The Glitch Learns By Himself

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Dream and Blue quickly ran into Sci's lab. The lab was reading over some things till they barged in and spooked him a little. "Sci!" Dream would call to him. Sci turned to them, "Huh what is-" he would try to ask a question.

"No time! Do you think you can send a mass message to everyone?" Dream asked. Sci titled his head, "I can, I guess," he said as he'd go over to his big monitor with cameras everywhere in the multiverse.

He'd pull something up and select an option to send a message to everyone's phone. At least to the phones of the people Ink knows. "What do you want to put in the message?" Sci asked.

Dream would walk over to his keyboard and start writing a message. It was a message of Ink plan. It told them what to do if seen by Fresh, or told by Fresh to see them. They were instructed to stall and try to alert of Fresh presents, or run and blame it on someone else if they can.

Once Dream was done he sent it to everyone. Blue and Dream phone went off once Dream sent it. Blue opened his phone, "I got it!" Blue said, "Good, then everyone must have gotten it," Dream sighed

"Can you now explain to me what's happening?" Sci asked. "Ink made up a plan to try and trap Fresh somehow...Fresh's current motive is a skeleton named Error. We aren't sure why he wants him, but Ink wants to make sure Error is safe," Dream said

"I don't know where Error is though...only Ink knows, I was told to just blame it on others and run away from Fresh, or stall till Ink comes to the scene before running," Dream explained, "That's why I have Blue if we can just pretend we're passing Error around, then Ink will soon get a chance to capture Fresh and get rid of him for good," Dream said

Sci nodded, "Seems like a...fairly good plan," Sci shrugged, looking to the side. "I hope it is...Error has been given false hope that Fresh is his friend, which is why Ink is keeping him away, to a place no one knows." Dream said

"Wait- but if he's a skeleton, can't he just teleport and leave?" Sci asked. "I doubt that," Blue intervened, "He he doesn't know how to use portals or teleport, he only knows bone magic I think, even with that, I doubt he knows how to use it," Blue said

"Error so innocent, in which is why he thinks Fresh is a friend, but once Fresh IS gone, we can properly teach Error how this world works," Dream said. The entrance door would open again, which Ink walked through.

"Ink! You're back!" Dream would rush over. "Heh, yeah," Ink chuckled, "Are you alright?" Dream asked, "Yeah...I'm sure Fresh is probably looking around, but thanks for sending that message for me, that really helped!" Ink smiled

"Well, I have Blue to thank! I wouldn't have thought of it unless he mentioned Sci!" Dream smiled. Blue giggled a bit, "No problem Dream!" he'd say with an energetic tone.

"Where'd you go by the way?" Dream asked, "I went to check on Error, I'm sure he's not too happy...he tried to attack me, and ruin the place I put him, but I'm sure he's taking a nice nap now!" Ink smiled, making it seem like he did no harm when it was the opposite. They don't need to know that though.

Dream sighed with relief. "Anyways, we should all be on the lookout for Fresh, I told everyone to keep their phone on them at all times so if they see him they have your phone number Ink!" Dream said

At that moment Ink phone went off. "Hm?" Ink rose a brow before checking his phone, "Farmer Sans?... He never calls, guess I gotta check up on him! Thanks, Dream!" Ink would then answer the phone and turn around getting ready to leave

"Hello?... Alright, I'm on my way, keep him distracted for me!" Ink would then hang up and grab his paintbrush before teleporting through it.

Dream would then turn back to Blue, "I don't think it's safe for you to go back home Blue," Dream would say, "Huh?...why?" he'd asked, "Your home is almost always getting attacked, so best to just...stay away from home till everything calms down," Dream would say

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