Author's Note❤️

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Hi guys it's me, not a update. I just wanted to say thank you to all those people out there for reading my book. I know it's not good but to you guys it's an ok book. To me getting 822 views on this book means a lot to me. I'm not a great author but i try my best when it comes down to this shit. Yes I write a lot of intercourse scenes so if you aren't 13 and up or you don't like that then this isn't the right book for you to read. Now for all those horny people out there and people that like intercourse read this book all day every day now thank you again and good night lovelies oh and that reminds me I won't be able to update 2 times a day only once a day and on the Weeknd I will try to update twice but that's not if I'm busy with my soccer and family but yea. And if you are going to ask about my phone yes I do have a iPhone 6 plus for your information and its silver. I wanted gold but they ran out so theres the answer to your phone question. Byeeee love you!~K2B💜💙❤️💜💙❤️💜💙❤️

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