The Next Day

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Justin's pov

'We should take this somewhere else.'
'What are you doing Justin you have a girlfriend.'
' I did it with the blonde chick?'
' oh no I cheated on hailey!'
'My girlfriend'

This is all giving me a huge headache

I woke up in a room. It was a vintage pink room with colored polka dots with pictures everywhere and the bed I'm am sleeping on was pink with colorful pillows. Oh hell no this is not my room. I sat up quickly and turned my head and seen a blonde girl. I don't remember anything from last night. All I remember is going to the club with Carter and Nash. Is hailey still at my house. I thought I had clothes on when I tried to get my phone out of my pocket with I had not pocket. I had no clothes on. Oh shit I'm fucked up. The blonde girl started waking up. When her eyes landed on mine she quickly smiled.

What the fuck bitch what you staring at?

She leaned her head on my shoulder. I punched her off of me and she looked at me looking confused. "I'm sorry but what happens last night?" She smiled. "Well we were at the club and I was looking at you and you came over to me and we started dancing and drinking and then we came here to my house to have fun" she said winking the 'fun' part. Oh shit. "Where are we at?" I asked. "Umm in the Calabases" what the fuck I'm like an hour or two away from my God damn house. I quickly got up finding my boxers and my clothes. She looked at me and said. "W-where are you going?" I gave her the ' are you fucking kidding me' look and said "I'm going home with my girlfriend" and with that I slammed the door on her. All you can hear is her yelling from upstairs. I got in my car and started driving to Beverly Hills.

I arrived home and then I quietly opened the door. I walked upstairs and opened my bedroom door and seen hailey laying in bed sleeping. It hurts me to look at her because I just literally cheated on her. I walked to the bed and kissed her head. She opened her eyes.

Haileys pov

I heard the front door close because the alarm did the little beeping noise when it opens. I was too tired to open my eyes. I figured it was Esmeralda tryna surprise but it wasn't. I felt a kiss on my head and I immediately opened my eyes and saw that it was Justin. Wait it was Justin. Oh thank mother of Jesus he was ok. I sat up and my facial expression changed. "What the hell!" I yelled at him. "What" he whispered. " you fucken say you are gonna go hang out with the boys but then you never come the fuck back home I got a fucking phone call from Carter saying you weren't with them!" I yelled back at him. "And to top it all off Justin Carter wasn't telling me something but I'm gonna find out one way or another" I said back. He just looked at me like woah. "And you still don't have nothing to say right?" I yelled again. He didn't answer so I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom. I grabbed a towel from the hanging thing and jumped in the shower. I turned it up to hot and relaxed while the water fell on me and my music was playing. Jeez what a way to start the next day right?

Justin's pov

I might as well tell her I cheated on her. But I can't thought because then she is gonna leave me. I can't let her find out so I'm gonna make her feel like I never did anything bad. I decided to take a shower. I walked in the bathroom slow and quietly. I stripped off my clothes and then I slowly and quietly opened the shower door and hopped in with out her noticing. I wrapped my arms around her. And cue she jumps. " I'm my fucking Jesus Christ you motha ducking jerk!" She yelled and I giggled. " you know it's only me that showers with you" I said feeling bad already from last night just touching her. "You idiot you scared me" she said laughing. She wrapped her arms around me and said "I'm sorry I yelled at you I just over reacted" and that made me feel way worse. "It's ok I do bad things too" she smiled and kissed me. While we were in the shower hailey jacked me and I fingered her.

The boys came over. So it was Nash, Hailey , me , and Carter. " man clubbing yesterday was fun as hell" said carter. "Yes it was my friend" I said and nash said "well me and nadia were grinding and then things went serious so we got down go business" and then hailey said " well it wasn't fun for me I waned u king scared that Justin was hurt" and I looked up at the ceiling. "Ohhhhhhhh I thought he went home with you" "no I was home alone" hailey said. Shit shit shit shit. "He went home with a blonde and said he was gonna get down to business with her" fuck I'm caught. I looked at night and lip said "shut the hell up" and he was like I am so sorry. Hailey looked at me with her eyes watery. She stood up and started yelling at me. "Hailey baby it was an accident I was drunk" I said to her. "So it doesn't matter Justin if I were you I still wouldn't cheat on my god damn girlfriend!" She yelled at me with her tears falling. " you know what Justin I loved you I really did but you leave me no choice... W-we a-are done" she said. That broke my heart into pieces. The guys just sat there feeling bad for me. "Wait hailey I am sorry I didn't know what I was thinking" I said crying. " and I don't know what I was thinking to date you... The best mistake I've ever made" she said with tears and walking out the door. I just made the biggest mistake of my life.

Haileys pov

How can he do this to me? How can he hurt me like this when I've been nothing but good to him? I am in tears right now. Then I felt someone tap my shoulder. "Umm excuse me miss but are you ok?" I looked up and seen a cute man. "Yea just a little break up but I'm fine" "oh I just seen you crying so I figured you weren't fine" I smiled and thought at least some one cares about my feeling. "I'm hailey" I said sticking out my hand for him shake it. She shook it and then said his name was "hi my name is Hayes... Hayes Grier" he said. Well Hayes you and I are gonna be good friends. Hayes and I spent the rest of the day together and I totally forgot about Justin's and I break up. I took my mind off of...Justin.

Soooooooooo............ How was this chapter. I hope you guys like it. Please comment in the comment in the comment section please. And please vote for my vote that would mean a lot. I love u lovelies byeeeee!!~K2B💜💙💜💙❤️💜💙❤️💜💙✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️✖️

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