My First Tattoo

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Haileys pov
As I was laying in bed I was thinking about random things while scratching Justins head. I looked down and noticed how many tattoos he really had, he has 41 tattoos in total. I don't have any but I really wanted some and I think I am gonna get one today when my poobear wakes up. What should I get? Umm maybe the date of my parents death. Yea that will do. I see Justin turn around and then turn back around and then his eyes opened. "Hey" I said. "Hey" he said in his hot sexy raspy voice that I go crazy for all the time. "What's on your mind you seem so much in thought?" "Oh nothing" I lied. He rolled ontop of me and said" I know you are lying not quit it and what's wrong?" "Ok fine... I want a tattoo" he smiled and said "I knew you would want one someday." "Maybe but I want my parents death date on my wrist" he smiled and said. "I think that is sexy as fuck" he said kissing my neck. "Can you come with me?" "No thanks I got better things to do" and my smile went upside down. "I'm just kidding baby of course I wanna go" and then my upside down smile went upward. "Either way I would of dragged you out the house with me" I said giggling. We got dressed and got the car keys and walked to the car. "TELL ME SOMETHING I NEED TO KNOW THEN TAKE MY BREATH AND NEVER LET IT GO IF YOU JUST LET ME INVADE YOUR SPACE ILL TAKE THE PLEASURE TAKE IT WITH THE PAIN AND IF THE MOMENT I BITE MY LIP..." I was rocking it in the car with Justin looking at me like something's wrong with me. "Watch looking at?" " oh nothing just my girlfriend rocking out to Ariana grande" he said sarcastically. "I don't know why but Ariana to me sounds like she ate a hot pizza and her tongue is burning" he said. "So your just jealous she has more followers than you on Instagram" she said poking my shoulder. "So she has way more than both of us...and selena" he said whispering the last part. "What?" I said kinda sounding pist off. "I said she has way more than selena and us" "why the fuck are we talking about her?" I said in a sassy tone. "Baby I didn't mean that way I'm just saying" he said. "How the hell do you know how many followers she has?" I said getting more mad than I already was. "Because she direct messages me and I ignore them do you want me to show them to you?" He said louder this time. He showed me them. Aaaaand I felt hell to the stupid. I got mad for no apparent reason and I felt bad. "Ugh I'm sorry I just don't wanna talk about her." I said being honest. "Why not?" He asked.


When I was 17 I was dating this guy who was the sweetest person and his name was Matthew James. I loved him with every piece of bone in me. While I was in school it was tough because my parents had died and my sister left me. But then Matthew texted me saying he was going to skip school because he was 'to sick' to come. I knew I was to stupid enough to believe him but I did. I went to all my classes when I realized that my best friend wasn't here, Selena was gone in 7th period. I thought it was normal at first but I remembered how he had selena texting several times and he said he was happy to meet a friend soon and I thought a friend not selena. So that day I got in my car and instead of driving to my apartment that I lived all by self to remind you and decided to drive to Matthews house to see if my instincts we correct. I seen that the door was locked so I got the key that was ontop of the door😨😨and unlocked the door. As I walked in a slowly and quietly closed the door. I turned around and seen a pair of red pumps on the floor and a purse. I was really hoping that he had a girl cousin visit and not doing what I think he is doing. I blinked several times before my feet automatically moved to the stairs. I heard squeaks and moans from Matthews room and took a sharp deep breath that got stuck in my throat because I was too scared. I walked to the door and slowly grabbed the door handle and pushed it open. My eyes began to water with tears threatening to come out and both of my hands quickly went covering my mouth. They both looked at me. My instincts we correct, Matthew and selena. He said" hailey baby I-it's not w-what it looks like" he said scared as hell. "Of course it is you told me to do it with you and not to tell hailey about this" said selena. I couldn't speak and j couldn't think straight from my fears. I just stood there and then when I finally had the chance to run my eyes open and I run away back to my car letting all my sadness and tears come out. My own best friend went against me and went for my boyfriend. Till that day I committed myself that no boy was to ever break my heart ever again. I literally would not come out of my room, I would miss weeks of school so I would get phone calls home to my dead parents. I was so depressed that I started cutting. I lost a lot of weight so instead of being 130 pounds I was 90 something. But then I found you and we just clicked together I guess.

*end of flashback*

Justin's pov
"Wow selena was your friend?" "Yea she was my best friend" "ohh I'm sorry I mentioned her" I said leaning to kiss her lips. I felt her against mine and then she said. "It's ok you human you make mistakes Justin." "Ok how about we get back to the tattoo parlor?" He said giggling. "Oh yes I think our arguing got us here cause i see the pair around the corner" she said pointing. We got out and then this woman came out all tatted and I liked it. "Hi how may I help you guys?" "Umm we wanted to get a tattoo" "ok follow me" we did and she lead us to the back where the tattoos are done. "Ok who's first?" "I am" hailey said. "Ok what would you like?" "Umm on my wrist can I get 01-10-02 in roman numbers please?" "Oh yes honey of course what's on that date?" "M-my parents death date" she said. "Oh I'm so sorry honey" "thank you" "ok I'm going to have you lay on your stomach and flip your arm upside down. She did that and I sat on the stool next to her filming her in my phone. She looked for my hand and began squeezing my hand because the ink was being written on her, her first tattoo. "Oh my fucking gosh this hurts" she whimpered. I just laughed and then 10 minutes later the woman was done. She wrapped some gauze around it and then I layed down ready for my tattoo. "So what would you like?" "Umm on my ring finger can I get HB please?" She did it and I thanked her. "Wait can I get one more?" "Yes of course honey what is it that you want?" "I want JB on my ring finger" she did it and we both liked it and smiled stupidly. I payed and we walked out of the parlor. "Let's go home and devor our tattoos" she said. We got home and changed into out pjs. We were watching television when we both fell asleep in each others sleep.

So.... Hey guys how was the chapter. Please comment below and vote for my book please. Please ask any question or anything please I don't mind!!!!!im gonna update again right now for you lovelies!!!!!~K2B💙💜❤️💙💜❤️💙💜❤️💙💜

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