❤️Take Me Back?❤️

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Justin's pov
"Justin I'm lost in paradise" she said. "What" I said back. "I'm lost in paradise." "How I've been here for you I been comforting you I have been by your side this whole time and you wanna tell me your lost in paradise hailey!" I half yelled at her unwrapping my arms and getting up from our bed. " you know what don't answer that because I probably don't mean shit to you" and she said "n-no no Justin I didn't mean It like that you mean everything to me" she said crying. " you didn't make it look like that I hope you have a good life and to be honest hailey I loved you with every piece of me and you just shattered my heart with out even caring" and my tears were coming out and so we're hers "no just please dont break up with me please your the best thing that happened to me please don't do this!"😓😰😥😪😭I walked out the room with my tears pouring out of me. I walked to my Range Rover and started driving to the club to get my mind off things for a while.

Haileys pov
What did I just do. I just made my boyfriend aka the best thing that happened in my life leave me and now I'm all alone. I didn't mean it the way it seemed to him. I am lying here in my house all alone on the bed crying my eyes out wanting Justin back. I need him here with me. I need him to comfort me. I need him to tell me he loves me. I need him period in my life, is that too much to ask. I fell asleep because I was tired of crying and just knocked out.

Justin's pov
What am I doing? Why am I going to the club. No I can't. I turned my car and swerved into the other lane going back home. I reached my house and ran in dropping the keys on the floor somewhere. I didn't hear anything so I ran upstairs and opened my
Bedroom door and seen hailey sleeping with dry tear drops. I slammed the door close and she woke up. "Justin?"

Haileys pov
"Justin?" I said he was was there looking up at me with tears. He was crying. "Hailey I'm so sorry I-I-I was upset and had to leave" he said studdering. "I'm sorry too I didn't mean my words the way you thought." I said getting up and walking towards him. "I'm here for you and I didn't mean to hurt you"he said. "There's no need to say sorry you didn't do nothing wrong I should of explained it in a more reasonable way baby and I love-" and shut me up by kissing me full force. I deepened the kiss by shoving my tongue down his throat. He began kissing down to my neck and pushed me against the wall harshly. He kept kissing me neck and then I pulled his face to my lips. He left a hicky on my neck and I know because I can feel it swelling up. I started pulling his shirt up and then he pulled the rest off. He kept kissing me and then I started playing with his belt and then I unbuckled it and pulled the zipper and they fell down. He pulled my shirt off leaving me in just my yellow lace bra from Victoria secrets. He unzipped my shorts and pulled them down leaving me in my matching underwear, like I said I love lace thingies. I pulled down his boxers and began massaging him. "H-hailey" he moaned I started slipping down with my back against the wall and licked jerry in my hand. "Fuck" muttered. I put the whole thing in my mouth and I bobbed my head back and forth. You, Justin are a very lucky man cause I don't do this to guys, let me say this I don't have sex with other guys Justin is the first. He let loose all his cum in my mouth and I swallowed it all. Mmm it tasted kinda good. Justin pulled me up and kissed me sharing his cum. I pushed my underwear down and stook his finger in me. "Oh-h m-my g-gosh" I moaned. "Mmmmm faster" he went faster and then I let loose on his finger and he licked them and then smirked at me. He got a condom from his night stand and then put it on jerry. He pushed himself in me and we both groaned for a long time. He thrusted in me and then pulled my bra off and while he was thrusting he was giving my breasts the same attention. "O-oh m-my f-fucking g-God" I moaned. "You like that baby girl?" He said in his husky sex voice. "U-uh h-huh go f-faster" and he went indeed faster and harder, let me remind you we are fucking against the wall. I am pretty sure ware gonna leave a dent by the speed we are going. "Fuck you are f-fucking tight hailey." Justin moaned.

Justin's pov
Fucking against the wall is amazing. She wrapped her arms around my neck and placed her cheek on my shoulder and moaned my name which made my 'friend' really happy. I grabbed her and threw her on the bed and shoved myself in her ass and she yelled. "FUCK JUSTIN" I thrusted in her ass and it got to the point where when I thrusted into I was on top of her. "Fuck baby girl you feel so good" I moaned out. "Ohhh mmmmm right there Justin." She moaned. "Stop let me on top Justin" she moaned out. I did what she wanted to do so I layed down on my back on the bed and she went on top of me. She placed herself on me and weeped a bit and then when she started moving up and down I met her half way and her weeps turned into moans and they got louder. Her hands were lying on my chest and she jumped up and down. I stopped thrusting but she continued her work. I grabbed her breast and started massaging them and licking them. "Ohhhhhhhh"she moaned. I was getting close so I flipped us over and me still in her and thrusted into her harder. I grabbed her right leg and put it over my shoulder and hot her g-spot harder and she moaned crazier. I finally felt my high and let loose in the condom inside of her still. And then seconds later I felt her come on my dick. I pulled out of her and threw the condom away and quickly layed next to her. "So now that we had sex will you take my ass back?" She smiled and replied. "Yes and I don't plan on loosing you again." I pecked her lips and then I pulled the blankets on top of us and wrapped my arms around her. I felt her snoring a bit and realized she fell asleep in my arms where she belongs. I kissed her forehead and turned off the lamp and fell asleep next to her smiling. Then darkness took over me.

Heyyyyyyyyyy babies how was this chapter. Didn't see the sex scene did ya'll? Please leave comments in the comment sections and please vote for my book. If any questions please feel free to contact me and message me!!!!!well thanks and good nite lovelies!

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