I Can't Lose You Not Again!

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Justin's pov
I was laying right here on my bed with hailey still sleeping against my chest... naked. I felt like she was going to panic like she did yesterday which really freaked me out cause she did it out of no where. I just feel bad because I know she misses her sister and wants to be with her but she is afraid to show the affection towards Esmeralda because she closed everything inside for a while and then barely let it lose. She turned around around so she was facing me now and she had dry tears in her eyes. I kissed her forehead to give her a sign that I'm here next to her and with that she wrapped an arm around me and so did I. I turned back on my back and started thinking again. Hailey started weeping and then shaking and I quickly turned around so I was facing her and carressed her in my arms. "Shhh I'm here baby" she weeped a bit more but then turned into little snores back again. I think I should make breakfast for her so we can have a chat. I slowly got up and put my boxers and basketball shorts on and walked out with out a shirt. I made my way downstairs and then I was right on time because the bell rang.
DING DONG DING DONG!!!! Fuckers don't they know people are sleeping at 10 in he morning. I opened the door and seen a little group of Girl Scouts. "Hello mister I'm Lexxy and I'm from a Girl Scout team and I was wondering if you would like to buy some cookies for $2?" Yea it couldn't hurt. I mean I could get some for hailey since she loves Girl Scout cookies. "Sure do you have mint chip?" "Yes I do mister. How many boxes would you like?" "Can I get 2 please?" I said taking out $4 dollars from the wallet in my coffee table. She grabbed the cookies and gave me them. "That will be $4 please" she said with a big smile and sticking out her hand for the money to land on. "Here you go and thank you" "your welcome and thank you" I gave her my signature smile and winked and then closed the door. I put the cookies on the kitchen stand and grabbed out a pan. I put it on the stove and added eggs. I was cooking and then I looked up and seen hailey with my shirt on barely passing her butt with dry tears. "Good morning baby" I said to her.

