Happy Anniversary!❤️

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1 Year Later...

Justin's pov
Hailey and I have been dating for a year now which is amazing. If you got to know her you would wanna know her more and be with her 24/7 like me. It was haileys and my anniversary today after a year of being together. I think I'm gonna have a little family get together.She will love it. I don't know why but I was super tired after hailey and I had a really long night😏. I wanna say we straight banged for 2 or 3 hours, legit. The thought of it made me smile and then smirk. I was still sleeping when I felt someone tapping me and then started shaking me. "GET OFF ME BRO!! GOD LET ME SLEEP!!! 10 MORE MINUTES!!" "I already gave you 10 more minutes, I came in here like 10 minutes ago you fucking idiot" Nash said. He started shaking me and it was pissing me off. "I SAID GET OUTTA HERE!!" I yelled back and Nash muttered a 'fine' and walked out the door slamming my door. Then all of a sudden you can here Nash yelling at someone saying "Go wake up your Prince Charming my fucking ass!" You little mothafucker. I heard the door open and I didn't see who it was because I was laying on my stomach and my face stuffed in my pillow with the blankets covering me so I was in absolute darkness. "Baby, Justin" hailey cooed. I turned around and I met those brown eyes I fell in love with. "Good morning lazy ass" she greeted me. "what a nice way to be greeted in the morning" I said sarcastically and plumped my head back into my pillow. "But it was better than Nash waking me up and I went off on him" I said to her and caused her to giggle. "You meanie" she said plopping her self and the bed wrapping her arm around me. I turned around and wrapped my tatted arm around her body and kissed her head. "Your such a ladies man" she laughed at me. I laughed and said" you want me to be a jerk cause I'm perfectly good at that" "no no no I'm good you stay like this" she said really fast. " now c'mon I made breakfast." That woke me up. "Omg did you make pancakes?" I said like a little kid. "Mmmhhh with maple syrup, your favorite" she smirked. I hovered over her and kissed her lips and said "I love you" and she muttered it back. I started planting little kisses on her neck and I ended up started sucking which left amounts of hickeys. "Jus-s-stin" she moaned and wrapped her arms around my neck and pulling my hair. I rose my head from her neck and said "happy 1st anniversary babe"band she said it back but then flipped us over so now she was on top💁. "You should really learn how to NOT tease a girl and I'm gonna teach you the hard way" she smirking. "Ok we will see how long you will go without having sex" I said it giggling. "Me! me! Really Justin your the sex addict over here not me" she said laughing. "Well how can u not if I got you here to please me and my needs" I said smirking. "Your needs my ass" she said laughing. I flipped us again and now I was on top and kissed her and said" now I believe you and I were in a very important make out" I said seductively in her ear. She smiled and flipped us again so now she was on top again. " I don't recall but I know I have pancakes waiting though" she said seductively. I playfully pushed her off and ran downstairs leaving her upstairs. No one comes between my pancakes and I and I mean no one. Hailey came downstairs in a minute later and says" jeez what a great way to repay me for making your dumb ass pancakes but I get pushed off the bed ok" she said laughing. "So-orry" I tried saying because I was stuffing my face with pancakes. "Pig" she said getting out milk and the strawberry shake out. "Fwuck ywo" I tried saying fuck you but the stupid pancakes got in the way. After we finished eating we decided to watch movies in our room. We were in the middle of watching 'The Notebook' which is my favorite movie of all time but then hailey spoke up and said" I'm sorry Justin but when are you going to shave Mr. Peach Fuzz?" She said laughing. " how about no" I replied back. "But whenever I kiss you it tickles my nose" she laughed and replied back to me. "Well then no kissing no more" I said. "Fine" she said and turned back to the movie with a smile on her face. "Ohhhh c'mon you made me miss my favorite part in the movie thanks a lot hailey" I said laughing and pouting at the same time. "Your welcome baby that's your anniversary present." And I stayed still by I needed to kiss hailey badly even though she doesn't like my 'peach fuzz' to what she says. I just went in and kissed her and she kissed back. I pulled away and said "sorry I had to" " it's ok I needed it to but back to the movie" she said pushing me back down on the bed. "Bu-" "SHHHHHH!!!" "Jeez ok man chill bro" "SHHHHH" and we continued watching the movie. It's time to bring the family together.

