit.

'Oh no.'

"Woah-" "Felix's perfume smells really weird and it's making him sick, so I'm gonna go take him back to the dorm." Changbin explained to Bangchan, who was shocked at the strong smell.

Felix's cheeks were red at this point, and he was looking down at the grass.

"Yeah- take a shower, Lix, it's really bad." Bangchan told Felix, trying to convince himself it wasn't slick he was picking up. "I-I will." Felix gripped Changbin's hand a bit, signaling he wanted to go home now. "We'll be back before the next shooting starts." Changbin smiled, and took Felix to his car.

"Felix, you need to get rid of that perfume." Changbin told him, trying to control himself as best as he could. "I know- I know what it smells like, but the bottle said it's supposed to smell like a spring waterfall." Felix lied, coming up with anything at this point.


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