Photo Shoot

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Baileys p.o.v
Is this seriously happening? Am I really on top of Justin like nothing. Am I holding his pants as if I were his girlfriend. Yep I am we are doing photo shoots that are very sexual. I don't know why I'm feelings this but I actually like this position. I just hope I don't fall for him. That's my biggest fear.

Justin's p.o.v
Oh my dear lord! Hailey has an amazing body. The things I can do to her right now. Right now she is on top of me and I'm under. SNAP! SNAP! SNAP!
"Ok next position is hailey underneath Justin and Justin you hugging her with no shirt." This day keeps on getting better and better. I just needed to talk to her so here it goes.
"hi-i hailey"damn I haven't shuddered since my breakup with Selena. "Oh hi justin" "hey so how you liking the photo shoot so far?" "Actually I like it a lot but it just seems too sexual don't u think?" "Oh umm yea is kinda does but at least we aren't dating you know cuz it would be awk-kward" damet I just ruined it way to go Justin. "Yea" she said awkwardly. "Justin Hailey get back here to the shoot know we don't have time for chit chatting." So next thing you know we are doing the photo shoot. Scooter said that they might put these photos in magazines and they will be posted everywhere all over the world. Damn am I that irresistible, I mean I know I'm sexy and all that but I didn't think I was all that! Haha I just made myself laugh. Everybody started looking at me and giving me weird faces and then I see hailey looking at me and smiled and did I make her giggle! Her giggle can make someone's day. Oh no I hope I don't fall for her. I've haven't dated anyone for 2 years after Selena and I. Selena cheated on me with Zac Efron. I seen them shoving each other's tongues in each other's mouths. Oh damn I think I'm whipped again.

Haileys p.o.v
I was talking to Emilyia when I just hear a laugh out of no where so I turned around. I just see Justin laughing and everyone looks at him awkardly. I just look at him and smile he smiles back but then the thought of him laughing popped up in head again so I giggled. I think Justin made me blush. It felt good talking to Justin but then after he brought up if we were dating then it became awkard as hell. Now that I think of it I wonder how it would be if Justin and I did date. Would Emilyia let us or will she be a fricken jerk and not let us because he is famous and I'm just a model. Ughhhh I hate this I just want to be his girlfriend already!!!! Then I heard Emilyia say something.
"What did you just say Hailey?" "Uhh nothing" "you will never date Justin ever" "who said I ever have to listen to you" "last time I checked in your manager and what I say goes" "you don't give a fudge of what I do you just want the money and I can do what ever I want" " no I do not I absolutely care about your career and I need you to focus and not date because if you two break up then your not going to focus and lose your career." "I'm not gonna lose it I can do it even I'm in a heartbreaker" "we will see but don't you even dare be with him or you'll regret it" "what would you do?" "I'd wouldn't date him if I were you"
And with that I went home list of and pretty sure Justin was sad because I didn't say bye

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