One More Night

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Justin's pov
"Hailey" I said in my raspy voice. I could not believe my eyes she was awake. My baby made it. She survived. She didn't die! Thank god🙌🙏🙌🙏 she smiled at me and I smiled at her. It was easy to see her smile but then I realized she didn't have her breathing mask on. Any minute she can be coughing up blood. "Hailey, baby you gotta keep your breathing mask on" she tried to talk and I can tell it was hurting her. You barely heard anything from her mouth. "N-no" she whispered. "You have too or your gonna cough up blood hailey." She just shook her head no again. Minutes later she started coughing. She couldn't breath and I didn't know what to do because she didn't want to wear the breathing mask. I pushed the help button and the doctors came in...again. "I NEED A BRAND NEW ANKIE BATER WITH 34.3 OUNCES OF MEDICAL AND A BREATHING TUBE" the doctor yelled at the other nurses. Hailey was still coughing up blood. I was patting her back and helped her up. The nurses came in with the supplies and they put the new ankie bater in her room filled with oxygen for her to breath. They stuck the tube in her ankie bater into her new breathing mask. They put the mask on her and she started breathing fine again. They changed her sheets because they were filled with her blood. They left after they put new sheets for her. I think the medicine they put in her ivy was making her droopy cause her eyes were slowly closing. "Justin" she said weakly. My head had rise so fast that it cracked my neck. "Yes baby?" I said sitting next to her. "I-I want to go home" she said. "I know baby just one more night here ok" I said grabbing her hand. "Just promise me that if I don't make it your going to be ok and don't do nothing stupid" she said. How could she say that. "No no hailey your going to make it baby don't say that. I love you and if you leave me I'm pretty sure I'm going to do something stupid" "please don't... For me... I'll be watching over you I just won't be next to you" I had tears already in my eyes. "No hailey I love you" "I love you too" she smiled after and then slowly started closing her eyes. I felt that if she closed her eyes she wouldn't open them ever again if you know what I mean. I couldn't stand seeing her like this. I needed to rest for a bit so I started watching television.

" Good Morning and welcome to Fox LA News I'm Sasha Piertsine and this is Robert Sanchez. So our reporters caught paparazzis snap pictures of Justin Bieber and his girlfriend Hailey Baldwin in a ambulance. I will pass it down to Vanessa Montes down in Beverly Hills hospital. So Vanessa please tell us the news..."

"Good morning LA and Sasha and Robert. I'm Vanessa Montes and I will be reporting today's news. And yes paparazzis were saying that Hailey Baldwin is currently in this hospital behind me called Beverly Hills hospital. Paparazzis were saying that hailey was stabbed in her right shoulder and has eternal bleeding. Our other reporters were saying that Justin Bieber was by her side 24/7 and to prove he is a good boyfriend he is still with her right now. I'm Vanessa Montes and this is LA news back to you Sasha and Robert."

"Thank you Vanessa and now supposivelly Knotts Berry Farm has-" and I turned off the tv.

Well we made he news quickly. I looked over to hailey and seen that she was ok. She was sleeping. Her breathing mask was letting her breath and letting go of carbon dioxide emissions and her chest was rising up and down perfectly fine. Since the doctor said she was fine i decided to bring some friends and family over for fun and to have her smile again. I called Nash, Kyle Massy, King Bach, Kendall Jenner, Ryan Good, and Scrappy. They all came with gifts. "Eyyy guys thanks for coming she is gonna be so happy" I whispered yelled. I went over to hailey and began waking her up. She finally woke up revealing her beautiful brown eyes. Once she seen all her friends and family she smiled so bright that you can see it through the breathing mask. She would try to talk but she couldn't. "How you feeling" Kendall asked. Hailey gave her a thumbs up with a wide smile. "Better keep that smile hay" Kendall said. "Yo girl where's that smile?" Kyle asked. She rose up her breathing mask and showed him her smile. And he smiled back at her. "Baby put your mask back on" and she did. "Hailey nadia couldn't come because she went to work and she had a long busy night so yea"nash said. Hailey smirked and actually talked a bit. "You did the nasty didn't you last night?" She said. Nash's cheek turned red and smiled. We were just having a great time. You can tell she was happy. Every once in a while the doctor would have to change her breathing mask cause it ran out of oxygen. After everyone gave hailey her hug and kiss and their 'get wells' it was just her and I. She patted the space next to her on her bed and I went next to her. She fell asleep on my shoulder and I put my head on hers and I grabbed her hand and fell asleep too.

So............ How was the chapter. Please feel free to comment below on the comments section and please vote for my book and yea I feel sick so I'm not at school so yea it's my day to update twice. I love you!!~K2B💜💙❤️💜💙❤️💜💙❤️💜💙

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