Pool Party

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Justin's pov
I woke up with a light shining in my eyes. I felt a bit of weight on my chest and seen it was hailey. She was naked reminding me of our little session yesterday night. I got up a bit and she started tossing and turning. Seconds later she opened those beautiful brown eyes. "Morning baby" I said to her. "Morning mister"she cooed back. "Sleep well" I asked while stroking her blond hair while she was looking up at me. "Yes indeed I did because you were here next to me"she said but then her smile faded a bit. She coughed and then said "so about last night..." Oh snapps"yea what about it" "did you regret it"did she really ask that. "No why would I regret that?" "Oh" "that's was something I will never regret"she started smiling so wide I bet her cheeks started hurting. "I didn't neither because it was amazing and I lost something to you" I don't get it what did she loose. "What did you loose?" "Your really smart did you know that but right now in this situation you really aren't"wait is she talking about her virginity???"wait did you loose your virginity to m-me?"she smiled even brighter. "Ummm maybe kinda um fine yes"I just made her lose her virginty to me that's a good sign. I started smiling and then I smirked at her. She gave me a confused look and then gasped when I jump on her hovering over her. She smirked at me then pulled me by my neck and smashed her lips onto mine. I moaned into her mouth and so did she. "Someone missed my lips today?" I said against her lips " just shut up and kiss me" "your wish is my command ma'am" we started ripping each others clothes off and next we were naked. I pushed into her and thrusted with all my force.
"Baby" "yea Justin" "we should have a pool party" "oh yea!!! I wanted to do a pool party" "ok let's get the stuff ready"
****************pool party going on***************
Haileys pov
"Oh my gosh nadia you made it" "I know it's been forever since our last pool party!" " I know where is Cameron I miss his ass" "ohh he is getting our luggages out of the trunk" "ok I'll tell Justin to help him" "JUSTIN!!!!!!!"

Justin's pov
"JUSTIN!!!!!!" I was upstairs changing into my swim shorts everyone was here already and we were just waiting for nadia and Cameron. "YEA!!!" "NADIA AND CAMERON ARE HERE!!!!!" "OK BABY ILL BE RIGHT THERE!!!!!" "OK!!" I was done and put sun screen on and put my sandals on and left downstairs. I was walking downstairs and was standing next to Hailey and then she screamed from the top of her lungs at me"JUSTINNNNN HURRY UP GO HELP CAMERON TA-" and then she turned around and realized I was right next to her "oh hey baby can you go help Cameron take the luggages out of the car!" "Mmhh and next time try not to yell in my ear when I'm next to you please?" And then pecked her lips. I went helping them out and started a chat. "Cameron my man hows life?" Doing our bro hug and fist thingy. "It's been alright man and how's your life with Hailey" he said smirking. "It's been alright and a little banging here and there if you know what I mean Cameron"I said winking. "Bro I understand you a 100% me and Nadia can't go a day without it naww bro I'm just messing around wanna help me with these luggages." "Yea let me help"
********************pool party*******************
Haileys pov
"BODY ROCK UH HUH GIRL I CAN FEEL YOUR BODY ROCK EH EH EH EH WATCHA GOT UH UH A BILLION COULD NOT EVER BOUGHT WE GONNA PARTY LIKE ITS 3012 TONIGH...ALLLLLL I NEED IS A BEAUTY AND A BEAT WHO CAN MAKE MY LIFE COMPLETE..." The music was blasting outside and people were just having fun in the slides and yea. "Soooo... How's it been with Justin?"Nadia asked. "It's been very good and banging" " uh huh I heard, ahhhhh life of a celebrity." Soon Kyle and Kendall came. "Hey Kylie and Kendall!!" "Omg you guys we missed you a lot!" "Us too and go enjoy the party." "Ok byeeee" "bye" Nadia wasn't with me no more so I figured she went with Cameron. I went searching for them and I couldn't find them so I went looking for justin. "Justin baby we is Nadia and Cameron?" "I don't know they said they were going to do something important" "oh my gosh Justin you can be so stupid sometimes I swear man leggo!" I grabbed his hand and started walking by the kitchen when we heard squeaking upstairs. Justin and I started walking upstairs because we thought someone was up there and we were going to tell them to go downstairs. Soon we got closer and closer to the squeaking and then stopped right in front of the door. Then Justin and I heard things that we regret because we are scared for life. "Oh Cameron uh huh right there oh yea faster mmmm ha-rder." "Damet Nadia your so fricken tight oh" omg they aren't doing what they are doing are they? "Justin do you hear them!" "Yep and it's disgusting!" I realized the door wasn't locked so I just barged in like nothing and now I regret it because I'm legally scared. I thought it was legally blond but no not for me it's legally scared for life. 🙈🙊🙉moans and things I shouldn't be seeing are what is in front of me. Nadia and Cameron both doing it. "Ahhhhh hailey what are you doing on here?" Cameron shouted at me. "Mmhhhh I don't know last time I checked I seen you to doing things that are F-R-E-A-K-Y!!" "Oh h-how m-much did you see!" Nadia said blushing. "Enough to leave me SCARED" "ok we will be right there in a bit"Nadia said. "Ok good luck don't mess around in my house." I walked out and saw Justin standing there still shocked. "Justin you ok!" "Yea I'm just scared and it's weird for them doing that"yea I'm scared too- wait did you say it's weird for them having sex?" "Yea" "we have sex and it's not weird" "yea but that's us not them"he said smirking. "Shut up doofus!" I just smiled and we went back to the party.
******************after pool party*****************
Justin's pov
"BUE EVERYBODY THANK YOU FOR COMING WE HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs when everyone started leaving. I went upstairs and to the room and seen hailey knocked out on our bed in just her bra and underwear. I took off my shirt and pants and left myself in my boxers. I went to go lock the door and carefully slipped in my bed wrapping an arm around hailey. She tossed around and snuggled up in my chest which left me to hug her tighter. I felt her kiss my chest and say"Justin" "yes baby" "goodnight I love you" "I love you too baby go to sleep shhhh!" We both fell asleep listening to both sounds of our hearts at 4:06 A.M
*******************at 12:57 P.M******************
Justin's pov
SQUEAK! SQUEAK! SQUEAK! WTF is that sound!!!
I peaked my eye open and seen that hailey was still asleep. I got out of bed and went to the room with the squeak. I opened it and was yet scared again. "ARE YOU SERIOUS AT 12 REALLY?!?!?" I yelled

CLIFFHANGER!!!!!! What happens next fill free to write comments please!! I will update soon again❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👇👇👇👇comment below👇👇👇👇please vote and comment👇👇👇👇👇👇love you peace out✌️✌️✌️✌️

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