Sorry What?!

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Justin's pov
"Umm my answer is..." My heart kept a rush in that you could probably hear it beating literally. "You don't have to say yes hailey I will understand why if you don't" I said in a some way sad tone. "I didn't get to say my answer don't jump in to conclusion yet jeez" she laughed. "Ok so what is your answer then hailey?" " my answer answer is...yes" oh my gosh did I just hear the words I wanted to hear hold up"sorry what?!?!"she giggled and again said"I said yes justin" and with that I gave her the biggest hug and looked at her signaling if I could kiss her. She immediately understood and shook her heard yes. I smashed my lips on her soft pink lips and we kissed for at least 3 straight full minutes. I pushed her down on top of my car and still kept kissing her. I hovered over her and waited to see if she would do anything but she didn't. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I wrapped mine around her tiny petite waist. I pulled away before anything could happen and we just stood there looking in each other's eyes. Then I snapped back and heard an angel voice "what are you looking at creep?" Did she just- " excuse me ma'am?" " I'm just kidding" she giggled. Oh how much I loved that giggle. She then closed the silence and said "Emilyia is going to get mad at me for dating you" she frowned then I frowned but I lifted up her chin with my two fingers and stared into those beautiful eyes. " hey we can do any thing ok" " but what if she finds out?" " then I'm here for you and always will be" "promise?" She said sticking out her pinky☝️☝️☝️I just laughed at her childish movements like really pinky promises?" Yes I promise love" and stuck out my pinky wrapping it around her little pinky. We got in my car and started driving to my house holding hands.

Hailey pov
Oh my gosh I am actually dating the Justin Bieber? Right now we are driving to his house oh god bad things happen when you go to your boyfriends house I'm just kidding I'm not stupid like them other girls I take care of my body. I didn't realize that we were here until Justin opened the door like a gentleman and said "there you go love" in his British accent " why thank you handsome" I said back in my British accent. We walked hand in hand to his backyard and since it was night time and dark outside we just layed outside in the ground with a nice view in the back. My head was laying on the grass and he was next to me laying on his side. "Hi there" I said to him. "Hello beautiful" with that we layed there in silence and kissed once in while. I checked my phone and it was already 1 in the morning. "Oh it's late already!" "Yea I should start taking you home now" "wait do you have a guest room or something" "yea why" "cause I don't wanna leave you" I said looking down blushing. "Oh you wanna sleep here huh" he said smirking. "Don't thing wrong" " ok follow me" and with that he gave me some basketball shorts and a over large shirt and he changed and we just fell asleep in each others arms smiling like nut heads.

Cliffhanger guys sorry I haven't updated I'm busy with school and stressed a bit and going through a rough time and my dad made me delete my Instagram which sucks but I will try to update more often love u babies💖💖💖💖

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