Meeting Each other

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Justins p.o.v

Oh lord feels good to be back in the Calabasas. Wonder what scooter has in store for me might as well call hhim.

Ring ring ri-

"Hello justin" "eyy what up Scooter so whats in plan now meeting this chick hailey?" "she is your new model assistant so youll be taking photos with her and yep" "okay so umm when do we start?" "today" "what!today!why cant i rest for a bit i just got home from tour but mmhhh uhh is she pretty?" "justin you arent hooking up with her and yes very pretty" "damet scooter what happened last time stays last time it was my fault how many times do i have to say im sorry" "you dont but any who i will see you later in around 7ish ok" "alright boss"

Haileys p.o.v

Now im exhausted i juat wanna sleep for once. Justin should be here any minute. I'm in the studio waiting for him for the last past damn hour. Can he go any slower actually dont answet that. As reality came back justin entered and looked like his eyes popped out his sockets. Then he started coming towards me oh gosh what do i do or say. I got this act cool and smooth.

"Hey im justin" "hi im hailey" "nice to meet you for once." "yep so the photo shoot whats its gonna be" " idk they wont tell ne justin""i know they wont tell me neither" we kept talking and talking until it was the photo shoot and i was practically naked for what i was wearing and how short it was. Here goes nothing for a stupid magazine.

***********Photo shoot*************

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