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Justin's pov
I woke up in the morning remembering how I promised that I would pull a prank on Nash and Nadia and I'm keeping that promise. I gently got out of bed kissing haileys head and covering her up since she took off the blanket. I walked out of the room and went downstairs to the kitchen. I went in the refrigerator and got out whip cream and some maple syrup. I went to my moms bird portrait and picked out a feather, if she notices I will say Jaxon ripped it off. I grabbed the things and then went in to Nadia's and Nash's room and seen it was open. I went to Nadia's side and then put whip cream on her hand and then I put syrup on it to touch it up and I did the same to Nash. This will teach them not to fuck in my house when hailey and I are home. When I was walking to the desk to get the feather I dropped a pencil sharpener and Nash started tossing and turning and that was my que to hide so I tiptoed ran to the closet. I hid for about a minute or two and heard silence so I came out and finished my idea. I grabbed the feather and went to Nash first and started tickling his nose. He started smiling and then his left hand went to his face and I had my laugh hold inside me even though I was dieing inside. I went to nadia and did the same but instead of it going to her face it went to Nash. I couldn't take it any more but before I could laugh I put whip cream all over her face and then I bursted it out laughing my ass off. They both woke up and looked at each other screaming. "AHHHHHHH" then they turned to me"AHHHHHHHH" and me the smart intelligent sexy man was dying of laughter on the floor suffocating for air. They both looked at me like they were gonna kill me. So I ran to my room and locked the door quietly and acted like nothing ever happened and cuddled up with hailey. Then hailey turned around and looked red from laughing or something. "Are you ok baby?" I asked. She said"what did you do to them Justin?" While giggling. "Let's just say they deserved payback for waking us up every morning" I smircked. "And what did you do sexy beast?" "I put whip cr- wait a minute did you just call me a sexy beast!" I said smirking again. "Hmmm I don't recall" she said playing her innocent act. "I'm gonna pretend that you just didn't lie to me" "ok but it's true your my sexy beast and that is final" "and I'm only yours remember forever together" doing the infinity sign with my fingers well my deformed infinity sign. Hailey just giggled at my child nonsense.

Haileys pov
I got up from the bed to go take a shower. "Baby I'm gonna go shower ok" "ok I'll be downstairs eating like a fat ass" I just giggled and said "ok" I went in the shower and played music. I don't know why but I'm obsessed with this new song called 'Earned It' by The Weeknd. It's a good song I think it's the theme song for this movie ummm what's it called ummm oh yea 50 Shades Of Grey. They say it's super sexual. I was in the shower just jamming to the music. After I finished with my shower I wrapped a towel around my waist and then 'Interwine' by Lil Twist came on. I was rocking my head back and forth when I realized it was a special day today. It was Justin's birthday today how can I forget. At exactly March 1, 1994 at 12:56 AM on a Tuesday he was born. Fuck I gotta do something. So in my head ding ding ding nadia came in. She was hanging out with Nash in the mall so I had to call her.
RING RING ROMG RING. Come on nadia answer your fucking phone.. RING RI-
"Hello" my turn. "NADIA TODAY IS JUSTINS BIRTHDAY WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING!!!" I yelled into the transporter. "God damn girl calm down what do you want us to do?" 😏😏😏"wait your at the mall right?" "Yea why" "go to party city and buy anything I will pay you back when you can't me home I promise." "It's ok but I will buy you the things." "Ok but can you also do me another favor" "yea of coarse" " I need you to set the party up cuz ima take Justin out to distract him" " oh yea I got this k now bye" by-" she hung up on me before I even got to say anything. Bitch but I still love her in a way. I put my black and white long sleeve on with some black shorts and my white converse and to touch it up I put no make up on and left my hair naturally straight. I went walking downstairs to see Justin eating cereal😇😇😇😇😑😑😑I went up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist while he was eating. I whispered in his ear saying "happy birthday baby" and he just laughed. "Thank you" he murmured back and k kissed his cheek and grabbed a bowl and added cinnamon toast crunch in my bowl with milk. While we were eating we were laughing and talking. "So what do you want for your birthday?" I should of never asked that question, why because he just looked up at me smirking and I just realized what he wants. Cough cough " you really wanna know what I want?" "Let me guess birthday sex" "HELL YEA" he yelled. I giggled at his silliness. "Actually I want my gold supras" I quickly texted nadia to get him his supras and thanked her. Nadia came home and that was my que that Justin and I had to go so she can set up. "Justin babe lets go to store" " ok but for what" "ummmmmm- I need pads for m-my per-riod" I said really awkwardly and he just went with it. We went driving to the store and bought what I supposivelly needed. Nadia texted me saying everyone was here and the part was ready. When we got home I unlocked the door and everything was dark and we step foot into a part because not even a second later everyone yelled" HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTIN!!!!!!!!" And lights went on. He stood there with the biggest smile and that made my heart warm up. I hugged him from his back and I kissed his shoulder.
Justins pov
The party was over and everyone was leaving. As I stood by the door I kept getting 'happy birthday Justin's 'and 'Justin my man's'. It was a great party and I gotta thank hailey for this. I went upstairs and found her putting her night gown on. Barely passing her ass I made my way. I changed into some sweats and took my shirt off leaving me shirtless. I went to lay down and she put herself against me and began kissing my chest. She ran her hands along my abs which made jerry dance of joy. She got up and straddled me and began kissing me down to my pants. She pulled them done leaving me just in my boxers. I grabbed her by her waist and brought her close to me and kissed her lips. "What are you doing?"I mumbled against her lips. "Giving you what you wanted" she mumbled against my lips feeling her hot breath. I flipped us over so I was on top. I began taking the straps of and pulling her dress down leaving her in just red lingerie lace underwear that were my hot. Hmm my favorite😏 i caressed her breasts just the right amount and began working on her left breast. I sucked and she moaned my name and I did the sam with the other one. I kissed down to her underwear and began pulling them down with my teeth and once they were off I threw them somewhere around the room. She grabbed me by my cheeks and pulled me up kissing me. Her hands moved down to the hem of my boxers and moved to my ear " I want these off" she whispered. She pulled them far as she can and I kicked the rest off. She grabbed a condom from my night stand and placed it on jerry. I spread her legs apart and positioned myself at her entrance. I pushed into her causing her to make a big long groan and so did I. I thrusted in to her hard and fast.

Haileys pov
I wrapped my legs around Justin's waist so he can hit my g-spot all the time. "jus-stin" I moaned. I wanted to ride him. "Yea baby" he groaned. "Let me on top" "you wanna ride jerry?" "Mmmhhh" he pulled out and rolled over I got on top and I slowly settled down on him I adjusted myself and began moving up and down and Justin grabbed a hold of my hips and began thrusting into me meeting me half way. My weeps slowly turned in to moans and the faster we went the louder they got. I felt myself getting close and I needed to release. I released into him and so did he. I tumbled over next to him and we just layed there caressing each others company. I gotta say this but I'm head of heels for this man and I ain't afraid to show it.

Justin's pov
Best. Birthday. Sex. Ever. I didn't actually think hailey would do it but I thought wrong. But like most people fuck each other well I call it making love to your lover. It wasn't slow sex but it wasn't rough sex it was in the middle I guess. I slowly fell asleep with the love of my life beside me legit naked and I don't care at all. Darkness took over my body within second.

So how is the book coming along. I hope u liked it. Please vote for my book and comment along the comment spaces please. I'm doing this thing that if you wanna be in my book just send me a message and I will have a chat with u and we will discuss the setting and all that shit. Thank u for reading my boo good night lovelies ~Kidrauhl_2_Bizzle❤️💜💙❤️💜💙

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