Common Denominator

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Play the song on the right. It goes good for this chapter like really good. So swipe the picture left and then you will see the song and press play to listen!!!!!~Zaira Justine Silva❤️💙💜❤️💙💜❤️💙💜😘
Justin's pov
"Justin we need to talk" hailey said messing with her fingers. She does that when she is guilty of something or is scared of something. I only know that because we have been together for 3 amazing, incredible, fantastic years. "What happened baby?" I said wrapping my arms around her waist. She frowned and pushed my hands off her and backed away a bit. Ok. "What's wrong baby" I said. "Don't call me that... Or anything" she said. "What is wrong with you hailey. I was desperate to know what the hell is wrong with her. "I-I found someone else I love" did I just hear that. I think I just broke inside. "W-what?" " I found someone else that I love Justin." "W-what do y-you mean b-baby? W-what are you d-doing to u-us?" I said now in full tears. "Don't you get justin? There is no more U.S. I'm done we are...done" she said a bit louder. "What does he have that I don't?" I said getting mad. "Everything Justin.. I lost my love for you a long time ago I just didn't want to tell you because I knew this would happen." She said. " just do me a big favor and don't come looking for me" she said again. I just fell on the floor with my hands on my face. I felt a hand on my left cheek and a kiss on my other right cheek. She whispered "goodbye Justin" but I didn't say anything and I just sat there on my knees. The next thing I know is that I hear the door close with a thud. I was broken with tears in my eyes.

I woke up with sweat all over my face. That was the worst night mare I have ever had in my entire life. I thought my nightmares from being little we're scary jeez this one was way worst. I turned my head and seen hailey sleeping all snuggled up in the blankets. I smiled at her and then checked the time. I seen it was 9:57 AM so I decided to get and go brush my teeth. As I spit my toothpaste out I felt arms wrap around my waist and I looked up at the mirror and seen my girlfriend looking at me and then smile at me and I returned one back at her. " I heard you get up so I figured you had a nightmare or something." She said sweetly. "Yea I did" I said. "What was it?" "Let's just say you broke up with me and I was depressed. "You know that's never gonna happen right?" She said. "I hope it doesn't." I said truthfully. " trust me it won't I love you to much to let you go like that" she said. I just kissed her and then she said. "It's like we are common denominators or we were made for each other." "Yes baby that we are" and I kissed her head. I don't ever want to loose her and I don't plan on too. We walked hand on hand downstairs.

Haileys pov
"Baby can we go to the mall please?" I asked. "Yea which one?" "Umm the one in LA" "yes just go get ready" "ok" and kissed his cheek. I went upstairs to the walk in closet. I decided to wear some saggy sweats that were Justin's and a black crop top and a baggy sweater. I had my hair down and then I put some black supras. Justin came upstairs and he wore some blue clippers basket ball shorts with a white t-shirt and his clippers hat with his blue and white shoes. We started driving to the mall in LA. I loved the song we were listening to so I started whispering singing... " just a fraction of your love fills the air and I fall in love with you all over again ohhh your the light that feeds the sun and my world I'd face a thousand years of pain for my girl out of all things in life that I could fear the only thing that would hurt me is if you weren't here whoa I don't want to go back to just being one half of the equation do you understand what I'm saying girl without you I'm lost can't face this compass at heart between me and love your the common denominator..." I sang. I loved that song. I turned my head and seen that Justin was lip singing the song. I smiled at him but he didn't see cause he was focused on the road. I grabbed his hand and looked out the window. In the corner of my eye I can see Justin smiling which made my smile more wider. We arrived at the mall. And there was so many paparazzis every where asking the stupidest questions like:

"Justin did you get selena pregnant?"

"Hailey are you pregnant?"

"Justin do you love your fans more than hailey?"

"Is it true hailey that you are cheating on Justin with Zac Efron?"

"Justin are you cheating on hailey with selena again?"

"Hailey why don't you like selena?"

"Justin are you ready to be a father?"

"Hailey are you aware that on Saturday, January 21st Selena Gomez said you were a hoe and that you stole justin away from her?"

"THATS IT SHUT UP WITH THESE QUESTIONS WE ARE HUMAN AND WE DO HAVE FEELINGS TOO LIKE YOU JUST BECAUSE WE ARE FAMOUS DOESNT MEAN YOU CAN TREAT US LIKE CRAP AND ALL THE FUCKING QUESTIONS ARE FUCKING STUPID ASS HELL AND BACK THE FUCK AWAY ASSHOLES!!!!!" I yelled with all my force. And they still had the nerve to snap pictures. We walked in and fans came up to Justin and I and we signed autographs and took pictures with them. Justin got some hats and shoes at the Nikes store and I got clothes from hollister and other places. We walked out and got back to car with flashes and stupid questions. We got home and put away out things. Justin and I were watching tv in couch when there was a knock in the door.

Justin's pov
Hailey got up and went to the kitchen and I went to go open the door. There stood a man. "Hello sir I'm sorry to bother but my phone died and my car broke down back there may I use your phone please?" "Yes it's just in the kitchen go in straight and make a left. "Thankyou" he walked in and then yea.

Haileys pov
There was a man in the kitchen and I was getting out the popcorn. "Can I help you?" I asked. "Yes you can a lot" he said walking closer to me. I tried running but he caught me and put a nice to my neck. "Move or yell and your throat gets sliced you little bitch." He said and I wimpered as tears were falling. He started walking to the living room. "J-Justin!" I said and he turned around. As soon as he saw the man I wish Justin didn't let him in. "Ahhhhhh!!!"

So..... How was this chapter. Bet you didn't see that coming in did you. Haha please comment below and vote for my story please. I love you all lovelies and have a good and best rest of the day and love you!!!!!~k2b❤️💙💜❤️💙💜❤️💙💜❤️💜💜

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