Ink's Plan

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Ink teleported to Dream AU. Ink went over to Dream's house and knocked on his door. Dream answered the door, "Oh, Ink?" Dream rose a brow, "I have Error...we're all on the watch out for Fresh now," Ink said

"Oh-" Dream said, "We must keep an eye out, make sure no one slips that I have him if he figures out that I have Error he's going to make a ruin of the multiverse. From seeing what happened with Haven he kept using the Virus to force us to tell us where Error was...then it was all just a distraction for us so Fresh could find Haven...Haven was pressured since he didn't have many places to go to so that ended up in Fresh getting Error," Ink reasoned
Dream really thought this was a bad idea

"But with Error out of the equation Fresh will be running around like a headless chicken...he'll use the virus to get my attention," Ink said

"Okay? But you can't just say you don't know where he is! Last time you almost got both your arms ripped off!" Dream exclaimed.

"Right...I need a diversion..." Ink thought, "I don't want other sanses to be in trouble-...wait! I COULD KILL TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE!" Ink smiled

Dream rose a brow. "Okay! Hear me out!... We tell Fresh that one of our friends have him!... When Fresh is going after them, we can capture him!" Ink smiled


"THEN! One of you! Either Blue or you can go where Error is and watch him- NO I can't do that...he won't believe you we need PROOF-"

"Whatever! I just need to make sure he stays there, no portals, so no one can go there...we just need to capture Fresh, kill that parasite and we can show Error the world without that parasite!" "INK!!!" Dream yelled

Ink looked over to Dream.

"...I've been thinking...maybe Fresh wants Error so badly because he likes a friend?" Dream wondered, tapping his fingers together. "Tch! Don't be ridiculous Dream! Come on, you really think an EMOTIONLESS thing like him can have friends?!" Ink grinned

"You have friends and your emotionless-" Dream pointed out. Ink sighed, "Don't compare me to, I have vials to mimic emotions, unlike him who pretends and copies other people's smiles..." Ink said

"Well...he's not ALL that emotionless, you saw his rage! How much he wanted Error...maybe he isn't all that emotionless," Dream said

"...Did you feel any emotion in the hollow husk of a skeleton?" Ink asked, "...I felt rage...I'm not sure...about happiness," Dream looked to the side

"Yeah- Plus, I'm the only one who can push his buttons and make him angry, that's simple-" Ink rolled his eyes, "He has no emotions, he doesn't care for Error and he's planning on 

something!... Something that Error has that Fresh wants, and it's NOT his friendship!" Ink said

"I want to protect every innocent as you do, so trust me on this one!" Ink said.Dream looked down, "I mean-..." Ink did have a valid point..."I guess...I trust you Ink," Dream looked up to him. Ink smiled, "I knew I could count on you! Anyways! Better be ready! I'm gonna say you have Error first so if you see Fresh, go to....let's say Underswap! I'll meet you there if I'm not badly injured! If I'm not there, ask Blue for help and escape with him!" Ink smiled

Ink opened a portal to the doodle sphere, "Sure thing Ink," Dream looked over to Ink, "See ya'! Gotta make sure Fresh isn't ruining the multiverse!" Ink smiled, going into the portal before it closed.

Dream sighed. Dream went over to his front door, going outside his house before closing the door. If he's gonna be chasing him rather it be outside.

"I'll...take a walk," Dream said, uneasy about him being bait as he started to take a walk.

Error was in the playroom, ripping all the teddy bears and stuffed animals in the room. Error smiled at his stuffed covered fork. "ThIs Is VeEy ShArP! BeTtEr ThAn ThAt SpOoN!" Error giggled. Error kept stabbing the animals in the room.

He pulled out all the toys and gathered all the stuffing, and ripped toys to the back of the room. After a while, it gathered up quite a lot. Error moved onto the plastic toys. He started with the squishy dolls, ripping and popping off there head, arms, and legs, throwing them around the room

He laughed in joy from destroying all of Ink creation in this room. He kept doing this, pouring legos on the floor for him to step on. Error kept doing this, throwing everything making holes in the wall before ripping the walls to make the wall bigger before throwing the wall pieces around.

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