On A Date?

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Justin's p.o.v
I can't keep this up. I have to know her. Ding ding ding I will take her out on a date and maybe ask her to be more than a friend. Yessssss I'm going to call her:
"Hello" "hey hailey" "hi justin what you up to?" "I was wondering if you wanted to go out like the park or something?" "Uhh ya sure I would love too"she said yes!! "Ok umm I'll pick you up at 5 ok" "ok see you then" "alright bye"
Yess!!!!! Bieber did good. But first I need to take a shower

Hailey p.o.v
Ohh crap what did I get myself into. I said yes to Justin and if Emilyia finds out then I'm done literally done. I don't care I can do what I want. I'm going to do what I want to do and she can not stop me. First I need to shower.
I got out the shower with my hair dripping and I had a towel on barely passing my georgeous butt. I went into my walk in closet and started searching. I finally found the perfect outfit. I decided to wear a long elegant black gown that rose on the side a bit and some black heels. After I put on my dress I decided to blow dry my hair then I curled my blond hair. After I put some makeup not enough to make me look like a clown just simply blush mascara and lipstick. I checked my iPhone and I seen it as already 6:30 so I got my red clutch and put my phone and yea my girly things. So I still had some time so I just decided to watch sponge bob the rest of the time till Justin came.

Justin's p.o.v
Ok I got the shower with a towel around my waist and started walking to my walk in closet. I was looking and looking and then I found the perfect outfit. I decided to wear my nice white dress up shirt and black skinny jeans with my jean jacket and my signature black supras. After I went back into the bathroom and got out my jell to quif up my hair. After I sprayed cologne and I got my keys and went downstairs into my garage and chose my yellow Lamborghini and sped off to haileys house. I arrived to her house not even five minutes later and knocked on her door. She opened the door and all you see is a beautiful hailey. "You look beautiful" then she blushed."oh thank you you look handsome too" "thank you umm ready to go?" "Yea Let me just turn off the tv"she did that and then we left to the restaurant. I'm taking her to this restaurant named Los Compadres a Mexican restaurant. I grabbed her hand and we walked in hand in hand as if we were a couple although I will make it true. After we finished eating I finally grew the balls to be my girlfriend.
"So hailey I wanted to ask you something" "ok ask me" "umm I know we only met once but I feel like I know you and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be you know my g-girl fri-iend?" " umm my answer is..."

Cliffhanger I will update babies just give me time love u💝💝💝💝💝

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