❤️Best Friends❤️

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Make sure to watch the video on the side. It's about friendship ok enjoy the chapter.💯💯💯💯💯💯
Haileys pov

"Justinnnn" I called rolling the R. "Yes my oh sweet beautiful girlfriend" he said in his British tone. "Babe can Madison come over today?" I asked with my puppy eyes. He looked at me and then smiled. "Why are you asking that of course she can come" he said. "YAYYY" I practically yelled at him and jumped on him attacking his soft plump lips. Soon I was hovering over him. He had his arms wrapped around my waist and my arms wrapped around his neck. Justin swiped his tongue asking for entrance I didn't let him in. He groaned and then Squeezed my ass and that led me to a little moan which aquirred Justin to slip his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominiance and of course he won. He flipped us over and now he was on top of me. I moaned as his right hand was scanning my body and his left hand holding all his weight. My hands went under his shirt. Let me add that we were on the kitchen counter💯😏😑. He was between my legs and then he pushed off all the cups and plates that were plastic on the counter and they fell on the floor.

Justin's pov

After hailey and I finished our session Madison came. "Hi justin" Madison said hugging me. "Hey baby doll" I said back at her. "Is hailey here?" She asked. "Yes she is she is in the living room." I said. "Thank you" with her white smile and I replied a simple your welcome back at her. "OH MY GOSH HAILEY!!" I heard Madison yell. "AHHH OH MY LANTA MADISON YOU MADE IT!!" I heard hailey yell back. Girls these days with their screaming gosh they sound like fricken gossip girls. I closed the door and smiled and walked to the girls. As I walked to the girls I stopped when I heard Madison's voice. "So hailey how's has life been?" Then hailey spoke. "Honestly Madison it couldn't be better , I have Justin with me and I have my sister back. Even though I don't have my parents with me I know I'll make it as long as I keep my head up you know" hailey said. I couldn't help that I felt a smile tug on my lips. "That's good that's how I felt with Luke but then I figured out he was cheating on me but then I found Ashton and im happier than ever. Your one lucky girl" Madison said. "Why am I lucky maddie?" Hailey asked. Not to be cocky or anything she lucky cause of me duhhhh. "Because you actually have a man that's supports you through thick and thin a man that loves you with all his heart a man that would take a bullet for you all because he is in love with you" Madison said. I thought to myself and Madison was totally true. If hailey was ever to be kidnapped I would fucking kill the person that was tryna hurt her and if they wanted to shoot her I would take a bullet for her. It was time I walk in on them... So I did... That's exactly what i did. "Oh hey babe" hailey said as I walked to her and kissed her cheek. "Hey babe and maddie" I said back.

Haileys pov

I was in the mood for a drink. Wait hold up let me rephrase that I want a drink. "We should have a drink" I said out of the blue squinting my eyebrows and raising my finger as if I were smart. "Yea we should I'm in the mood for one" Justin said walking towards the kitchen. " I can't drink" Madison said and I was confused and Justin looked like he was too because he stopped dead in his tracks. "What do you mean you can't drink you always drink" I said confused. Madison stands up and holds her stomach. In a second my hand forcefully slaps my mouth with a gasp. "No" Justin says giggling. Madison giggles. "Surprise!" She said. She was pregnant meaning there is a baby growing in her stomach. Me being the fan girl I gasped and stood up fast and hugged her. "Oh my god congrats maddie" I said smiling wide. "Aww thanks guys , that's means a lot." She said also with a smile. "Well I'm guessing no drinks then?" Justin said laughing. Madison and I both nodded of heads no. For the whole night Justin , Madison , and I played spin the bottle and watched movies. It was 3:07 AM in the morning. "Alright guys I'm gonna go home to Ashton thanks for the night it was fun." Madison said. "Anytime maddie" I said. "No problem" Justin said. Justin opened the door and Madison gave Justin and I our hugs and kisses on the cheeks. I turned off the tv and Justin and I went upstairs. We changed in our pjs and layed in bed ready to go to sleep. Justin wrapped his arm around my waist and I snuggled my head in his chest. "Goodnight" he whispered and I muttered it back to him. Soon darkness took over me.

Sooooo....... How was this chapter. My bad for it being short I just finished my math homework and it took a while. Please comment in he the comment sections or message me on wattpad. Please vote for my storie and good night lovelies sleep tight!!!!!!!!!!!!~K2B💜💙❤️💜💙❤️💜💙❤️💜

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