❤️Nadia and Nash❤️?!?!

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Nadia's pov
Do you know how dead I am right now or I was? I cried and cried and cried every ten minutes with Nash by my side every time I woke up. I'm starting to think Nash cares for me more than Cameron did. How do I say this but him and I are like made for each other... I think. I mean look at us I do not believe in love at first sight, but for him and I, I believe in it. Nash has always been a great friend and I always wanted to be more than friends with him but then I started dating Cameron and I couldn't keep liking him and date cameron so I turned off my feelings for him and basically muted him. So every time he would come over I would ignore him and I felt bad but if I talked to him I would fall for him even more than I already did. I need to thank him for everything. "Nash" I said poking his cheeks and he wouldn't budge to open his eyes. "Baby... Nash" still nothing. "Fine your gonna play like that I'm gonna play like that too" I smirked and pushed my lips on his and he immediately kissed back and he moaned into the kiss, I pulled away and looked at me pouting"hey why did you stop?" "Oh but you can wake up to that but not when I call your name?!" And he finally spoke up "well it's not everyday I wake up to that" he said "well now you don't have to worry because it will for now on" "do you know how long I've been waiting to do that?" "How long" I said seductively in his ear. "4 in a half years" my eyes widened from what he just said and I pulled away and looked up at him "a-are you serious?" "Yep but I never said anything because you were dating Cameron and you basically started ignoring me" and I immediately felt guilty " Nash look in sorry I didn't intend to make you feel un welcome its just...its just... I-I-I liked you for a long time too but I had to push those feelings aside and ignored you because if I talked to you I fell for you more and I couldn't because of Cameron but trust me if I wasn't dating Cameron we would of been together a long time ago" "but we have no need to worry now cause your mine now" he said. "And you stand correct honey bunches of oat" "what the hell I ain't cereal" "your my cereal darling" "oh so now I'm your darling?" " mmmhhh no"he pouted and then I said "Nash your my everything"and planted a kiss on his lips. "So are you nadia" "ok that's good because if I weren't then we gonna have some problems here mister." I said giggling. "Oh really because last time I checked I did ask you to be my girlfriend and last time I checked you said yes" he said being a smart mouth. "Hhmm I don't recall" I said in my British accent. "Oh my dear lord help me" "I take that affensive!" I said loudly "you shouldn't because I'm praying to keep you mine" "then never mind I take that as a compliment" "fucker it was a compliment" he said laughing. "Excuse me but I have feelings too" "oops did I say that out loud my bad" he said acting like a white girl covering his mouth and smirking. "Oh haha shut the fuck up smart ass" I said sarcastically. And I just layed my head on his chest listening to his beating heart.

Justin's pov
I woke up to no presence next to me. Hailey is probably making breakfast for us.
"Hello" i said groaning. "Hey it's scooter you have a photo shoot today with hailey again" "alright what time?" "Umm its at 10 so be there by 9:30 so we can do haileys makeup and yea and your stuff" "ok we're gonna get ready" "ok see you in a bit" "ok bye" "bye". With that my beautiful girlfriend came in the room with my over sized shirt on her. "Good morning doofus" she said in her angel voice. "Good morning love bug" "I made breakfast" what did I say I told ya'll she was making breakfast. "Ok scooter called and said there is a photo shoot and we need to be there by 10" "ugh" "I know baby but come on look at he bright side I basically get to see you naked" I said grabbing her waist and pulling her closer to be while her arms snaked around my neck. "Shut up you perve" "oh but I ain't a perve when I give you the dirty huh?" He said winking at me and I rolled my eyes laughing. "Shut up and let's get ready and go eat"
***************at the photo shoot***************
Haileys pov
We were doing our photo shoot and Justin was playing the drums and I was just standing there watching him. How did I get so lucky to be with a man like him. "HAILEY" "YEA" "THANK YOU FOR COMING" "MY PLEASURE CALL ANYTIME FOR THE NEXT PHOTO SHOOT" "RIGHT BACK AT YOU GIRL" I don't know why but we were yelling at each other and we were just on opposite side ways. "You ready to go home baby" Justin said as he wrapped his arms around my waists. "Of coarse so I can get these shoes off of me" "ok babe lets go"
When we got home I took of my shoes as I was about to enter the house. As soon as I walked in the house I thought I was dreaming. "NO WAY NASH AND NADIA!?!?!?!" I yelled. They both turned around and pulled away from their kissing moment. "I-I uh-h we can explain" Nash said. "Oh there's no need to explain Nash we know what going on here" Justin said smirking. "Y-you do?" Nadia asked. "Mmmhhh" I said. "You two are friends with benefits!" Justin yelled. Oh my fucking God Justin really. "WHAT" nadia and Nash yelled. "No we aren't I asked nadia to be my girlfriend yesterday night, we aren't you know... Friends with benefits" he muttered. "Oh well then*cough* please excuse me and my mom sense" Justin said. "No it's fine bro seriously it's ok" "you sure" "yea"Nash said "we cool then?" Justin said "cool" Nash said. I just kept laughing as I made my way upstairs. I felt dirty and sweaty so I decided to take a shower. I grabbed a clean pear of pink and Polk-a-doted Victoria Secrets underwear along with the bra and some yoga pants and a black spaghetti strap tank top. I made my way to the shower and undressed myself and jumped in listening to 'Be Alright' by my boyfriend Justin Drew Bieber. I washed my hair and did all my girl things when I just decided to stand in the shower letting the water fall on my back because it felt so good. Until I felt a presence with me.

Justin's pov
I heard the water go on which means that hailey must of gotten in the shower. "Hey guys I'm gonna go lay down for a bit" "mmmhhh sure if that's your story? "No duh assholes" I walked upstairs when I heard nadia say' he gonna give her the dirty haha' and the. I muttered a 'bitch' to her and she answered back a plain simple I love you too. I stripped down my clothes and locked the door so no one can disturb us. I slowly jumped in and wrapped my arms around her waists. She jumped and screamed"OH MY GOSH JUSTIN YOU FUCKING DICK!!"she yelled at me. "Hello to you too" I smircked. "You dick you fucking scared the shit out of me"
"Aww my baby was scared." I cooed at her. "Fuck you" "umm I believe it's the other way around" I winked. "Oh really" "yes really" "well I have a treat for you" "what is that madam?" "No sex for a week" she whispered in my ear. "WHAT!!!" And all she did was wink. We got dressed and then layed on the bed talking about random things. "Justin" "mmm" "let's make a bet" "ok" " let's see who can win if we make a bet that we can't have sex for a month" she smircked. "So no sex for a month?" "Yep" what I'm about to say is a big mistake. "Deal!" "Deal!" And we shook hands. We kept talking and this whole 'no sex thing for a month' is killing me already. I am gonna make her crave soon one way or another. And she will be begging and crying for. Trust me I can guarantee you a $100. I grew more tired and tired each second I thought. I turned around and seen hailey sound asleep with her mouth a bit open. I grabbed the blanket and covered us up and wrapped my arm tighter around her bringing us closer. I kissed her head and she said goodnight and I said it back. Not even 5 minutes and I heard Nash and Nadia getting it on and I mean getting it on. Why watch porn when you got them. And then darkness took over my body and I still laughed in my head. Haha so funny what he until tomorrow how they going to wake up. Justin Bieber is gonna give them a surprise they don't wanna open.

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