Lost In Paradise

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Haileys pov
I woke up this morning feeling like shit. I am in so much stress because I seen my sister and she left me for 4 in a half years and she expects me to forgive her in just a snap of a finger. I was lying in bed when all these thoughts gave me a really bad headache. I tried to get up but I couldn't because Justin's arm was securely wrapped around my waist. I pulled his arm up and put it underneath the blanket with his naked body and I got up slowly and put my underwear and knight gown back on. I walked out he room and shut it so he won't hear me make noise trying to get the pills from the top cabinet. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a glass and filled it with water and placed it on the counter and began looking for the pills to stop my headache. I found one and grabbed on pill and drank it with my water. I washed my cup and the grabbed strawberries and made my way to the room to lay down. I opened the door and sat on the bed with my night stand light on and placed the strawberries on my lap and turned the 72' inch flat screen tv on and started watching CSI: MIAMI. I was watching the one where Justin actually came on when he played the character Jason McCann... Note: Justin Bieber actually played in CSI:MIAMI with his Bieber bangs... Justin began tossing and turning in bed and then he woke up and I met those hazel brown eyes. "Good morning baby" I said kissing his lips. "Good morning babe" he said back. "You wanna strawberry?" I asked him pulling one out for him. He shook his head yes and I placed it in his mouth. He got up and put his boxers on from last night cause we had a long night and made his way to the bathroom. Once he got out I went in to take a shower. I jumped in and started taking a shower.

Justin's pov
Hailey just got in the shower so I might as well go in with her so we can save water😏😏😏. She was taking a shower and I joined her and she shivered as I placed a kiss on her shoulder. "Shhh it's just me baby" she relaxed a bit and turned around placing her arms around my neck and my arms snaked around her waist. I asked her" do you feel better?" She looked in my eyes and I could tell she was broken and lost. She shook her head no and I just hugged her with all my heart as the water kept falling on us. After we were done with our shower hailey and I decided to go or for a bit and walk around the mall. She got dressed in her black short shorts with her white tank top and white rainbow sandals. I got dressed in my black saggy pants and a blue t-shirt and my black supras. We both got into my black pearl Range Rover and we left to the mall.
We got to the mall and started looking around and shopping. We walked by K-Jewels and hailey seen some piece of jewelry she had and then began crying. I never seen her cry so much so I sat her down on a bench and I tried to comfort her as best as possible. "j-justin" she said between her tears. "Yes babe" I said hugging her. "I can not do this no more."and that broke my heart. To see her in pain is my weakness but she doesn't know that. "D-do what baby?" "That piece of jewelry I seen I have and my parents got that for me when I was 9 years old before they died" she said crying more than ever in a mall ok. "It's ok baby you have me here ok" "ok but you promise me you won't leave me?" "I promise" and she stuck her pink out for my to meet hers and I did👌. "Let me tell you this you are the most prettiest , nicest , funniest , and ect person I have ever met... I can go on and tell you everything I love about you If you want I have no problem" he said chuckling. "No it's ok and I love you more than words can describe and you are the most sexiest person I ever met." She said to me. "Of course I'm the most sexiest guy you ever met I'm mean look at me who wouldn't fall for this you gotta be blind to not see." I said laughing and she started laughing too. "Alright let's go home and cuddle my little cuddle monster" she said "I would love too" I said back to her and we started driving home.

Haileys pov
I think it's sweet how Justin tries to comfort me. But it's no use because I'm broken. I mean I love my life it's paradise but now that my sister returns and acts like nothing ever happened I'm lost. So it's like I'm lost in paradise... I think. I need Justin not just with me but in me to make me forget things. He is so gentle and I love him for that because he cares about me but not just that because he knows that if he fucks me hard I won't be able to walk for the next couple of weeks. "JUSTIN" I yelled from upstairs while he was downstairs using the bathroom. " YEA BABY" he yelled back. "AFTER YOUR DONE USING THE BATHROOM COME TO THE ROOM" I yelled to him. "OK GIVE ME A SEC" "OK" a minute later he comes in. Wait never mind I won't ask him I'm just upset that why I wanna do it but it's not gonna be meaningful so I won't ask. "What happened baby girl" he asked. "I want to cuddle with you and talk" "ok scoot your ass over" and he jumped next to me and wrapped his arm around me. " Justin I'm lost in paradise" "what" he said.

Cliffhanger lovelies I love you I will update again soon today so don't worry. Please comment or vote for my story I love u~Kidrauhl_2_Bizzle❤️💙💜❤️💙💜

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