She's Back After All These Years

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Haileys pov
"Hi sis" she said. My one and only sister standing there looking at me. Like she never did anything wrong to me, like she never left me. I just looked at her and began crying because she just left me here alone and I had no one. She was my only thing I had left and the only thing that meant the world to me. I had mixed feelings😑. I didn't know if I should be happy that she's here or should I be sad because she was gone for 4 in a half years. Every night before met Justin I cried because my mom and dad died in a car crash and Esmeralda left me alone. Luckily I found a modeling career and they accepted me and I became famous for being a model. "Hailey baby are you ok?" Justin asked while grabbing my waist. I shook my head no and began crying more and covering my face. I heard footsteps approach me and a hand land on my shoulder. I looked up and seen it was Esmeralda. I shrugged my shoulders and said "no no don't touch me" I half yelled. "What" she asked innocently. "You left me all these years and expect me to forgive you in just a snap of a finger" I said through my tears. "Look hailey I'm sorry for what I did to you that was my mistake. I didn't mean to. I just... I ju-st couldn't take the fact that all you would talk about was about moms and dads death." She said. That just made me angry. "So you decided to leave me just for that?" I yelled. " I had no other choice hailey" she half yelled. "YES YOU DID ESMERALDA, YOU DID!!!! YOU HAD TWO CHOICES BUT YOU CHOSE THE WRONG ONE." "AND WHAT WERE MY CHOICES THEN HAILEY PLEASE TELL ME" we both said now in a full yelling war. "YOU COULD OF STAYED HERE AMD SAID SHUT UP BUT NO YOU WANTED TO LEAVE ME AND YOU NEVER CALLED TO SAY HI OR TO CHECK ON UP ON OR NOTHING YOU ABANDONED ME" I yelled. I had tears coming out and she held in her tears that were forcing to be fallen out. "I didn't think of it that way" she said calmly and more quietly. "Of course you didn't... H-how could you?" I said beginning to cry again. I walked away leaving Esmeralda in my living room. I walked to my room and changed into my pjs and layed down on my bed and creating a huge puddle of tears. I heard my door open and seen Justin come in. "Baby are you ok?" I shook my head no and he picked me up and placed me on his lap. "Then what's wrong baby?" "She left me and now she wants to come back and expect me to forgive her Justin and I cant do that" "shhhh I understand do you want me to tell her to leave and then it will be just you and I?" "Yes please" I said.

Justin's pov
As I made my way downstairs I seen Esmeralda sitting down on the couch with her head down, I figured she was probably crying. "Esmeralda she wants you to go" I said frowning a bit. "Oh... Ok here give her this note and here is my number just in case." I took the two papers and opened the door for her. She made her way out and I closed it behind her and locked it. I went upstairs and hailey was still crying. I took off my shirt and pants and went in bed with her and snuggled her up. "Shhhh baby I'm here" i cooed. Her weeps slowly began decreasing and her breaths grew higher. "Justin" hailey called. "Yes baby" "I love Esmeralda don't get me wrong but I don't know if I will be able to forgive her, I-I need time though." " shhh baby let me make you feel good tonight" I said seductively in her ear. "Ok" she said in a whisper. I wrapped a arm around her waist and brought her closer and began kissing her neck. My hand went up and down her left thigh and she shivered to my touch which made me smile. I planted soft kisses on her ear and nibbled on it. I hovered over and planted kisses on her lips. I trailed them down to her pants. I pulled them down along with her underwear. I licked her in her womanhood and she moaned crazy as ever. She let go of cum and I cleaned it up with my tongue. I looked up at her and made my way to her lips. Tasting her own cum I tugged her shirt. She got up and pulled her shirt up leaving her in just a lace bra😏. She pulled the clip off and made her way to me and began pulling my boxers off. We were naked and I was putting on the condom when hailey pushed me down on the bed. She got on top of me and pushed her self down on me and weeped. Soon her weeps began turning into quiet moans. When she was bouncing up and down I pushed up and met her half way. "Oh oh mmm" she moaned. "Fuck" I groaned. She fell down and I hovered over her. I pushed jerry in her and she let out a long groan. I kept thrusting in her when I felt her orgasm. I was about to cum when she said to keep going. I rose her left leg over my shoulder and hit her perfectly which let her moan louder and faster. I couldn't thrust no more so I let go and collapsed next to her. I wrapped the blanket around us and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight" I whispered in her ear. She turned around and placed a kiss on my lips and then on my chest on my cross tattoo and then said good night back. Hailey and I both fell asleep in each others arms. Then darkness took over my body and I knocked out.

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