Haileys pov
I heard the door close when I finally woke up. I got up and placed back my underwear and grabbed one of Justin's extra large shirts and put it on me. While I was walked downstairs my thighs really hurt and my womanhood was in horrible condition. Damn we went really hardcore then. I made my way to kitchen and seen Justin cooking. I smiled at the thought of him and his personality and how j got to be with him, I got so lucky but to me I don't care what Emilyia has to say. Plus I haven't even heard of her smh!😑🙅💁. He looked up at me and seemed surprised. "Good morning baby" he said."good morning handsome" I said walking to him feeling sore down there and wrapping my arms around his waist. He smiled and then I smiled placing my cheek on his shoulder. "Who was at the door?" I asked concerned. "Ohh some Girl Scout girls selling cookies." "Oh did you buy any?" I asked hoping he did like a 5 year old. "Matter in fact yes I did" he smirking. "Your awesome" "that's all I get? No I love you justin or your sexy Justin?" "Fine I love you justin and your sexy, there you happy now?" "Yes I am" he served us our food and we stared chit chatting. "So how do you feel?" "I feel better but let me tell you I feel so sore Justin and it's all your fault" she said smiling. "Oh I'm sorry but ms hailey over here didn't want me to stop did she?" I said smart mouthing back. "Shut the hell up how aren't you sore?" "Maybe because I do the work" "I do too my legs hurt too and my ass" she said laughing a bit. "Well next time we shouldn't go hard core because this happens" he said pointing to my woman hood. I just laughed and Justin and I went to the couch and he sat down and I sat down with my head on his knees and the rest of my body on the couch. He was playing with my hair while we were in silence. "Justin" "hmm" "s-should I give Esmeralda another chance?" "That's your decision baby I can't tell you what to do" he said being honest. I looked up at him. "Is that her phone number and address in our room?" He looked up and then back to me" yes it is" "I'm gonna go call her to try again" "you want me to come with you to talk to her?" "yes that would help a lot please" he shook his head and we went to our room. I grabbed my iPhone 6 plus and typed in her number shaking. I put the phone on speaker so Justin can here.
RING RING RING RING RING RING RING RING RONG ROMG RONG RING RING RING RING "sorry I have missed your call please call back again and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible thanks" beep beep beep and then yea. She didn't answer. "What do I do now?" I asked. "Call her back again" I called her back again.
"Hello" and I just froze. I couldn't get the words out my mouth so I looked at Justin who whispered breath. I breathed in and then let it out. "Hello" Esmeralda said annoyed. "H-hello" I said studdering. "Who is this?" "H-hailey" I said. It went dead quiet for a second. "Hailey are you ok?" "Yea I just needed to talk to you." "Oh... What's the matter?" "I was wondering if you wanted to go talk at a cafe or something?" I said. UNBELIEVABLE!!! "Yea sure I would love to and it gives me to catch up on what I have missed out on!" She said excitedly. It made me smile a bit. "Ok so how about Justin and I pick you up at 12?" "That's sounds great!" She said "ok see you later" "ok bye bye." "Bye". I hung up and looked at Justin with pure lust in his eyes and a smile. I smiled back and attacked him with hugs and kisses. "Thank you for being here with me" I said to him. "Always together" he said. I placed a light kiss on his lips. We got ready and made our way to the car. "Are you sure about this?" He asked. I took a deep breath and said "yea" (did you guys see that I took that part from the as long as you love me video where they go in the car to run away!!!~Zaira❤️) We arrived to the address and waited for her to come out. I seen her come out and i stiffened and Justin noticed and grabbed my hand and told me its ok. She went in the backseat and sat quietly. We arrived to the cafe and walked in with our reservations in. We sat at the table and started talking. "So hailey what's happened the last past 4 in a half years I have been gone?" She said like its nothing. "Well um I-I-I have a modeling job and I have Justin, that's all and how about you?" "That's good and well I am married with a great man and have a good job as a doctor and yea" "ohh that's good" I said with a cricket smile. "So how was it since I've been gone?" " it was ok until I seen you on my anniversary and since that day it's been rough" I said tearing up but the. I stopped. I grabbed Justins hand and squeezed it letting him know I couldn't do this. He whispered in my ear saying I was doing good and we ain't leaving. "Look hailey I'm so so-" and I cut her off and said "please not this I came to talk things out and not this" I said hurt. "Ok" "let me put it like this Esmeralda you hurt me a lot and I couldn't take it no more" i said with tears falling out. "I know I did hailey and it's one of my biggest regrets. To see you growing up was a gift but then I ruined it and I didn't mean to and I-I'm so sorry" she said also with tears falling it out her eyes. Justin squeezed my hand letting me know it is ok. "I need you Esmeralda and I won't stop hurting until I have what I want." I said. "Same old hailey you still don't stop looking for what you want until you have it" she said laughing making me laugh. "Haha yes and I'm still searching for what I want." " well I'm here and I'm not going." "Esmeralda.. I-I can't loose you, at least not again... These past few days have been hell for me and Justins been by my side through all of it" I said looking at Justin and he smiled at me. "I'm gonna be here one way or another." "Me too" we both got up and I hugged her with all my love. It felt good to have my sister back in my arms again. "Well I gotta go so let's get you back home." We dropped her off and we went home. We got inside and sat on the couch. "Thank you for pushing me today" "your welcome" he said. "I would of never been able to talk to her and have her back if it weren't for you justin and it means a lot and that's why I love you." He smiled and placed a nice soft passionate kiss on my lips. The rest of the day we watched funny, scary, and romantic movies. That's the last thing I remember before falling asleep.

Justins pov
Well it looks like hailey fell asleep in my arms. I picked her up and carried her up to our room. I changed her in to one of my big shirts. I put the covers over her and kissed her forehead and whispered good night to her. I went back downstairs and cleaned up the living room from all of our snacks and turned off the tv. I went upstairs and closed my door and locked it. I went to the window and opened it a bit because it was kinda hot. I brought down our curtains and went to my bed. I went underneath the covers and turned off my lamp on the night stand. I wrapped my arms around haileys waist and cuddled in with her. "Good night" she mumbled and I said "good night babe" and with that darkness took over me.

So..... How was the chapter? Was it good or naww? Please feel free to comment on the comments or text me on wattpad and yea I love you lovelies and goodnight~K2B❤️💙💜❤️💙💜❤️💙💜

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