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Thank you and enjoy this chapter xoxoxox
Justin's pov

I felt clingy today. Like really clingy. But I didn't want to bother hailey. I need to satisfy my needs. I need to go out for a night with the boys. I walked over to hailey in bed. She was watching tv and since she didn't feel good she stayed in bed all day long. Right now it was 11:34 PM. "Hailey babe I'm gonna go hang out with the boys for a bit ok I'll be back" I said. She looked up at me and smiled and said "ok just be careful" I smiled and kissed her lips. "I will" she smiled and her eyes went back to the tv. I changed into some black jeans and a black t-shirt with my black supras. I checked my hair in the mirror and snapped my fingers and winked at the mirror looking at myself. I walked downstairs and grabbed my Lamborghini keys and walked to the garage. I went in side and left to the club. I met with Nash and Carter.

*****During the club*****
"YEA THAT BODY IS A BLESSING GIRL I AINT TRYNA PRESSURE HER SHE MESSES WITH THE TEMPERATURE BUT I AM THE MESSANGER ..." I was drinking a beer. I think it was called Corona something like that. Nash was with Nadia basically grinding on each other like legit grinding on each other. It was just me and carter drinking. "Hey bro I think that chick over there is looking at you" carter said to me. I drank 6 beers already so I was completely drunk. I turned around and here was this Mexican chick looking at me. She was biting her lip was a major turn on. She winked at me and I smiled to her. She was kinda cute.

Wait... No Justin you have a girlfriend already.

But she is cute I wanna get to know her.

Would you shut the fuck up Justin you are gonna regret it.

But hailey won't find out right. I don't know I'm completely drunk and honestly I don't care I'm a grown man. I decided to go talk to her.

"Hey carter I'll be back" I told carter. He smirked. "You gonna try to get at that?" He said. "No... Not yet" I said. I walked away. I approached the girl and said "what is a lady doing here all alone?" I said playing cool I guess. She giggled which was cute. "Haha smooth... I'm Vanessa... Vanessa Hudges" she said sticking her hand out waiting for me to shake it. I smiled and shook her hand. "Well hello Vanessa I'm Justin... Justin Bieber" I said. She laughed again. "How about you and I go dance for a bit" I asked. She smiled. I grabbed her hand and made my way towards the dance floor. It smelt like sweat and beer and drugs. She let go of my hands and turned around. Right now the DJ was playing 'Make it Nasty' by Tyga. She had a short short dress on. She started grinding one me and I wrapped my arms around her waist. All the movements she was doing was definitely a bigger turn on. She bent down and started grinding harder against my 'friend' which was getting very happy.

Stop it Jerry!!!!!😏

She turned around and grabbed my neck. I still had my hands wrapped around her. She pulled her face to my face and the next thing I knew was that our lips we lip to lip. We were kissing. I barely knew this chick and I'm already missing her...ok. My hands went down to her ass...what I'm a ass guy ok!!! "How about we take this somewhere else babe" she asked. I shook my head yes and we went to my car. We arrived at her house and entered it. We went to her room and began getting busy.., totally forgetting hailey... My girlfriend.

Haileys pov

I was all alone in my room. Justin left to go hang out with nash and carter. I was watching 'Ghost Whisperer' and snuggled up in my blankets.


Shit that was phone. The fucking ringtone scared the shit out of me. I got a phone call from...carter?

"Hey Carter" "hey hailey" "what happened?" "Oh um is Justin home?" "Umm no isnt he with you" "no he isn't here with us." Oh shit he wasn't with Nash and Carter. " ok I'll call him" I said. I hung up before he could even answer. I called Justin about 10 times and left him like 50 messages but still no answer form him. I started to worry like was he ok? I didn't know what to do so all these thoughts were making me stressed out so I fell asleep.

Sooooo.... How was this chapter. Oh shit Justin cheated on hailey. Is she gonna find out or nawww. Leave ur thoughts in the comment sections and please vote for my story. Love you lovelies gn!!!!!!!!!!~K2B💜💙💜💙❤️💜💙❤️💜💙❤️💜💙

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