Haileys pov
"Baby" "yea" "why don't you go to the mall or something with nadia" "well I guess" "go call her" and I went to go call her..... I was getting ready to go shopping. I put on my grey crop top that says 'Taken' and I put some black tights with my grey comeback boots and grabbed my bag and put my phone and girl supplies. I went to the bathroom and put a little make up. I just put my hair in a ponytail and checked my phone and Nadia texted me a minute ago saying she was here already. Yea she left and moved in with Nash. Lord thank you I don't need to hear them fucking anymore. I was walking out when Justin gave me a kiss and said to be careful and to have fun. I walked out and made my way to the car. "Ohhhh girl you look fine" nadia said. "Thank you so so you" we were shopping and I just bought Victoria lace underwear and lace bras, yea so what I like lace things is that a crime if it is I just committed crime. Oops😱. I bought a lingering for Justin and I when we get busy if you know what I mean. I was paying for my things when Justin called me.. "Hello" "hey baby" "hey how's it going?" " it's good are you coming home already?" "Yea I'm just paying for my things and I'll be home like in 20 minutes" " ok baby see you soon" "see u soon love u" "love u too" and we hung up. I was looking for nadia and I couldn't find her so I called her...
"Hola" "haha girl where are you?" "Oh I'm by the car" "what the hell I was looking for you" " oh you were taking forever so I just went to the car" " ok I'll be there in 5 minutes" "ok bitch bye" "right back at you bye bye" I said like a white bitch. I got to the car and Nadia was there waiting for me. "Here you drive I'm tired." I said. "Lazy ass" and I just flipped her off. When we got home we took out our bags and walked to the front door. But something was unusual. There was a lot of cars on the block and when we got to the door there was a note tapped on it. It read "my dearest hailey i love you and your smile can shine as bright as the sun walk to the backyard.~Justin" I smiled and started walking to the backyard. I seen another note and it said "hello beautiful you are almost there keep walking straight~Justin" I looked at nadia and she was smiling so big her cheeks probably were hurting. I kept walking straight and then I found another note on the screen door in the back yard and it said"you made it beautiful now for the finally turn around" I had tears in my eyes and turned around and seen Justin holding a bouquet of roses and another note. I grabbed the note and it said" happy anniversary love" I let a few tears drop and I took the roses and Justin said "go inside" I went inside and then everyone yelled "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY JUSTIN AND HAILEY!!!!" And I just smiled and laughed. Justin came up behind me and wrapped an arm around my waist and dragged me to the living room and turned the music up and we started partying. Maybe around 12:00 AM in the morning the doorbell went off. Justin told me to wait and he went to open the door but before he could open the door I pulled him back and said "did you invite anyone else?" He just smirked and shook his head yes.

Justin's pov
"Did you invite anyone else?" I just smirked and shook my head yes. I went through haileys file and found out she had a older sister named Esmeralda and that she lived in New York. I called her and told her I was haileys boyfriend and I asked her if she can come for a while and celebrate our anniversary so that must be her at the door. I opened it and I stand correct it is Esmeralda. "Hi I'm Esmeralda, Haileys sister" she smiled. "His I'm Justin her boyfriend come in" I said and gave her a hug. "Let me go call hailey real quick" I went looking for her and I dragged her to the front door. She looked up and once she saw who was out the door she started tearing up. All she said was "Esmeralda"
And all Esmeralda said was "Hey sis"

Cliffhanger!!!!!! Please vote and comment on the book. Oh and this is for you Esmeralda
Thank you for reading I will update later on. Love you lovelies-kidrauhl_2_bizzle💙💜❤️💙💜❤️

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