Release Day

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Just pretend that the pictures of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin ok...make sure to swipe and watch the video on side!
Justin's pov
Finally the day we leave this crap hole. "So babe you ready to go?" I smiled looking at her. She took a deep breath and smiled and then said "of course I am" she got up from the hospital bed and that made me quickly run towards her. "Justin babe I got it" she said. "I know baby but I gotta make sure that you don't fall or anything." I said and kissing her cheek. She blushed and as I was about to kiss her cheek again I was interrupted by the doctor. "Oh I'm sorry but I just wanted to tell you both that hailey is ready to go today and she is well healthy again." I smiled and carefully sat hailey on the hospital bed and walked over to the doctor. I shook his hand and said thank you and he smiled at me. Since hailey was staying at the hospital I told my mom to bring me and hailey some clothes. I went to the luggage and got out hailey some clothes. I took out some gray joggers and a white t-shirt and her white vans. I walked over to her handing the clothes to her. She stood up and began pulling off the strings and pulled it down. I coughed and look down. "What , it's not like you haven't seen any of this before" she said smirking. "I know it's just after the last time I don't think I can handle myself anymore" I said smirking back at her and that earned me a slap on my arm. I just laughed at her silliness. After she got dressed I grabbed our luggage and I grabbed her hand and we walked out. We checked out the hospital and walked to our car. We drove home and my favorite song came up " ohhhh no flex zone ohh no flex zone they no they know better no flex zone ohh no flex zone they know better won a gold medal treat it so special..." I was rapping to the beat and then faced hailey while she was looking out the window and rapping also too. That's my girl! I looked down to her shoulder and seen the bandage and stitched wrapped around it. I felt guilty. I felt like I should of been faster to save her. I knew she was in a lot of pain. And I felt bad that I let her down. After I let out all the negativity I grabbed her left hand. She looked at me and I looked at her and smiled. She leaned over and kissed me cheek. I smiled but my eyes were glued to the freeway.

Haileys pov
I felt Justin grab my hand and intertwine our fingers. I looked at him and he looked back at me and I smiled. As he turned around facing the road I leaned in and placed a nice and sweet kiss on his cheek. And then I turned back around facing my window. The hospital bed was not as comfortable as I thought it would be and I just couldn't sleep so I was very tired and I just fell asleep in the passenger seat.

Justin's pov
While hailey and i were holding hands I felt her hand loosen on my hand. I squinted my eyebrows and looked at hailey and I realized she was knocked out.
She looked so peaceful. I didn't even notice that we were already home. I got off the car and walked to haileys side. I opened her door and grabbed her and carried her bridal style. This girl is a sound sleeper because I just slammed the car door and she didn't budge to open her eye. I walked to the door and quickly opened the door. I walked upstairs and set her on our bed. I took off her shoes and covered her up with the blanket. She looked so perfect that I had to take selfies of her. So I grabbed my iPhone 6 plus and took like 50 pictures of her , legit. I giggled and walked out the room. I went downstairs out the from door and to the car. I grabbed our luggage from the backseat and walked back inside the house. I set the bag in the laundry room. I took out the clothes and put them in the washer. I sat on the couch and went on Twitter. My fans were so loyal. They were trending some nice things on Twitter.
@hay&jay: I hope Hailey is ok#lovehelena
@helena: love you#prayforhailey❤️

On the other hand there we some mean quotes.
@helena: hailey is a attention getter.
@madisonstocker: fuck them both

I ingnored the rude quotes and turned off my phone. I turned the tv on and started watching 'The Haunting' my favorite show. I crossed me legs and payed attention to the tv.

Haileys pov
"Mommy daddy is being a bad boy he called you sexy" my 5 year old son said "oh did he really?" I asked "Uh huh he said mommy is a very sexy woman" and then I yelled."JUSTIN" Justin comes in with a smirk on his face grabbing my waist. "yes my lovely wife" "why are you telling Chase that his mommy is sexy?" " because his mommy is very sexy" and then chase spoke. "mommy where did I come from?" I nearly choked on my soda. "What baby?" "I wanna know where I came from" "well-umm you see baby you came from a cool planet." " oh hay sounds cool , I'm gonna go play my Xbox mommy and daddy" "come here little munchkin" Justin said. Justin attacked chase and carried him on his back. "AHHHHHHH daddy my pants are falling off" chase said giggling. "Alright buddy pull up your pants and go play you Xbox" Justin said. He put chase down and he ran to his room. "Only for a hour babe ok chase?" "Okay mommy" he yelled from upstairs.

I woke up quickly but smiling at the same time. I had a dream. Not a nightmare a fricken dream. Justin was a dad in my dream and I was a mom and we had a little 5 year old boy. We were married. What I always wanted. Justin was so good with him and his name was chase. That was like the best dream ever. I uncovered myself and put my sandals on and walked downstairs. I seen Justin and walked to him. I sat on his lap. "Well good afternoon my princess" he said pecking my lips. "Hey my prince." He smiled. I just stared off in space. "What's wrong you seem so in thought?" I sighed. " can I ask you a question?" "Of course baby" "do you ever want to get married and have kids?" He looked down and then up at my eyes. "Yea I do...very much" I smiled and said "me too" "why are you asking that?" "Because... I just had a dream that we were married and had a little boy" "wow is that what you want?" "Always wanted that" "me too" and he pecked my lips.  "Now you need to get some rest so go lay down in the bed. "Ok dad" he laughed and carried me piggy back style up the stairs. He layed me down and then kissed me and walked out. I fell asleep smiling.

Justin's pov
She wants kids. Yassssss!!!!!!🙏🙏🙏

Heyyyy lovelies I'm here. How was this chapter. Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been busy with my family and school. Please feel free to comment on the comment sections or direct message me. Please vote for my story and I love you!~K2B💙💜❤️💙💜❤️💙💜❤️💜💙

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