I Miss Them

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Haileys pov
"Mom can you tell Esmeralda to leave me alone? She is so annoying she keeps bugging me!" I said getting annoyed. "Esmeralda leave hailey alone!" She said not even looking at her. "But mom I wanna be up in the business with hailey cause she's my lil sister." She said whining. "No leave me alone I have enough glimpse of you today" I said laughing. "What did you just say" Esmeralda said smirking at me. "Uhhh ohhhh no no no don't attack me" I said about to run. I ran upstairs and she chased after me. "Girl be careful don't break nothing!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I was pulled back and thrown on the floor and attacked by tickling. "Ahhhhh no l-leave m-me a-alone p-please!!" I said laughing and giggling and dying. "Say you love me" "noooo" but the. She kept tickling me and then I said it. "F-fine I-I l-love y-you" and then she stopped. "Girls come down right now!" My dad yelled. "We're coming daddy." I said. Yes I am a daddy's girl. We went downstairs and we stood there. "Yes daddy" I said. "Your mother and I are going to the market real quick and we will be back ok." "Ok daddy can you bring me a candy please?" I said batting my eyes. "Yes honey I will. Esmeralda take care of your sister ok?" "Yes dad I promise" she said kissing his cheek. "Ok girls we will be back" said my mom grabbing the car keys. "Wait mom! dad!" I ran to them both and hugged them. They hugged me back and then left. It was just Esmeralda and I. We were watching tv and on our phones, mostly our phones. I was in Instagram when something on the news caught my attention. There was a car crash and a really bad one. I sat up shocked because that looked like my parents car. "Esmeralda look that looks like mom and dads car" I said scared. "Dude that's not their car your stupid" "oh ok and damn u was just asking no need to get all mad." And she just laughed. Bitch. I jumped at the sound of the house phone ringing. "I GOT IT!!" "I'm right next to you you idiot!" Esmeralda. I went to the kitchen to answer it. "Hello" I said in my sweet voice. "Is this the Baldwin family?" The deep voice said. "Yes it is" I said a little more lower. "I'm so sorry for your loss." "What do you mean?" "Are you the children of Isabelle and Brian Baldwin?" "Yes we are" I said. "I'm so sorry but your parent...your parents are dead." And I just dies inside right. And now I was crying. "No no no your lying please tell me your lying?" I said crying. "I'm so sorry." And then I yelled for Esmeralda. "ESMERALDA" I yelled. "Wh- what's wrong with you?" "M-mom and d-dad a-are d-dead!" I said crying. She grabbed the phone away and began talking. She hung up and looked at me and began crying. I hugged her and we stood there crying in each other's arms. "Ahhhhhhh no" I said falling to the floor. "Ahhhhhh no no no dad and mom!!" I just layed there helpless.
*a week later - burying day*
I stood there watching my parents being buried in the ground. I was reading their gravestones and my moms said 'Isabelle Routh Baldwin: Wife, Sister, And Mother Of 2 Daughters: April 22, 1985-December 10, 2002' And my dads said 'Brian James Baldwin: Husband, Brother, And Father of 2 Daughters: January 14, 1983-December 10, 2002' I put 4 roses on each grave and read a speech to them that said "Dear Mom And Dad, I-I miss you and so does Esmeralda. It feels incredibly different with out you guys here. It's hard to work and go to school. I need you and I miss you. I love you and hope you guys watch over us." And then a tear fell and I wiped it. I stood up and smiled and placed their wedding rings on each stone. I turned around and walked away. The last time I seen my parents and it was sad. And then I woke up. " AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed rising up and Justin automatically following after me. I had the blanket pulled up to my chests with some dry tears on my eyes and breathing hard. "Baby are you ok?" Justin asked. "I seen them in my nightmare" I said panting. " you seen who?" He asked confusing. "M-my parents and before they died." He looked at me and then he hugged me. I didn't cry because I got to see them again at least. "Justin I seen them" I said whispering. "Shhh baby shhh" he said. "You wanna watch tv?" "Yea I can't go to sleep no more." He turned it and we watched CSI:MIAMI. As I was watching tv I felt my eyes getting heavier. Next thing I know I see nothing but darkness. And I fell in a deep sleep.

Justin's pov
As we were watching television I hear light snores from hailey. I smile a bit and pull the cover up to her chin and she emmensly hugs me. I turned off the television and pull the blanket up and wrap my arm around haileys waist and pull her as close as possible. I still don't get what she meant when she said she seen her parents. I know she is having a tough time so she is probably imagining things right now. All I know is that hailey is gonna be the death of me and I am never leaving her. If it means taking a bullet for her I would do it. I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

So.... How was it. It wasn't long I'm sorry😨😨😨😨next chapter will be good trust me. Please leave comments and vote for my stories. And really guys I have 1k views on my book. I have ONE THOUSAND reads on my book. I love u lovelies. Good night!!!!!!!!~K2B❤️💜💙❤️💜💙❤️💜💙❤️💜

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