She's Losing Blood

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Justin's pov
"Justin" I heard hailey whimper. I turn around and see the man that I let in to supposivelly use my house phone. I panicked and stood up fastly and went to go attack him. But I was late. He stabbed her in her shoulder and she dropped on the floor screaming. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" she yelled. The man was just smiling and I went to attack him. He tried to attack me but I dodged it. "Did you know you have a very sexy wife?" He asked smiling. "Fuck you" I said slouching down next to hailey. I went to attack him and got the knife from him. He looked scared now because he knew he was trapped. I was beyond pist and I was gonna let him escape. "Look bro I'm sorry I didn't mean to stab her." He said frowning. "You know what I like seeing you like this" smiling and he look confused and I stabbed him in his stomach. He looked at me with his eyes wide and holding the knife that was in his stomach. He fell to his knees and I ran back to hailey panting on the floor. "Baby look at me" I said. She looked at me slowly closing her eyes. "J-Justin i-it h-h-hurts" she said closing her eyes. "No! No! No! Baby stay with me open your eyes hailey." I yelled. She closed her eyes and layed in my arms helpless. I grabbed my phone from my pocket. I dialed 9-1-1.

*Phone call*
"9-1-1 what's your emergency?"
"My girlfriend got stabbed I need a ambulance right now!!" I yelled.
"Calm down sir what is your address?"
"1045 Saints Avenue in Beverly Hills" I said.
"Stay put and there is a ambulance on its way"the police woman said.
*End Of Phone Call*
I was holding hailey in my arms while blood kept gushing out her shoulder. "Baby! hailey! Please wake up" I said crying. She wouldn't open her eyes so I just kissed her forehead. I was holding her in my arms with her helpless until I heard sirens. I picked her up and carried her outside bridal style. By now I was covered in her blood and her whole right arm was covered in blood also. They pulled up to my house and I ran to the ambulance and they took out a gurney and placed her on it. I wouldn't not let go of her. "Sir you must let go" "no I can't" "she's just unconscious sir she will be ok and you can sit in he ambulance with us. But right now she needs to go she has external bleeding she has lost a lot of blood" I sat in the ambulance and we started to go to the hospital. We made it and they rushed her in to the emergency room. They ripped her clothes off and put the breathing things in her. I ran in the room but the security guard pushed me out " I'm sorry but they are about to do surgery you can't come in" "no that's my girlfriend I have to come in" I said with tears. "I'm sorry" I stood out the door with my hand on the window. I was waiting in the waiting room hoping she was ok.

*2 hours later*
"Sir" and I immediately raised head. Once I see the doctor I jump off my seat and walk to him, more like running to the doctor. "Is she ok?" I asked. "She is gonna be..." So many thoughts running through my mind. Like what if she doesn't make it, I'm gonna probably kill myself. "She is gonna be fine sir" and I felt a wave of release from me. I smiled and said. "Can I see her?" "Yes but be careful she is gonna be unconscious still" I walked to her room. I opened the door and see her helpless body on the bed. She had so many needles stuck in her and this mouth piece around her. The mouth piece was a breathing thing wrapped all around her mouth so she wouldn't be able to take it off. She was covered in the blankets looking pale. They must of taken the blade out of her shoulder because she has a scar on her shoulder. I grabbed a chair and sat by her. I grabbed her hand and I held it tight. "Hailey if your listening I just wanted you to know that I love you. Your the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can't loose you and I won't let you leave me. I love the way you smile he way you crinkle your eyebrows when your confused. The way your dimples show up when you smile. I love everything about you. Now if I'm correct we never let a stranger come in the house ever again. I love you and don't forget that." And with that I kissed her hand. I got up and started pacing around the room. Thoughts were running in my head and it was getting me highly stressed. I need her and I don't want her to leave me. I didn't even get to propose my one goal was to propose to her. Everyte she would breath her breathing noise would go up then down. I was worried to much that I sat down and grabbed her hand. Her beeping noise was so annoying.
BEEP............BEEP.............BEEP...............BEEP..........BEEP...........BEEP..............BEEP...BEEP..BEEP..BEEP..BEEP..BEEP. Her breathing machine was beating to fast that means something was wrong. BEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEPP BEEEEEEP
I pushed the help button and all the doctors and nurses came in. "NOW I NEED THE CHEST PUSH DOWN" one doctor said. He slides them together and then pressed them on her chest. ZAP and her body jump. He slide them together again and pressed them on her chest. ZAP and her body jumped again. BEEEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEP her breathing was decreasing she wasn't breathing. They took off her breathing mask and switched it with a better one.
Her breathing was back to normal which made me feel better and I cleaned my tears up. "She's better just keep an eye on her" the doctor said. I sat next to her. "An angel saved you baby" and I kissed her hand. I didn't even notice from all the stress I had I fell asleep on her hands.

Haileys pov
I felt someone kissing me and tears dropping on me. I heard someone talking to me but I didn't have the strength to open my eyes. I heard to much beeping sounds. With all the little strength I had I finally opened my eyes. I seen a man but didn't see his face. Then I realized it was my boy, Justin. I tried calling his name and nothing came out. I noticed a breathing mask on me. What the hell. Where am I? Ohhhh I'm in the hospital but why though. I kept calling his name and nothing would come out. I pulled the breathing mask off and it emmensly began hard to breath. But I still managed to call his name. "J-Justin" he didn't hear me. I called again. "J-Justin" he turned around and faced me and then looked at me. He smiled.

Justin's pov
There was a person calling me but I thought I was dreaming. "J-Justin" I heard it again and then I turned around and then faced my girlfriend who was awake without her breathing mask on and I smiled. "Hailey"

Ahhhhhhhhh. Sooooo...... How was this chapter. Did you guys like it. Please leave comments in the comment sections and please vote for my book!!!!!!!!~K2B💜💙❤️💜💙❤️💜💙❤️💜💙

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