❤️I Love You Too❤️

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Haileys pov
I woke up to a bright light shining on my face. Great morning. I tried to get up from bed when I realized I was not in my room I was in a boys room and then I tried to get up again but then there was a grip around my waist. I kinda freaked out and yelled and pushed the body off of me when I heard a loud thump on the floor. I didn't even look at the person I just panicked. "Oww!" I heard someone say. Wait it's Justin I'm so stupid. " oh my gosh Justin I'm so sorry I thought you were a stranger I forgot I stayed here last night!" "It's ok"he said getting up and laying back on the bed and so did I. When I started getting comfortable Justin scared me because he hovered over me and our lips were dangerously close like really close. "What are you doing?" "What does it look like?" "Ummm like your tryna kiss me" I said guessing. "Damn right baby" and with that our lips were smashed together moving in perfect sync. I pulled back and opened my eyes when I seen those brown eyes looking at me making me fall harder.

Justin's pov
I'm totally whipped. I am completely in love with hailey Baldwin and I'm not doubting it. I was laying in bed with baileys head resting on my chest and my arm wrapped around her waist. She broke the silence and said "Justin" "huh" I hummed back. "I love you"wow she said it she said I love you. " I love you too and forever I will" I got up from my resting position and she looked up at me like she was confused and all I did was grab the back of her neck and kissed her passionately with all the love I had in me. She moaned in my mouth and she pulled back and I accidentally bit her lip which made her groan. I just smirked at her and she literally attacked me wrapping her arms around me and kissing me and me being a guy I kissed back. We had a little make out for like 5 minutes and we both pulled away at the same time. I took the chance and said "do you wanna go to the pool I have a pool in the back yard?" "Um I don't have a bathing suit" "ok we can go buy you one then" "ok"
********skip buying bathing suit and home*********
Haileys pov
Justin bought me a simple black lace bikini and I look good must I say. "Hailey are you done changing?"
"Yea I'll be down in a minute"I yelled back. I checked myself out just to make sure nothing was wrong. I took a deep breath and walked out to the kitchen. Justin was drinking water and then turned around and I swear his eyes popped out of his sockets. I just mentally laughed in my head and he said" wow hailey a-are y-you r-re-eady?"aww he studered. "Umm yea c'mon" I said basically dragging him out of his own house to the backyard. Once we got outside Justin ran and jumped into his big pool. I just walked over to the pool and stuck my hand in and it was cold. I got back up and justin yanked my foot and I fell in the water with him. " what the hell Justin" I said. "I'm sorry babe I was just playing" it's time to play the way I play so I'm gonna act mad. "Baby don't be mad at me" I kept ingnoring him. Soon I felt his hand on my shouldn't and then I tensed up. Really Justin were gonna play that way well ok then. He started kissing my neck up to my jawline and then I gave up and bit my lip to keep the moan from coming out. "Don't do that hailey" "do what" "bite your lip so you won't moan" "I am not gonna moan" "we will see because when I get you alone I'm going to make you scream my name and beg for more" and I couldn't take it anymore so I turned around and kissed him. He started kissing back and he told me something so loving. "Jump"I jumped in the water and wrapped my legs around his waist. He started walking out the pool to his room.
Justin's pov
I was in my room and shut the door with my left leg. I found my bed and layed hailey carefully down on it. I hovered over her and started making out with her neck. She was moaning like crazy and I smiled knowing that I'm the one causing it. I played with the hem of her top and pulled the string so it came off leaving her topless. She started playing with my tank top and I got up and yanked it off creating a bigger like of clothes. I dragged my hands down to her underwear and hooked my thumb into them and started sliding them off. She grabbed my swim shorts and yanked them off like no tomorrow and soon enough we were naked. I pulled the blankets over us and I looked at her. "Do you wanna-"she cut me off and just kissed me. "I'll take that as a yes" I said against her lips and she just nodded. I grabbed a condom beside my nightstand and slid it on and quickly waisting no time I pushed into her earning a long big growl from hailey. I kept thrusting and thrusting and thrusting in to her. "Uhh Justin" "faster please" I went faster and deeper. I grabbed her leg and put it over my shoulder and let me go deeper. "Ohhh m-my g-osh harder and faster Justin. She was scratching my back so pretty much there will be marks. We kept making love where you can hear our skin slapping each other and I felt close. I soon let loose and then I felt her come loose too. I collapsed next to her and threw away my guy tool and flipped back to bed laying with hailey. "Thank you" she said."for what?" "Being here" "shh your welcome go to sleep" and we both fell asleep smiling cuz I just made love with the most beautiful girl in the world and soon enough later darkness took over me.

Heyyyy babies I just updated. so I hoped u liked it good night lovely babies❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️so much love and I hope u continue reading my story

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