This Can't Be

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Haileys pov

Hayes and I spent the rest of day together and I totally forgot about Justin's and our break up. I took my mind off of...Justin

********2 weeks later*********

Those sentences kept playing in my head. Sometimes I kept telling myself to go back to Justin but I think he found a new girl already.


I was walking to the park with tears in my eyes. I arrived to the park and sat on the park bench. I seen a girl and a boy kissing each other. It looked like Justin a bit. I tried to take my mind off Justin but nothing was working because deep down I knew I still loved him. The boy looked really familiar. I wiped my eyes and walked towards them. I turned my head and seen it was the one and only...Justin Bieber. I couldn't keep the tears in my eyes and just let them fall. They still fricken kissed each other and Justin seemed to enjoy it. I just walked away and made my way to my house.

Ever since that day I promised myself hat I will never think of Justin again. And I just broke that promise. As I was lying in bed I felt my stomach knot. I took a deep breath and immediately ran to the bathroom and barely made it to the toilet. As I bent down my stomach just let it all out and my throw up came in the toilet. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up seeing my sister. She smiled at me. I kept throwing up and it burned my throat. When I finished I went downstairs to go eat. "So what's wrong with you?" Esmeralda ask. I don't know why don't you ask my fucking throat! " I don't know but I feel nauseous" I said holding my stomach. "You don't think know" she said raising her eyebrows. "N-no I don't think so" I said panicking already. "It's probably a virus or something no biggie" she said. "Yea nothing biggie" I said not sure. As we were eating my phone rang. I ran to the living room and seen the phone call. It said 'Unknown Number' so I answered it. I wish I didn't though. "Hello" I said. "H-hailey" who's this. "Who is this?" I asked. "Justin" and cue I wanna cry. "Why are you calling me?" I said snappy a bit. " I needed to hear your voice" he said. " I don't want to hear your voice please don't call me" I said sadly. "Please don't do this hailey" he said sounding like he was crying. "Remember Justin I didn't do this to us you do" I said. I didn't even let him answer and just hung up. I felt nauseous again and I just took a deep breath and let it go. It's like he's trying to kill me. I walked back to the kitchen and Esmeralda said "who called you" "Justin" "oh" and she looked down. After we finished eating our food Esmeralda and I decided to go walk around the mall. Right now we were in the Louie Vanton store and I just bought 2 Louie Vaton purses for $9,000 total. Esmeralda bought a black Michael Kors bag. We both already bought $200 worth of clothes. Once we got out the Michael Kors store we went to Werzels Pretzels and I got a pretzel with a lemonade and Esmeralda bought a pretzel and strawberry lemonade. We walked away and to Victoria Secrets was our next stop. I got some underwear and bras and some pajamas. I want feeling good at all so I went to the bathroom and puked. Esmeralda was giving me the 'we need to get a pregnancy test right now' and I gave her the ' I know lets go' look. While we were in the car Esmeralda was giving me this whole lecture about me being pregnant and blah blah blah. I don't think I am pregnant and especially with Justin's child. We were currently at CVS and I got a pregnancy test. I went home and peed on it. I had to wait 10 minutes so I set my alarm on my phone. I started chewing my nails because I was nervous as hell. If I do end up pregnant I don't know how because Justin and I always use condoms. "Condoms do break sista." Oh I said that out loud.

----------10 minutes later-------------

I heard the time go off meaning it was time to check if I was pregnant or not. I opened the door to the bathroom and seen the test. I walked over to it and sure enough there was a plus sign. Oh shit!

I'm pregnant and guess what Justin Bieber is the father.

Justin's pov

I fucked up big time. I lost my girlfriend and all I do is play girls heart for the past 2 weeks. It's all about sex so I can forget all about hailey which hasn't quit worked. I miss her I really do. I miss her smile. I miss her laugh. I miss waking up to her. I miss kissing her. I miss hugging her. I miss everything about her. I tried calling her for the past 2 weeks and she never answered so I called her on a unknown number and guess what she answered. I want my girl back and I tend on getting her back.

Soooooooo...... Hey lovelies how was this chapter? Please leave comments on the comments section and please vote for my story. Gn lovelies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~K2B💜💙💜💙❤️💜💙❤️💜💙❤️💜💙✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️

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