Love Me Like You Do❤️

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Justin's pov
Gosh sex against the wall feels so good. It allows you to go deeper into your mate. Right now I was thinking about how hailey and I made love not fuck against the wall and how she forgave me and took me back. She is one of the most important people in my life and I can't stand a day without her. I was watching her sleep and combing my fingers through her soft, blond, and silky hair. I scooted closer to her with my left hand holding my head and my right running through her hair. She started turning around and then she started crying and then screaming. "Ahhhh no no ahhhhh" she was screaming and acting like a maniac😱 "hailey hailey baby wake up" I was screaming and screaming but she would not bust an eye open. "Ahhhhhh no! no! You can't ahhhhhhh" she was yelling "baby hailey wake up" and then I shook her again but this time I was standing up next to her. "AHHHHHHH PLEASE DONT DO THIS!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" "HAILEY WAKE UP" I yelled and then she flew up with tears exploding out her eyes and breathing hard and fast tryna catch her breath. "Hailey baby" I coed and then hugged her sitting on the bed. "J-Justin your ok" she said crying and crying. "Yes babe yes I am" I said and she barried her head in my chest exploding. "Oh my gosh I'm so glad your ok" she looked up at me with her right hand going to my cheek and she planted a kiss on my lips and then removed them. "Yes hailey why wouldn't I be ok?" I asked worried. "E-Esmeralda was trying to hurt you because I wouldn't forgive her and she threaten me to hurt the most important person in my life and that's you Justin" she said tearing up again. "Shhhh baby I'm ok I'm here I'm safe and so are you." "I know and I'm glad" she said between her tears. I pushed her down on the bed with me on top and hugged her and she had her arms around my neck and would not let go of me. That was sad, she would not let me go because she thought her sister was going to hurt me. "Shhhh baby I'm ok" and that silence her weeping tears. It was weird because she was in her bra only and underwear and I was Just in my boxers hugging her telling her everything was ok. "Justin don't ever leave me please" she said and her tears softened. "I don't plan on ever leaving you baby so don't doubt me" I said and she began laughing and that made me smile. "I love you" she said "as long as you love lo-o-o-o-0-0ve me..." I sang to her and making her smile. "Oh trust me I love you more than words can say" she said smiling. "Love me like you do and my words can tell you how much I love you hailey and don't let anyone tell you I don't because then they are all bullshitters and jealous assholes" I said causing her to laugh. She pulled me by my neck and kissed me full force. I pulled away and rested my head on her head. "You still lost in paradise?" I asked. "No no not at all" she said looking me in the eye and I can tell she wasn't lying.

Haileys pov
That dream was the worst night mare I have ever had. Even when my parents had fist died my night mares weren't that bad. My night mare was about my sister coming to my house asking for my forgiveness and I said no and she said why not and we began arguing and then she said I will regret it and then she left. But justin was out for a bit and I stayed home and then she called me and told me to come to the basement and I seen her torturing Justin and he was all bloody and she said she was going to kill him and I was trying my best to not let her but it didn't because she killed him in my dream. I'm glad that was all a dream and not real life because then I would go through depression for who knows how long like I did when my parents died. I got dressed while Justin was down stairs cooking breakfast. I went to the bathroom and splashed water in my face and then looked at myself and then yelled out loud with all my air in my lungs, "THIS IS NOT YOU HAILEY THIS ISNT YOU OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!" And I began crying and then I walked back hitting my back against the wall and began sliding down until my ass hit the floor. I brought my knees to my face and hid my face in them.

Justin's pov
"THIS IS NOT YOU HAILEY THIS ISNT YOU OPEN YOUR EYES!!!" I heard that from upstairs and crying. I quickly turned off the stove and ran upstairs to see if anything was wrong. I opened the bathroom door open and seen my baby on the floor crying. "Hailey baby c'mon" I said picking her up. I placed her on the bed and went on top of her because she likes when I do that so I did it for her. "Justin that dream was h-horrible" she said. "I know baby but I'm here c'mon lets go eat" "ok" we made our way down stairs to go eat and enjoyed our food. "Hay why don't we go to the movies?" She looked up as said "yea lets go I wanna go" she said like a kid wanting ice cream. "Alright let's get dressed I will wash the dishes and you go get yourself cleaned up" "you sure I can wash them for you" "no it's fine go get dressed. She went upstairs to go get dressed while I washed the dishes.

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