No Way!!!

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Justin's pov
"People would you stop fricken banging in my damn house if you wanna do 'that' do that at your God damn house man people are sleeping your gonna wake up hailey!" "Oh damet Justin stop scaring us while we do things and we're sorry" said nadia. "Yea maybe you should lock the door next time" I said smirking and being a smart ass.

Haileys pov
I woke up to screaming in the guest room and it sounded like Justin. I got up and put my night gown and slippers and went to the noise. "Oh gosh really people, are you serious Cameron?!" I said. "Next time you have sex make sure you put a condom on are you tryna get nadia pregnant?" "Eewwww hailey I'm right here ya know I ain't deaf last time I checked!!" "Oops I'm sorry put some damn clothes on and you woke me up!" "I told you guys you were gonna wake her up"said Justin "yea what he said" "it's 12:00 in the afternoon go to sleep it's the weekend that what he weekend is for!" I yelled. "Ok ok man you got the harmonies of a 16 as if you were pregnant!" Nadia and Cameron said. "Are you tyna to get kicked out my house?" I yelled annoyed😡"ok I'm sorry" they yelled. "Sorry my ass you better be" I said yelling and walking back to bed with Justin holding my hand. We got back to bed and when Justin firmly wrapped his arms around me he broke the silence. "You know your sexy when your mad" he said seductivelyin my ears biting it a bit. "Is that so?" I said back but wrapping my leg around him and kissing kiss jawline, man his jawline should be awarded for its features. "Yes very much" "well maybe I deserve a treat for it" I said winking. "And what is that treat you want my dear?" "I think you know what that is" I said jumping on him. "Good because I needed to be satisfied" he said.

Nadia's pov
I was barely getting out of my room when i heard fast moans and the bed squeaking and skin slapping. I walked to Justin's and Haileys room and knocked on their door. "Hey that's no fair what happened to no banging?" I said laughing. "S-shut t-the fu-uck u-up!" Hailey said between her moans. "Okay enjoy your sexy time" I said and then came more and more moans. I went downstairs and seen Cameron eating Cinnamon Toast Crunch and watching Ridiculousness. "Hey is this the episode with Justin in it?" Note: Justin Bieber was actually on ridiculousness in 2012... "Yea this is the one" "oh my gosh I wanna watch it with my bundle of joy named Cameron" " oh my gosh don't call me that, hey what is Justin and hailey doing" "what do you think they are doing" he thought for a second and then give me a a smirk "oh he's giving her the dirty" he smirked. "Yes my bundle of joy yes they are" I said sweetly. "Stop it" "ok my sugar plum" "man that even worse!" "Shut up and watch tv" "fine...meanie" "haha"

Justin's pov
"Fuck right there yea baby oh!" Hailey moaned.
After we were done with our little surprise hailey and I went downstairs to go eat.
"It's about time you guys stop banging" Cameron yelled. "Says the ones who can't stop for once" "shut up" "hey maybe we should have just a girls night and the boys have a boys night?" Said nadia. "YES!!!" Yelled cameron. "Damn Cameron tryna get rid of nadia so fast?" "N-no why would I wanna do t-that?!" "I'm just asking just playing bro" said Justin.
*************at the night club for boys*************
Cameron's pov
"AH WHEN I SWITCH LANES VENOM DOORS SWING ALL AT THE WINDOWS SCREAMING MONEY IN THE THANG CALL IT AUDAMATIC BANG BANG BANG" I seen this girl come toward me and I wanna get with that. "Hey little miss I'm Cameron" "hi I'm Misse" "wanna go dance" "I loved to Cameron" we ended up getting drunk and I hooked up with her. She pulled my shirt and smashed her lips on my lips and kissed me and I kissed back.

Justin's pov
I was walking to the bathroom when I seen Cameron and this chick kissing! Wait did Nadia and him ever brake up. Let me call hailey.
"Hello" "hey baby" "what's up" "oh um did Nadia and Cameron fight or brake up?" "No why" "oh because I seen Cameron sucking faces with another girl" " shut the front door are you serious?!?!" "Yes I ain't playing and what the hell really shut the front door?" "Oh my gosh what is Nadia going to do she really loved him." " I know you need to tell her" "ok baby bring him home" "ok see you in 10" "ok bye babe" "bye babe" and she hung up. Let's go get Cameron. I found him and dragged him to the car and left home and here comes the drama.

Haileys pov
"NADIA" "YEA" "COME OVER HERE" "OK COMING!!"she came in a bit seconds later. "Was sup" "cameroncheatedonyou!" I said really fast. "Hailey slow down what did you say?" She said laughing. If only she knew that there was nothing to laugh about because she is gonna get slapped in the face by reality. "Cameron cheated on you" "no he did not stop lying" "no I'm not Justin just called me I'm not playing I'm dead serious" she started crying and I just comforted her. I heard the door open and loud steps and Cameron was there. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME YOU JERK YOU ONLY USSD ME AND NOW WE ARE DONE SO BYE BYE GOOD LICK BECAUSE KARMA IS A BITCH JUST LIIKE YOU AND MAYBE YOU CAN GO TO THAT LITTLE HOE OF YOUR WAITING FOR YOU AT THE FUCKING STRIP CLUBS" and all he can say was "what?" "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS HOUSE!!!" Damn I never knew she could yell like that and all he said was "bye nice knowing you" and walked out. "Justin can you call Nash please?" " yea give me a minute" he called Nash and he arrived. "Nash go help her. " "ok where is she" "in the guest room" "where is that at?" "Upstairs and 2nd door to your right." "Ok thanks" "yep"

Nadia's pov
I can't believe he did this after all we have been through. I was crying my eyes out and still am.
"I said leave me alone please" "Nadia it's me Nash"
He just lit me up and I went over to unlock the door for him. "Hey beautiful don't cry" "h-he c-cheated on me" i said between tears. "I know and I'm here" I looked up at him and he smiled. He started leaning in and soon I did too. He closed the gap between us and then hovered over me. Things started getting hot and I mean like clothes coming off and yea. We started it on and he banged me like no tomorrow. I moaned and moaned and he groaned and groaned. After we finished and we just layed there in silence until he asked me to be his girlfriend and of coarse I said yes. We just layed there and fell asleep next to each other. This is my soulmate and not Cameron.

Justin's pov
We were in our room and I needed hailey on me. So that night we did it and went to bed and had a good night. I think Nadia and Nash did too because we heard things that weren't talking. And then darkness took over my body and I fell asleep with the girl of my dreams next to me.

Sooooo...... How was it. Please leave comments and please vote for my book thank you. Feel free to contact me in any of those social networks I said in the last chapter. Well good night lovelies 💗💗💗💗👄👄👄👄👄💋💋💋💋💋💋💜💜💜💜💛💛💙💛💛💛💚💚💚❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💗💗💓💓💕💕💖💖💞💞💘💘💌💌-Kidrauhl_2_Bizzle

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